25 (Epilogue)

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Kyoko and Makoto ended up having three other kids in addition to Fuhito. The second-born was a girl named Aoi, after Hina, who was the godmother. Their other two kids were twins; a girl named Uzuchi (after her mother's maiden name, which she found out when reading an old journal of her father's that her grandfather owned) and a boy named Kane, after Makoto's father (a/n: pronounced khan-ey. also i made up a random name for his father cause it was never confirmed).

Most of the kids were up... except Fuhito, who loved sleeping in. Kyoko entered his room, "Fuhito, you're going to be late for school."

Fuhito mumbled, "Mom, just five more minutes."

"Five more minutes always turns into another hour when it comes to you."

"Fineee, I'll get up." Fuhito groaned, rolling out of bed and flopping onto the floor.

"Kyoko left the room to go make sure Makoto was up as well, which he was not.

She went over and kissed him to wake him up, he awoke and kissed her back, "Morning."

"Good morning." Kyoko smiled.

"You look pretty."

"Thank you, though I'm literally in jeans and a t-shirt."

"You still look pretty." He got up and hugged her.

"You need to get dressed." She hugged him back.



(a/n: btw, akita is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns)

Fuhito Naegi walked into school, his backpack slung over one shoulder.

Akira, Hina's kid, was walking beside him, the two were talking about random stuff.

"So, Chiharu told me you have a crush on someone," Akira teased. Chiharu was Mondo and Taka's adopted daughter, who was named after Chihiro.

Fuhito's face went red, the thing Akita didn't know, was that that crush was on them. "Yeah?"

"Who is ittttt?" They asked.

"Why would I tell youuu?" Fuhito asked them.

"Becauseeeeee." They replied.

Just then, the bell rang. "Shit!" Fuhito exclaimed, "I'll talk to you later."

"Bye!" Akita called after him, he was running whilst they were casually strolling to class, not caring that they'd be late.


After school, Akita had invited Fuhito over to hang out.

"Tell me who your crush issss." Akita groaned, hiding their slight jealousy.

"I'll tell you using charades." Fuhito compromised, hoping that Akita wouldn't be able to figure it out.

Akita groaned, they were not the best at charades. "Just tell meeee."

"Fine." Fuhito said and kissed them.

Akita jumped away in shock.

"Sorry! I shouldn't have done that" Fuhito put his head in his hands.

"It's fine, you dork." They smirked, lifting Fuhito's head and kissing him. "Wanna be my boyfriend?"

Fuhito nodded and kissed them again.

All of a sudden, Hina walked in with a plate of homemade donuts that she had made for them.

"Oh! Sorry for inturrupting!" Hina smirked, placing the donuts on Akira's desk before leaving.

"Oh my God-" Akira muttered, "Mom!"

Hina popped her head in, "Yes?"

"Since you just walked in on us kissing, I might as well tell you that Fuhito's my boyfriend."

Hina turned to Fuhito, "Well, I believe you'll treat them well, so why not. And if you don't treat them well, Sakura taught them martial arts."

Fuhito nodded his head vigorously, "I won't treat them bad, don't worry!"


"Fuhito, that's great!" Makoto exclaimed after Fuhito told them that he was dating Akira.

"I'm glad you told them! Your father didn't have the guts to tell me, so I made a move." Kyoko teased.

"I didn't wanna embarass myself!" Makoto defended.

"Anyways, we're happy for you." Kyoko smiled.


"FUHITO'S DATING SOMEONE OOOOOOOO!" His siblings sang. All of the Naegi kids were close in age, Fuhito being seventeen, Uzuchi being sixteen, and the twins being fifteen.

"Oh, shush, I know all your crushes." Fuhito teased.

"Oh? Who's mine?" Uzuchi asked.

"Easy, it's Hibiki, Leon and Sayaka's son." Fuhito smirked.

"How do you know that-" Uzuchi started.

"It's so easy to tell. Oh, Aoi, yours is Chiharu. Kane, yours is Sayo, Sonia and Gundham's daughter." 

"wHaT-" Kane's face was starting to turn red.


Kane decided to tell Sayo, he walked up to her.

"Hi Kane!" Sayo exclaimed.

"Hey Sayo! I actually have a question for you."

"What is it?"

"Do you wanna go on a date this Saturday?"


"Great! I'll text you the details!"

"Okay, see you then." Sayo kissed his cheek before walking away.


(a/n: ima sucker for fluff so you're dealing with Aoi (Naegi) and Uzuchi telling their crushes too. also aoi asahina is refered to as hina and aoi naegi is aoi)

Aoi walked up to Chiharu, "Hi!"

"Oh! Hi Aoi!" Chiharu looked up from her book.

"I have something to tell you,"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"I like you,"

"I like you too!" Chiharu hugged Aoi.


Uzuchi was at the skate park with Hibiki when she fell off her skateboard, hurting her ankle.

"You okay?" Hibiki rushed over to her.

"I think I did something to my ankle," She explained.

"Mind if I look at it? My dad taught me a lot about this kind of stuff in case it happens to me."

"I don't mind." She nodded, he pulled her legging up on the leg she hurt, revealing a slightly bruised and swollen ankle.

"Looks like a sprain, I'll grab our stuff and take you home."

Hibiki put their stuff in his car and picked Uzuchi up bridal-style.

"It's not like I can't walk." Uzuchi reasoned.

"Whatever." Hibiki said.

Uzuchi pulled his face closer to hers and kissed him.

"I- You-" Hibiki stammered, turning bright red, "I like you."

"I like you too," Uzuchi pulled him closer once again and kissed him.

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