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"Makoto, it's been a while. Where have you been lately?" Mom asked as I walked inside.

"I usually stay at Kyoko's, why?"

Mom frowned and Dad shifted awkwardly, "Makoto... if you're never going to utilize the space we give you, why not just move out?"

"Are you kicking me out of the house, mom?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowing.

"No, of course not Makoto! I'm just saying, if you're not going to utilize the home we give you, we are setting restrictions." She sighed. "Just... the house is open during the time frame of 8 AM and 10 PM. If you're not home by those times, you're getting locked out of the house. You know us, we are a early to bed early in the morning kind of people."

"I understand mom." I nod. I walked up to my room, looking at the mess it was.

I sat on my bed, deciding to open my computer and scroll through some homes.

I searched up, "Starter homes for teenagers" then scrolled through the options, eventually finding one I actually liked. 

I sent it to my mom, seeing what she would say. 


What do you think?

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What do you think?

It looks great honey! Do you want me and                                                                                                               dad to help you get it? Can you pay for it?

Yeah, I think I'll be fine. Thanks mom

You're welcome Makoto


I sigh and close out of my phone, lying back on my bed and staring at my ceiling.

Eventually, I fell asleep.

A few hours later I woke up, feeling hungry. 

So, naturally, I went into the kitchen, looking through the food.

I poured myself a bowl of cheerios and went onto tiktok, scrolling out of boredom.

//this literally defines me tho-//

"MAKOTOOOOOOO!" Komaru screamed, barreling downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Yes, Komaru?"


"You're that exited for me to leave this house?"

She started making herself some popcorn, "YEP!"

"Wow." I shake my head.

"Whats wrong with you, you've been so negative lately."

I shrug, "I dunno."

"Maybe you should see a doctor, Makoto."

"Yeah Komaru. Maybe I should." 

I sigh, getting up from the table, "I think today is just a down day."

"Ya know what helps me through bad, down days?" Komaru smiled.


"Popcorn, a good movie, and someone to cuddle with." She winked at me and took her popcorn, walking into her room.

"Whats the harm." I mutter to myself, then drove over to Kyoko's place.

"Hey Makoto!" She greeted me, opening the door and allowing me to come inside.

"Hey Kyoko. Is Hina here?"

"Nah, she and Sakura are at Sakura's place today. Doing each other good I-" Kyoko coughed. "Anyways, wassup?"

"Wanna watch a movie, maybe get some popcorn, includes a lot of cuddles..." I said nervously, scared suddenly she was going to say no.

"Of course! Whats wrong, by the way."

"What do you mean? I'm fine, just want some cuddles."

"That's not what Komaru said. She said you were having a 'down' day."

"Oh... she told you?" I hung my head. "Well, yeah, I'm not feeling so energetic today. I think that party really wore me out."

"Oh. Ok." Kyoko smiled and went into the kitchen, while I picked out a movie to watch: Mean Girls.

"Good choice!" She said, sitting next to me and smiling. She put the bowl of popcorn in the middle of us, and I hugged her. She draped a blanket over our legs and turned on the movie.

We watched Mean Girls, and about halfway through, after Regina got banned from sitting at the Plastics table, I fell asleep.

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