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I looked down at Makoto, who had fallen asleep hugging me. I laughed quietly and turned off the movie before falling asleep as well.

"Kyoko?" I awoke to Makoto mumbling.


"What time is it?"

I looked at the clock, "10:12 pm." Which meant that we hadn't been asleep for long. I picked him up bridal style and carried him to my bed. "I don't want you to hurt your back sleeping on the couch."

"Okay." He replied quietly, half-asleep.

I left the room to get water.

"Where are you going?" Makoto asked.

"I'm going to get water, I'm very dehydrated, I'll be right back."

I came back a few minutes later and placed a glass of water on the bedside table before getting in bed beside him.

He rolled over to face me and hugged me, "I love you." He mumbled.

"I love you too." I replied and fell asleep.


I woke up around 7 and read until Makoto woke up, which was around 7:48.

"Morningggg," He said, "Whatcha reading?"

"A murder mystery that I already figured out."

"Hey, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" I asked, putting my book down and looking at him.

"I'm moving out of my parent's house." 

"Where are you moving?"

He showed me a photo of a house, it was cute and small, a good starter home.

"I also wanted to ask if you would live with me."

"I would love to." I said, kissing him.

He smiled into the kiss, "Awesome." He said when we pulled away.

We changed out of our pajamas and went out to the kitchen, Hina was sitting at the kitchen island with Sakura, the two of them chatting.

"Hey, guys!" Hina greeted.

We said hello and sat down next to them and I told them that I was moving out and going to live with Makoto.

"Ooooo, that's great!" She smiled, eating a donut.


A few weeks later, the house was bought. Makoto and I moved in. The house's interior was simplistic and modern, not fully matching the exterior.

It was a few days after we had moved in, Makoto and I were sitting in front of the fireplace on the couch, he was snuggled up against my side, smiling contently.



"Do you ever think about the future?"

"Yeah, do you?"

"Yeah. Would you want to get married in the future?"

I nodded, "Would you?"

"If it was to you, then 100%. Do you want kids?"

"Yeah, definitely not for a while though."

"I do too, I bet they'd have your pretty eyes."

"Probably your hair."

"With an ahoge, hopefully."


We talked for a while before it got late and we decided to head to bed.

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