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(a few weeks afterwards cause idk what to do) 

Kyoko and I have been dating a few weeks or so. I've learned a lot about her, her past, etc. She's pretty amazing, if you ask me.

Wait... nobody did ask me.

Mom and Dad were honestly surprised, but happy for me when finding out I had a girlfriend.

If I had known they would cause such a big deal, I wouldn't have told them, honestly.

Well, Hina was throwing a Christmas party, since it was almost Christmas. I hadn't seen most of the group since the last party.

I have gotten my fair share of Toko though.

Not in a weird way-


I meant it as in, Toko is around often. Komaru and her are, like, a thing now...

It's nice to be able to tease Komaru about having a girlfriend when she teases me a lot too. I like teasing Komaru and Toko, they're reactions are totally fluff ship moments...

I should take pictures.

I'm not that evil never mind.

Komaru and I walked into Hina's house, Komaru walking over to Toko. 

"Hey Makoto." Kyoko walked over to me, a glass of water in her hands.

"Hiiiiiii!" I smile, hugging her. She wobbled a bit, hugging me back, careful of her water.

"How have you been?" She asked.

"Since yesterday? Good." 

Kyoko laughed, kissing my cheek.

Honestly, I was really short, to be honest. Kyoko was, like, a whole foot taller than me.

I can not wait for my growth spurt. If I get one. Dang it, I might not get one.

"Makotoooooo?" Hina smirked.

"Hina do not give Makoto those things, he is too pure." Kyoko said, stepping in front of me and blocking my view with her power of tallness.

Advantage #1 of being short.

"Ok, well, when you get preggers, don't come tell me y'all should have used protection, I offered some." Hina snickered and walked away.

"So defensive, Kirigiri." Byakuya shook his head.

"Shut up Togami, you wouldn't know." Kyoko hugged me, and I hugged her back, kissing her cheek.

"Mhm, sure thing." He walked away, shaking his head.

// next part: plz do not judge me, im bored and do not know what to do- //

I grabbed some punch, casually drinking some.

Next thing I knew, Kyoko was carrying me, clearly mad about something, yelling about, "WhO sPiKeD tHe PuNcH?!" 

She sounded really mad.

"Kyokooooooooooo" I said, my words dragging on slightly.

"Makoto, this wasn't your fault, you're fine."

I was laid down on some cushioned thing, maybe a couch or bed. I reached my arms out, pulling Kyoko down and hugging her.

"Chirstmassssss miracle." I said simply, my eyes dropping shut.

"Shhh, Makoto." Kyoko said, pulling away from my hug. 

My vision began blurring and I fell asleep, my head in Kyoko's lap.


I woke up, my time estimation in the morning, afternoon, or sometime when the sun was up.

Cause... sun shown through the window...

"Kyoko?" I mumbled, my head tHrObBiNg.

"Right her Makoto." 

I glanced over at her desk. She sat there, reading a book.

She looked up, smiling.

"Hi." She said quietly.

"My head hurts." I said, burying my face in the bed.

"It happens." Kyoko got up, sitting next to me and rubbing my back. "Rule 1 at a party. Never drink the punch."

I nodded, "I'm not even legally allowed to drink. Kyoko, am I going to jail?!" I look up.

"Makoto, you're not going to go to jail, I assure you that. And nobody else is either."

"Oh. Phew." I sigh in relief.

She smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Maybe you should get some more sleep, let the hangover blow past." She suggested. 

I nodded, lying back down, leaning against her.

She shifted her self to the point where my head was on her shoulder.

I smiled and fell asleep again.

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