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//this chapter is the day of the wedding cuz idk what else I should do xD//

I stood at the alter, doing a quick scan of the audience.

It was kind of busy, people were filing in and stuff. I saw many friends and family members I hadn't spoken to in years, and some very recent friends. The library was king of mad, but decided, what the hell it could benefit our business!


The pianist, Kaede Akamatsu, (yes I did that don't judge) started playing the bride entering song thing, and the doors opened to the entrance of the library. 

Kyoko walked in, and mind you the view was breathtaking.

But at this moment I started getting lightheaded as I realized what the heck I was doing.

And I started panicking. But I kept a mature, strong look on my face, planting a very real and very happy smile.

Kyoko walked up and stood next to me, grinning over at me.

The person started saying the entry stuff and whatnot, eventually coming to the vows.

"Makoto Naegi, do you take this woman to be your bride?" 

"I do." I smile, my nervousness all flowing away. I visibly relaxed.

"And do you, Kyoko Kirigiri, take this man to be your husband?"

"I do." She smiled at me.

"You may now-"

I hugged Kyoko tightly, causing her to laugh.

"You're supposed to kiss me, Makoto, not hug me, but I'll take a Makoto-hug any day at any time."

"I was supposed to kiss you?!" I flushed, embarrassed, then quickly kissed her.

The kiss was short and full of passion, a proper wedding kiss.

The crowd laughed and cheered, and I grinned.

"Let's go eat now, I wanna eat so we can have cake soon!" 

I nodded and followed Kyoko to where the reception is.

Unfortunately, I tripped over myself, falling forward and face planting.

"Ah, Kyoko and..." I could see Byakuya's long legs, and I felt his icy cold gaze land on me. "And Makoto."

"Hi." I said weakly, waving slightly and standing up.

"Congratulations for you both." He said, giving us one of his ultra rare smiles. It didn't seem real, but I can only hope it was real. 

"Thank you, Byakuya. Are you staying for cake?" Kyoko asked. She is obviously WAYYYY more mature than me.

Not in like, a dirty minded kind of way- not that I have a dirty mind- oh crap... I AM INNOCENT, I SWEAR!

"Makoto?" Kyoko asked, snapping me out of my daze. Byakuya was gone.

"Makoto, are you okay?" She asked me, kissing my cheek. I nodded weakly.

We sat down at a table, and I ate a croissant cause... I specifically asked for croissants, plain... don't judge they're good!

People came up and congratulated us individually. Once we thought (Kyoko had a pretty decent guesstimation) everyone had came up, Kyoko and I cut the cake together. Since there were other desserts, Kyoko and I tried the whole feeding the other the cake thing...

It ended up terribly. I had cake in my hair and Kyoko had cake smeared all across her face. She looked cute, though.

Everyone left little bits at a time. Mom, dad, and Komaru came over to me, grinning.

Mom was crying while smiling, saying how her little boy had grown up now. Dad added the fact that I was still a child, as I am still incredibly innocent.

Komaru snickered, "Say that to your future grandkids!" 

"Makoto probably doesn't have the guts to even get naked." Hina said, walking over.

"Y-Yeah! I bet he even s-sleeps with a shirt on!" Toko said. 

I flushed, "Uh, yeah..." I say slowly, sitting back down next to Kyoko, who was laughing quietly. 

"At least I did good with one kid." Mom muttered. 

Komaru gasped dramatically and everyone laughed.

I ended up falling asleep on Kyoko's lap.

What can I say, today was a very big day!

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