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"Makoto!" Komaru screamed at me. "Why is there a wig in my room?!"

"Ah- sorry Komaru... that's for this new career I've taken an interest in. Ever heard of Kyoko Kirigiri?"

"Uhm, that famous actor girl?"

"No! She is a cosplayer and she is super famous and super awesome and she even makes her own cosplays! I'm doing it too! I really want to."

"Makoto, when you get famous give me some of the money." Komaru rolled her eyes, walking out of my room. My wig was placed (unneatly) on my desk, and I huffed, placing it on the wig stand.

I smiled proudly and took out my scissors, beginning to cut a piece of cloth.


I could not believe it. *The* Kyoko Kirigiri, and I had her phone number.

Kyoko has been my role-model from the start.

And when I started 5 or so years ago, cosplaying that is, I started earning followers.

I don't know how I got so many followers on Instagram so fast, but let me tell you, Harry Potter, Evan Hansen, and a few other musical characters got me really famous.

But the famousness wasn't what I wanted. I got what I wanted.

To meet Kyoko for reals.

Not only that, I got her phone number AND I got to cosplay with her and her friends.

Most of them were really nice. Byakuya was the only cold-hearted like one. But his entrance was funny.

Currently I was sitting at my desk.

On my desk was multiple wig stands (there were many around my room, each one next to the neatly folded costume) neatly placed.

I was working on a robe to add to my Harry Potter cosplay. It was my very first cosplay, and I had added on. So far for that cosplay I had the tie, main outfit, glasses, and the wig. And a wand. All I needed really was the robe.

I started a live video on Insta because I got bored, and greeted followers as they poked in and out. I really liked meeting people, even if I didn't know them personally.

After I finished a sleeve of the robe I picked it up, showing people.

Then I ended it because my sister came into my room all excited.

"Makotoooo! Look how awesome she is!" She showed me a video of Toko Fukawa, one of Kyoko's friends, cosplaying someone while fangirling over that cold-hearted Byakuya Togami.

I shook my head.

"She could do so much better..." I say quietly.

"You MET them?!" Komaru's jaw dropped.

"Yeah, cosplayed with them today." I show her a video someone took. Komaru was so shocked.

"I should have went oh my godddd! Is Toko amazing?"

"Yeah, she's pretty nice I guess...." I nod. "Truthfully we didn't talk much."

"Oh." Komaru nodded. "She writes the best books, too. I'm reading her latest!"

She held up a book by Toko, and I yawned, nodding.

"Well, I'm tired so good night."

"It's..." she checked her watch. "5 o'clock..."

I nod, "Yeah, I don't wanna be around you right now and I'm tired. See ya tomorrow, okay? Tell mom and dad I'm sleeping."

"Whatever. Night!!" She ran out of her room.

Through the thin wall separating her and my room, I could hear Komaru watching cosplay cons and I chuckled.

Hey Makoto!

It was from Kyoko.

'Hey Kyoko.' I responded to her text.

What're you doing? I saw your robe earlier, nice job!

Thanks so much! I'm just chilling around right now, probably am about to clean my hands. Cuts and stuff from scissors.

Yeah. I feel you. So... I was wondering if you wanted to start hanging out with me and my friends a bit more? We thought you did really good at the con earlier and are wondering if you wanna join our team?

I- that would be awesome! But... my sister is a slight minor cosplayer so some of my cosplays I make go to her.

That's fine. How old is she?

17, 2 years younger than me. (A/n Idk if this is actually the age difference, I forgot!)

When she is 18 maybe she could join us? I say 18 cause then she can legally make decisions on her own.

Yeah, I'll talk to her about it. Well, gtg to sleep. Gn

It's 5:30?

I go to bed early- heh...

Oh, yeah, I get that. Gn

I smiled to myself and closed my eyes, falling asleep.

The next day I woke up and ran downstairs, making some frozen pancakes.

"Hungry?" Komaru asked.

"Starving." I reply.

"You shouldn't have skipped dinner last night." She crossed her arms, shaking her head disapprovingly.

"Whatever, I make my own decision now." I do a terrible hair flip.

"Why not just move out then?" She asked.

"Cause I can't afford that. I'm working part time as a costume designer, that takes time. And time is valuable."

"So you're just gonna sell your cosplays?" Komaru looked weirded out.

"Heck no! Some of them, but not my favorites. I need money." I say.

"Why not get a job at the pizza place then?"

"Pizza place- I-"

"Think about it, they give good wage." She passed me a flyer and left.

I looked at her, shaking my head.

But as I ate my pancakes I study the flyer.

Maybe this would be a good second job...

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