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*timeskip for the purpose of this chapter*

I had gotten an email a week earlier with an exclusive invitation to this cosplayer's ball thing. It was a formal event, basically a formal party with all the most famous cosplayers. Makoto, the rest of the cosplay group, Komaru, and I had all been invited.

Back to present day; I'm looking through the closet, I have very few formal things.

I found a random purple dress in the back of the closet that I have absolutely no memory of buying or receiving.

I found a random purple dress in the back of the closet that I have absolutely no memory of buying or receiving

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I shrugged and put it on before curling my hair.

"Kyoko, are you ready to go?" Makoto asked, coming into the room. He was dressed in a suit and tie, all ready to go.

"Mhm! I found this dress randomly in the back of the closet." I shrugged.



"I got you that dress and put it in the closet knowing you would find it."

"Thank you! That was very sweet of you." I smiled and hugged him.

"Of course!" He smiled back.

"We should probably get going now so we're not late." I suggested.


We arrived at the party, music was blasting, people were dancing, and Mondo was... drunk (already).

"How is he already drunk?! The party literally started two minutes ago." I muttered in disbelief.

"Good question." Makoto responded.


Makoto and I were dancing to the music whilst Taka was trying to convince Mondo to let him take him home because of how drunk he (Mondo, not Taka) was.

A slow song came on and the two of us started to dance together, I was wearing heels, which added on a few inches to my height, making Makoto way shorter than me.

"You're so tall." Makoto looked up at me.

I chuckled softly, "Keep in mind I'm also wearing heels."

"You look incredibly gorgeous." He blurted.

I blushed, "Thank you, you look very nice too."


When we got back to the house, we got into our pajamas and cuddled up on the couch watching movies.

Makoto yawned, "I'm tired."

"I am too, we should get to bed."

The second Makoto shut his eyes, he fell asleep.

I lie awake next to him, staring at the ceiling. Despite being tired, I just can't fall asleep.

Random thoughts swirled through my mind, most of them being about my past or something similar. I feel terrible that I still haven't told him about the fact that I have Anxiety and that these thoughts keep me up at night.

All of a sudden, he flopped over in his sleep and put one of his arms around me unconsciously.

Randomly, the guilt of hiding those things from him appeared, I tried to push it down to ignore it but that didn't work.

"Makoto?" I whispered, deciding to tell him about the anxiety, the thoughts, all of it.

"Hm?" He mumbled tiredly.

"I've been hiding something from you."

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