the first train ride to hogwarts

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( the first train ride to hogwarts. )

September 1, 1971 - Age eleven

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September 1, 1971 - Age eleven

Today is the day that Claudia Seraphina Charleston will be attending her first year at Hogwarts Witch Craft and Wizardry. She has got her letter just a little after her eleventh birthday but first shown signs of magic at just 4 years old when she made all of the books in her manors study levitate.  Her parents Seraphina Charleston née Parkinson, a pure-blooded, Slytherin witch from the Pure Blood Suprecamist house of Parkinson.  But she was disowned after becoming a "blood-traitor" and getting into a relationship with Matthius Charleston, a fellow pure-blood wizard but comes from a family of well-known "blood traitors" who was sorted into Gryffindor.  They were over the moon that their only child had shown signs of magic at such an early age. Now she will be attending the same school they went to all those years ago. Hogwarts Witchcraft And Wizardry.

Claudia was woken up by her mother and raced into the shower to start getting ready.  After washing her hair she allowed her mum to come in and style her brown hair into loose curls.  She got dressed and checked to see if she had everything in her trunk and that her owl Fawn was safely tucked into her cage.  When she was finished she made her way downstairs with her things to eat breakfast with her parents before she left for school. 

Claudia skipped into the kitchen, "Good morning mum, good morning dad".

"Good morning Clauds" "Good morning sweetheart" they spoke at the same time.

"Can you believe it, Matt, she's leaving for Hogwarts today! Oh, my baby is so grown up!" her mother Seraphina said to her amused-looking husband as she crushed her daughter in a hug.

"Phina, your crushing the poor girl" her father Matthius chuckled at his wife's antics.

"Oh alright, eat up though dear the train ride is quite long and I don't want you to spoil your first dinner by eating all the trolley sweets!" her mother said passing her a plate of pancakes.

After they all finished eating and cleaning it was already half past 10.

"Mum Dad, hurry up the train leaves in thirty minutes!" Claudia whined from in front of the fireplace.  Her parents shot her an amused look before telling her to go on and speak very clearly when using the floor network. 

"PLATFORM 9 3/4" Claudia yelled.

She stumbled out of the fireplace less gracefully than she had hoped and ended up tripping over her own feet. She braced for the impact of the floor but it never came, instead two arms wrapped around her small frame. When her eyes opened she realized she was looking into a pair of hazel eyes which were framed by black-rimmed circular glasses.

"I'm so sorry! I tripped when I got out of the fireplace" Claudia spoke quickly trying to explain herself as she stood upright once again.

"Woah," he breathed out.  How could this eleven-year-old girl take his breathe away so easily? He quickly snapped out of the trance he was in when he realized he was staring at her.  "It's all good love, hey dad looks like I've got girls falling for me already," the boy said while ruffling his unruly hair and winking at Claudia. She scowled already not liking this new boy.

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