503 15 14

(a/n: i apologize in advance for this chapter... i'm on a sugar high.)

We arrived at the panel, dressed as the same characters as before.

The theme of the panel was "Messing With Hermione and Harry" which, we of course knew, but our characters didn't, so Ron (Leon) kicked us out of the room so they could explain the theme.

We came back in a few minutes later and the panel started.

We had the usual dares and stuff until someone dared Harry (Makoto) to tell his crush he likes them.

He turned to me, "Hermione, I like you."

"I like you too Harry." I replied, trying not to break character.

"I HAVE A DAREEEEE!" Peeves (Hiro) yelled.

"Yes, Pee-pee Peeves?" Grindelwald (Mondo) said.

I suppressed a laugh.

Peeves (Hiro) threw a Ring-Pop at Harry (Makoto). "PROPOSE. AND YOU CAN'T TURN IT DOWN."

"Uh- okay." Harry (Makoto) turned to me, I could tell he was holding back laughter. "I- Uh- Hermione will you-"

I took the Ring-Pop from him and got down on one knee, "Harry Potter, will you marry me?"

He nodded and we sat down, he whispered to me, "I was trying not to laugh the entire time."

"Same here." I whispered back.

"Out of character for a sec; does that actually count as an engagement?" Luna (Hina) asked.

"I doubt it." I said.

"Mkay, back in character now!" She announced.

"KISS! KISS! KISS!" Everyone started to chant.

I kissed Harry (Makoto) and everyone cheered.


"That panel was fun!" Hina exclaimed when we got back to the house, we were getting into normal clothes and then the others would come over and we'd exchange Christmas gifts.

Once everyone had come over, Hina started to play Christmas music... which Hiro then hijacked to play Toad versions of Christmas songs.

"YASUHIRO -WHATEVER YOUR LAST NAME IS- HAGAKURE!" Hina shouted and then lectured him to change it back.

Chihiro came up to me and pointed at Taka and Mondo, "Why are they kissing so much-"

"BECAUSE THEY'RE H-" Hiro started.

"Because they love each other." I said, glaring at Hiro

"Okay." Chihiro said, walking away.

"Hiro if you dare ruin his innocence I will end you." I glared at Hiro before walking off to go find Makoto.

"Hi!" He hugged me tightly.

"We just saw each other not very long ago but hi." I chuckled, hugging him back before kissing him, causing him to blush.

"You're prettyyy." He said, playing with my hair.

"Thank you, you're cute."

"I love youuu." He replied.

"I love you too."


It was time to exchange gifts, Makoto had gotten me a bunch of murder mystery novels and I had gotten him a cosplay costume he had mentioned.

After a while, Junko forced us to play Truth or Dare.

"Leon! Truth or dare?" Junko asked.

"Dare!" He smirked.


He quickly kissed her, both their faces firing up.

"OKAY UM- Kyoko, truth or dare?" He said.

"Truth." I replied.

"Hina told us you and Makoto have the occasional sleepover, what do you do at those sleepovers?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"We sleep." I replied simply.

"Totallyyyy." Hina smirked.


Makoto ended up sleeping over again, causing Hina to tease us again.

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