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Makoto awoke another hour or so later, by then it was around 9:30 am.

"Kyokoooo." He mumbled as he was slowly waking up.

"Mhm?" I replied, putting down my book.

"Cuddlesssssss." He whined, holding out his arms for a hug.

I chuckled quietly, hugging him. "You're like a toddler."

"I know." He smiled contently.

"Morning!" Hina opened the door and threw a box on the bed.

"Good morning Hina. What's this?" I asked, pointing at the box.

"Just a pregnancy test." She smirked, skipping out of the room.

"We didn't even do anyt-" Makoto started.

Hina popped her head in the room and cut him off, "Mhm... Imma go now!"


Makoto and I went out that day to the park, cause he wanted to paint together.

"What're you gonna paint?" I asked as we were setting up the easels.

"We should paint each other!" He suggested.

"Sure!" I agreed.

After about an hour or two of painting, we had both finished.

"Kyoko, this is really good!" He said while looking at mine.

"So is yours! I didn't know you were into the arts." 

"Thanks! And I love art, I've been doing it since I was little. How're you so good at it?" 

"Well, since my grandfather raised me, I was originally raised to be a detective, which I did end up going to college for, and because of the detective work, I got really good at drawing people for investigations, even though I wasn't the sketch artist."

"I didn't know you were in college right now."

"Oh, I'm out of it now, I finished last year."

"Wait- that means you were only sixteen when you enrolled! How?"

I shrugged, "I got really good education and I was smarter than the other kids I guess."

"That's so cool!"

"I guess. It was really stressful though, but I got used to it."

"That's not good."

"Like I said, I got used to it over time."

"I know, but stress isn't good for you no matter what." He said, hugging me.

I hugged him back, chuckling quietly. "I'm okay now."



Makoto's family had invited me to dinner, meaning that it was my first time meeting them.

I knocked on the door, it was answered by a woman, whom I could only assume to be his mother.

"Hi, Kyoko! Makoto always talks about you, it's so nice to finally meet you!" She smiled warmly.

"No I don't!" Makoto called as he ran to the door, flustered.

"It's fine, I think it's cute." I smirked, causing his face to get even redder.

"Please, come in." Mrs. Naegi stepped to the side so that I could come in.

"Thank you." I smiled slightly.

We sat down at the table, steak on the plates.

"So, Kyoko, tell us some more about yourself." Mr. Naegi smiled.

"I love reading, I used to do detective work, and I do find cherry blossoms mesmerizing." I listed.

"Interesting!" Mr. Naegi nodded.

"Kyoko, have you ever investigated a murder?" Komaru asked.

"Komaru!" Mrs. Naegi scolded.

"It's fine," I laughed quietly, "Yes, I have, multiple, in fact."

"Ooooo, that's awesome!" Komaru said, very energetic.


We had talked amongst ourselves before I had to get going.

"How was it?" Hina asked when I walked in the door.

"It was good, Komaru asked a lot of questions about murder though." I pulled my hair tie out of my hair, releasing it from its bun.

"Interesting, well, I'm gonna go now!" She said, rushing back to her room.

"Hi Sakura!" I called, knowing that she was in Hina's room.

"Hello Kyoko!" She replied from the room.

I smirked before going into my room.


I awoke at 2:34 am to the doorbell being rung.

I rubbed my eyes tiredly as I opened the door, it was Makoto.

"It's 2 in the morning?" I said, pulling him inside. "And you're gonna freeze, sweatpants aren't thick enough for winter weather."

"N-Nightmare, you were kidnapped." He managed, hugging me tightly.

"I'm here, it's okay." I comforted.

He ended up sleeping over, as I determined that he was too tired to drive back to his house.

I awoke in the middle of the night, breathing heavily, tears starting to stream down my face. Great, a nightmare. I thought as I sat up

"Kyoko? You okay?" I heard Makoto ask and then the sheets rustling.

"I also had a nightmare." I said simply, lying back down next to him.

"What was it about?" He asked, hugging me.

"It wasn't as much of a nightmare as it was past memories." I explained.

"Aw, I'm sorry." He said, pecking my lips.

"Hey Makoto?"


"I wanna show you my actual hands, I don't wanna hide them from you anymore." I said, turning on the bedside lamp.

He nodded and watched as I took the gloves off, bracing myself for the worst.

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