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I awoke to someone knocking on the door.

"What the hell?" I mumbled, walking to the front door and opening it. "Makoto? It's four in the morning."

"Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad news!" His tone was slightly panicked as he shoved his phone in front of me, on it was a photo of the two of us having dinner.

"Oh, shit- And if you piece that photo and my Instagram story together, it's easy to figure out. I'm really sorry, I should've thought about this." I sighed.

"It's fine, it was eventually gonna happen, we just didn't expect it this fast." He replied and hugged me.

"Kyoko, who is it?" I heard Aoi call.

I looked at Makoto, "Are you the mailman or yourself?" I whispered.

"Myself. And the mailman wouldn't drop off your mail at four am."

I nodded and responded to Aoi, "It's Makoto!"

"Why is he over here at four am?" She asked, coming over to the door. "Oh, and don't lie, I saw the photo!"

"Well, everyone's figuring it out." Makoto said.

"Ohh, well, I'd confirm it since it's out now." Aoi suggested.

"Maybe." I fidgeted with my hands behind my back.


Aoi was out again, leaving me by myself, so, naturally, I invited Makoto over.

"Wanna make a pillow fort?" He asked, we had been watching a movie for the past hour and it was getting kinda boring for the both of us.

"Sure!" We built the fort and were playing different board games with each other for a while. 



"I was wondering, do you wanna be my boyfriend?"

His face went a deep red and he nodded.

I laughed quietly, "You get embarrassed quite easily."

"Yeah, I do, but especially when I'm talking to you."

A small blush appeared on my face and I kissed him, cupping his face with my hands.

"You're cute when you blush." I said, causing him to turn an even deeper shade of red.

He simply kissed me again.

"OOOOOOOO" I heard Aoi's voice. She had entered the house and we hadn't heard her. I looked up and saw her smirking, she had removed the pillow from the top of the fort.

"Hina! Hi, uh-" Makoto stammered.

"I'll leave you to it, I'll see you later." She went downstairs to the basement.

"Y'know, I think my dad would've liked you." I said.

"That's good, and if you don't mind me asking, how did you end up finding him dead in a box in the first place?"

"When I was younger, my father left me because it's a family tradition to be a detective and he didn't want to. My grandfather raised me to be a detective and in one of my cases two years ago, I was investigating a murder and it turned out he was the victim." 

"I'm sorry, that must've been hard." He hugged me tightly.

"It was, though I hid it since my grandfather taught me to hide my emotions."


I had gone over to Makoto's house with him because he wanted me to help him tell Komaru that we're dating.

"I KNEW IT!" She screamed, excited.

"You're gonna scare the neighbors!" Makoto exclaimed.

Komaru shrugged, "Whatever, anyways, I'll see you guys later, I have a date."

"With who?" Makoto asked.

"Toko." Komaru stated as she pulled on her jacket.

"Have fun." Makoto smiled as he watched her go out the door.

"I'm happy for her." I said, side hugging him.

"I am too." He smiled.


Later that night, I posted on my Instagram, confirming the rumors.

Later that night, I posted on my Instagram, confirming the rumors

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(a/n: i used fanart for it cause idk i feel like i'd be weird to use someone's cosplay for it)

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