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We went to Croatia for the honeymoon. The plane ride was long and somehow, we had gotten first-class tickets.

"Finally!" Makoto exclaimed as we exited the plane.

"That was a long ride." I said.

"It was."


Once we entered the Airbnb that we had rented, Makoto found the pool, changed into his swimsuit, and jumped in.

"C'mon! We can unpack our stuff later." He called over at me.

"I'll go get changed into my swimsuit and I'll get in." I picked up my suitcase.


I got changed and got in the pool with Makoto, who was in a donut pool floatie that he had blown up.

After an hour of swimming, we decided to go inside and unpack.


"I'm gonna go get in the shower!" I said, getting up from the couch.

"Okay!" He replied.

After I had finished my shower, I realized I had forgotten a towel, "Makoto!" I called.

"Yeah?" I heard him come to the bathroom door.

"Can you hand me a towel?"

"Uh- yeah." A few seconds later, he opened the door halfway, one hand over his eyes, the other holding out a towel for me to take.

"Thank you." I chuckled quietly.


The honeymoon seemed to speed by quite fast and soon, we were back home.


(a/n: they're 29 in this next part)

"Kyoko?" Makoto approached me, I was sitting on the couch on my laptop reading about cold-case murders.

"Yes?" I replied, lifting my head up.

"Can I talk to you about something?" He asked, a slightly serious look on his face.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" I asked, closing my laptop and putting it to the side.

"Nothing's wrong, I've just been thinking, should we have kids soon?"

The question shocked me, but in a good way. "Well, we need to get a bigger house, make sure we're finacially stable enough, which I believe we are, but yes, I think we should."

"Great!" He hugged me, "I love youu."

"I love you too." I hugged him back.


A few weeks later (after we had confirmed that we were definitely finacially stable enough to start a family), we started looking for houses.

A few months after we started looking, we found a modern house that we both loved;

(A/N: yes they're rich)

We bought the house and moved in pretty quickly, Makoto was especially excited cause it had a pool

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We bought the house and moved in pretty quickly, Makoto was especially excited cause it had a pool.

"We have a pool, Disney movies, and most importantly,
my wife." He smiled.

"You're so cheesy." I laughed.

"I know." He replied, hugging me.

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