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Yesterday, being 90 degrees and being outside almost the entire day really tired me out. I went to the doctor and it turns out I had gotten the flu, I don't know how though, seeing as it's extremely unlikely to get the flu in the spring.

When I had gotten back from the doctor's, Makoto wasn't home, I just sat on the couch, freezing cold (despite it being 93 degrees out), so I wrapped a blanket around myself.

I was watching TV until Makoto came home. I heard the door open and close and he came into view.

"Kyoko? What's wrong?" He asked, coming closer.

"Don't come any closer, I don't want you to get sick."

"What do you have?"

"I went to the doctor's today and I somehow got the flu yesterday."

"I'm coming closer, we can be sick together." He said, "I'll go change into my pajamas."

A few minutes later, he can back downstairs and sat right next to me.

"I don't want you to get sick." I repeated.

"I'll be fine." He reassured, lying on my lap.

I played with his hair as we watched movies, "Makoto, does your ahoge stick up naturally?"

"Yeah!" He said, poking it.


"I'll sleep on the couch!" I called.

"No, you won't. As I said earlier, I don't care if I get sick."

I ended up giving in, the entire night, he was snuggled very close to me.

"I love you." He whispered, half-asleep.

"I love you too." I replied, falling asleep.


A few days later, Makoto (who did catch it from me) and I had fully recovered and Hina, the rest of the bridal party (Sakura, Sayaka, Toko, Celeste, and Komaru), and I went dress shopping at a local dress shop.

We were looking at all kinds of dresses and I was trying on a lot, usually, I prefer simpler designs, though one dress that had intricate designs and lace drew me in.

We were looking at all kinds of dresses and I was trying on a lot, usually, I prefer simpler designs, though one dress that had intricate designs and lace drew me in

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(A/N: thanks KyokosGlovez for helping me chose between this one and a different one!)

"Kyoko, you look so pretty!" Hina exclaimed when I tried on the dress.

"Thank you. I really like this one." I replied.

"You look like a princess!" Sayaka smiled.

"So Kyoko," Hina smirked and played an audio clip from Say "Yes" to the Dress that was asking, "Are you saying 'yes' to the dress?"

I chuckled quietly, "That audio was slightly unnecessary, but yes, I am."

"Yay!" Hina hugged me.


"Did you find a dress?" Makoto asked when I got back home.

"Mhm, you'll have to wait to see it though."

"I can't wait to see you in it, I'm sure you'll look beautiful." He kissed my cheek.

I blushed slightly, "Thank you."

"Where do you wanna have the wedding?"

"There's this beautiful library not far from here that people are able to get married in, it's huge."

"Oooo, that sounds cool! I'm glad you had an idea for the venue cause I didn't."

I laughed, "I'm always prepared."

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