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I was in the bedroom, reading a manga, when Kyoko entered the room, looking kind of tired.

"Kyoko, are you okay?" I asked, standing up.

"I just... Hina-" She fell forward into the bed, falling asleep.

I decided to call Hina.

"Hey Hina!" I said.

"Hey Makoto! Wassup?"

"What did you and Kyoko do today, exactly?" 

"Oh, we just cleaned up some stuff in the park!"

My eyebrows furrowed, "It's almost 90 degrees out today!"

"Spring is weird, what can I say?" I could almost hear Hina's smile as she hung up.

"Kyoko?" I asked softly, moving her up to the pillows and draping a blanket over top of her.

She mumbled some stuff, holding her hand close to her chest. I laid down next to her, hugging her, hoping to calm her down.

It kind of worked. I felt her relax, at least a little bit, which was good.

"Love you Kyoko." I said softly, kissing her head. She moved her head onto my shoulder

"Love you too Makoto." She mumbled, hugging me close.

I played with her hair, eventually falling asleep myself.


The next day, Kyoko and I were eating breakfast. Kyoko went with an apple, while I, on the other hand, was eating my personal favorite, cereal!

"Kyoko?" I looked up from my bowl. "I think I might get a job..."

"Cosplaying, technically, is a job though." Kyoko said, leaning back in her chair.

"A part time job, at least. At a pizza shop or something. We need more of an income, I am starting to loose money with loans and whatnot." (I don't actually know how this stuff works so...)

"Ok Makoto." She nodded, laughing. "I understand."


I handed the manager the registration form thing, nervously fiddling with my hands below the desk where he couldn't see them.

He scanned over the paper, nodding.

"You can start as a cashier. You have good social skills, I presume?"

"Yep!" I nod eagerly, smiling.

"Work hours, for you, are Mondays through Fridays, 3 PM to 8 PM. Don't ever be late, unless you contact me first. See you tomorrow, Mr. Naegi."

He handed me a uniform and whatnot and I nodded, smiling brightly.

There was another reason I was doing this, besides the loans and stuff.

I really want to take Kyoko somewhere after our wedding. Not for a honeymoon, since I want it to be a surprise.

I want to take Kyoko to some places in Italy!

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