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The entire kiss I tried really really reallyyyyy hard not to blush. 

Finally we finished that photo, and I looked down, hiding my face.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick-" I said, rushing off. 

When in the bathroom, I looked at my pink face, splashing water on it a bit.

I walked out again, wiping some water that was dripping from my face.

"Heh... sorry about that." I said quietly, smiling again. "Shall we continue?"

Hina looked at Kyoko, who looked back sternly.

"Actually we were just finishing!" Hina said, her energy dropping.

"Oh, uh, alright. See y'all around!" I wave and walk out, taking off my wig while walking. 

"hEY, WAIT, MAKOTO!" Hina ran after me, breathing heavily.

"Yeah?" I asked. 

"I'm having a... party tonight..." she kept breathing deeply, out of breath clearly. "Wanna come?"

"I- uh, actually promised my sister I'd hang out with her tonight. Mom and Dad are going away for the weekend, I'm really sorry."

"Nah, bring her along!" Hina regained her posture, smiling while eating a donut...

"Uhm, alright." I nod. "See you soon."

"You too!" She ran back over to Sakura and Kyoko.

I got in my car, driving home.

"Makoto, glad you're home. Komaru is in her room, we will be leaving now." Dad smiled at me and ruffled my hair.

"Love you Makoto!" Mom said, kissing my forehead then walking out with Dad following suit.

"Komaru!" I called, walking up to her room. She met me at the top of the staircase.


"I'm going to a party tonight, wanna come?"

"Ew, no, go by yourself." She grimaced.

"Come on Komaru. Toko might be there?"

"Do you think she could sign one of my books?!" Komaru's eyes lit up.

I shrugged. 

"I'm coming!" She rushed to her room, grabbing a book, then coming back downstairs. "When do we leave?"

"Uh... no idea." 

"Oh my god." Komaru facepalmed.

My phone buzzed, and I looked down.

Kyoko has been removed from the conversation

NaegiMakoto has been added to the conversation

MissDonutWater: HEY EVERYONE! 

PieceOfCrap: Hello Hina. Why did you remove Kyoko? 

MissDonutWater: Because I am planning a party, Byakuya! 

PieceOfCrap: Count me out. 

ByakuyaIsMyMaster: If my master isn't going, than I shall not either.... 

NaegiMakoto: Uhm, someone mind explaining what this is for me?

MissDonutWater: Oh come on Byakuya, Toko, you've gotta come! It's for Kyoko, when was the last time she had any fun at all?!

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