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When I had fully waken up again, and the ability to process things came to me, Kyoko told me what she had been hiding from me.

My typical response, to hug her, naturally came in. So, obviously, I hugged her.

"Why keep those things from me though?" I asked her quietly, curious.

"I'm not sure, Makoto. I just... I was scared of how you were going to respond to these facts, even though I knew it was going to be similar to this."

"Kyoko, I need you to know a few things, always. I will always always always be here for you, I pinky promise!"

"Pinky promise?" She looked confused.

"You've never heard of pinky promises?!"

"Uh... no?"

"Ok, hold out your pinky!"

She did so, confused. I hooked my pinky with hers.

"Kyoko Kirigiri, I pinky promise I will always be there for you, no matter what! And if I ever break this promise, I give you my full consent to cut off my pinky!"

"Thats a little dark, Makoto..."

"It's the rules of the pinky finger. We must respect them." I say, nodding my head. "Anyways, back to the main point. Secondly, I will always love you, no matter what! I will never have another girlfriend or boyfriend, because I am pretty sure I am bisexual."

"Ok Makoto." She laughed quietly, hugging me tightly. 

"And lastly, I love you." I say quietly, yawning.

"I love you too, Makoto, my egg boy. Now go back to sleep." She kissed my forehead.

"Kyoko?" I ask quietly, but I drifted off into a deep sleep before I got the chance to finish my sentence.



The next morning I woke up in the bed, hugging Kyoko tightly. She was sleeping, peacefully if I may add, which was a very good thing.

I smiled and carefully snuck downstairs, starting to cook some eggs, bacon, and pancakes!

When I finished, I poured a glass of orange juice and put it all on a tray, carrying it into the bedroom. I set it carefully on the nightstand and climbed next to Kyoko, hugging her.

"Kyokooooooo." I mumble softly, kissing her nose.

"Hm?" She asked quietly, opening her eyes slowly. I smiled and kissed her quickly.

"I made you breakfast!" I say, smiling happily. I got up and handed her her breakfast.

"Aw, Makoto, you didn't have too." She said, smiling and patting the bed next to her. 

I sat down next to her, hugging her from the side as she ate.

"Do you want something?" She asked. "There is plenty to share."

I nod and grab a pancake and piece fo bacon, wrapping the pancake around the bacon.

"Did you sleep good?" I ask, taking a bite and smiling from the odd food combination taste.

"Yes, better than I have in a while, if I am speaking truthfully."

"That's good. Sometimes we just need to say something to make it all better, right?" 

"Yeah." She kissed my head and finished eating her food. "So what should we do today?"

"We should..." I thought. "We should watch the entire Harry Potter movies!"

// a/n - and im going to bed cuz im really tired, gn! //

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