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"Makoto?" Kyoko called for me. She was in the bathroom.

It had been a few months since we bought the house. 

"Yeah?" I ask, standing by the door.

"You can come in." She said. I hesitantly opened the door, surprised to see her standing by the sink.

Oh, she was fully dressed too. Thankfully.

"We did it, Makoto." She smiled weakly. There was some stick-like thing in her hand, I only could assume it was a pregnancy test with the way she was talking. "We're gonna be parents!"

A wide smile crossed my face and I hugged her tightly, "Yayyyyyy!"

She laughed and hugged me back, kissing my head.

"I love you Makoto." She said softly.

"I love you too!"


//a/n- a few months later, after the baby was born//

Kyoko laid in her hospital bed, cradling the small baby. It was a boy, and we were happy.

"What're we going to name him, Makoto?" Kyoko asked softly.

"Maybe we should name him Jin, after your dad." I suggest. She shook her head.

"My father was never there for me." She said.

"That's because he physically couldn't be there for you, though."

Kyoko gave me a soft smile, "Makoto, i understand where your thought process is right now. And that's alright. But.. even before he died, he never visited me or anything."

"What about Fuhito, then?"

"After my grandfather?!"


Kyoko sighed, "I suppose that could work..."

I nodded and she kissed Fuhito's head, smiling softly.

//a/n- sorry for this chapter being extremely short!//

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