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My already red face went a much deeper red and I kissed Kyoko Kirigiri back.

The Kyoko. 

I kissed a girl-

Holy guacamole- 

When I broke the kiss, I covered my mouth.

"Did you- I- oh my gosh..." 

"What?" She asked, her smirk replaced with a look of confusion.

"You kissed me... that felt good." I smiled shyly and sheepishly. 

"It did. But literally nobody can know. Keep it between us, k?" Kyoko smiled softly at me.

"Are we dating secretly or something?" I ask, confused.

"Uh, no... maybe a date? Tonight?"

I nod, grinning.

"Let's look normal though... and not draw attention to ourselves." I say. Kyoko laughed, nodding in agreement.


I walked into the restaurant in my usual green jacket with an extra black jacket over top. 

Kyoko wore white shirt with a purple jacket over top, a brown tie, and some gloves, per usual. 

(Basically their actual looks in the games and anime)

I tripped over myself when I saw her, stunned. 

The embarrassing part is that when I trip, my shoe sometimes ends up falling off, and that happened... and I ended up faceplanting.

"Oh my god, Makoto?" Kyoko knelt down, helping me up. "Are you okay?!"

"Y- yep!" I stutter, blushing. "Just tripped!"

"I think you just fell for me." Kyoko laughed at her joke, and I cracked a smile.

"Good one. Can we sit down before I pass out though?" I asked, leaning against her. She wrapped her arm around me slightly, nodding.

"Why do you feel as though you are going to pass out?"

"Emotions... I feel really embarrassed right now, I embarrassed myself in front of my idol and crush AND an entire restaurant..."

Kyoko blushed slightly, "Crush?"

"Uh, yeah... don't mind that..." I blushed more, hiding my face. Kyoko smiled softly, taking my hand and holding it.

"Uh, Kyoko?"

"Yes, Makoto?"

"Why do you wear gloves all the time?"

Kyoko bit her lip, retracting her hand and inspecting her glove.

"I... the gloves conceal burn marks, on my hands."

"Burns?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowing.

She nodded sadly, "Fails. Can we not talk about this?"

"O- of course! Uhm, so-"

I was cut off by the ringing of her phone.

"Who is it?" I ask. She checked her phone, then blushed.

"Hina." She said quietly.

"Ack- you should probably answer it. She is your friend too, after all. And I'll shut up.."

She nodded and answered the call.

"I'm at a diner. With a fan." She winked at me and I blushed. There was a pause, then Kyoko said, "It starts with an N and ends with an I, excuse me now." 

I assume she hung up because she put her phone away, smiling at me, "They don't suspect a thing."

"That's good." I smile and we finish our meal, heading to my house afterwards.

Komaru decided to stay at Toko's house, and mom and dad were still on their trip, so we decided to watch Twilight for a while. I eventually fell asleep, my head in Kyoko's lap.


A few hours later, close to midnight, Kyoko got up, resting me on the couch.

"Goodnight Makoto." She whispered, kissing my forehead. I was half-asleep. I could hear her, feel her, but could not move.

Right before she left, I said, in a very low, mumbling voice, "Call me when home."

Kyoko nodded and left.

A few minutes later my phone rang and I answered.

"Home, safe and sound. Now get some sleep Makoto."

"K..." My voice trailed off and I fell asleep again.


"MAKOTO NAEGI!" Komaru screamed. "WHAT IS THIS?!"

She held up her phone, showing a picture of me and Kyoko at the restaurant last night.

"Me and Kyoko having dinner...?"

"And this?"

She showed me a slide of Kyoko's IG story, saying she wasn't single anymore. 

Technically we were official, I just never asked her out officially.

"Uhhhhhh so..." I rub the back of my neck nervously, then quickly run out of the house, driving to Kyoko's house and knocking on the door urgently.

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