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I leaned against the back of my desk chair, slightly tilting it back. I went to check my Instagram and my DMs and comments were flooded with people asking for Makoto and me to collaborate.

I decided to text Makoto to see if he wanted to get coffee or something, as I was pretty bored. 



I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee or something? I'm bored asf lol

Sure! How's Hazelnut Harvest in 15?

That's good!

Okay, see you then!


I left my room to go to the living room. Aoi was sitting on the couch, watching a baking show.

"Oh, hey Kyoko!" She smiled, turning around to look at me.

"Hi, Hina! I'm gonna go out for coffee with a friend, I'll be back later and I'll text you if we end up staying out later, bye!" I said, grabbing my keys from the counter and heading to the door.

"Who's this friendddd?" She smirked.

"Makoto." I replied.


"We literally just met yesterday, you know the rules, no shipping until three weeks after I've met someone." I joked.

"Fineeee." She groaned.

"Anyways, I gotta go, bye!" I said, exiting the apartment.


After we had gotten our drinks, we sat at a table.

"How are you?" He asked.

"Very well, thank you. How are you?" I said.

"I'm good!" He said, his tone cheerful. That's one thing I noticed yesterday; he's very cheerful and optimistic. 

"Do you have any upcoming cosplans?"

"I'm currently making Jefferson's purple costume from Hamilton, the material is terrible to work with though."

"I can see why." I chuckled quietly, "I'm working on a Hamilton one as well, I've already made the dresses for the Schuyler sisters so now I'm making Maria's dress."

"Wow, that's cool!" 

"Have you been getting comments and DMs that are asking you to collaborate with me? Cause I have."

"I have too! They've been requesting all sorts of stuff, such as Evan and Zoe, more Harry and Hermione, Dimitri and Anastasia, Jack and Katherine, they've been requesting Percy and Annabeth the most though."

"Well, then let's give 'em what they want. Do you have a Percy cosplay already?"


"Mkay, good. I have an Annabeth one too. Go back to your house, get ready, text me when you're ready and I'll pick you up." I said simply, brushing my lavender hair out of my face.

"Okay! I don't have anything else to do today so I might as well!"

"Then, I'll see you soon." I said and left the cafe.


"Hey Hina!" I said as I opened the door, then I saw her and Sakura making out, "Hello Sakura."

"Hello Kyoko," Sakura greeted.

"Y-You didn't see anything!" Hina stuttered, a blushing mess.

"Mhm, sure. Anyways, I'm going to get into cosplay and I'm going out again."


"We're giving Makoto's followers what they want." 

"Which is..?"

"A Percy and Annabeth cosplay."

"Ooo can I take the photos?"

"I don't want to steal you from Sakura."

"I'm good with photography, perhaps I can join you as well?" Sakura suggested.

"Well, then I don't see why not. I'll go get ready." I said as I went to my room and changed into the cosplay.


I arrived at the address Makoto had sent me, Aoi and Sakura were in the back with photography equipment. 

Makoto got in the car, looking very different. 

"HAVE FUN WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" A young girl called after him, whom I could only assume was his younger sister.

He blushed, "She's a friend, not my girlfriend!"

"I assume that's your sister?" I chuckled quietly, a small smile playing on my lips.

He nodded, "She can be annoying at times."

"So, Sakura and Hina offered to take our photos, you met them at the con."

He greeted them and we all talked the entire way there. 


We arrived at this lake that my father used to bring me to when I was younger, we're planning on taking photos in the water (fully clothed in cosplay) near the end.

We took a bunch of photos, eventually taking a break to get water and stuff. Aoi kept telling us to pose in very romantic-type poses.

"You two would be so cute together!" Aoi squealed when Makoto was out of earshot

"Hina, no."


"N-" I started but was cut off by Sakura telling us that it was time to continue taking photos.

We finally took the lake photos, it was an odd sensation, being in a lake fully-clothed.

Aoi instructed us to kiss for a photo, I did it, only because she's very persistent.

"Hold that for a few more shots!" She called as Sakura took the photos.

lavender (naegiri au)Where stories live. Discover now