07. heartbreak

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( chapter seven. )

October 18, 1976 - Age sixteen

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October 18, 1976 - Age sixteen

"WAKE UP LILY!" That was all the redhead heard before she was drenched in water.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" She screamed as the other three girls burst into a fit of laughter.

"It's time to get up Lillian, you're going to be late,"

"Yeah, yeah, fuck you guys,"

"Love you too Lils,"

"I have to dry my hair now!"

"I got it," Claudia said before grabbing her wand and casting a non-verbal drying spell.

"That was non-verbal Clauds!"

"I've been practicing,"

"It was brilliant," Alice said.


"We can add another reason to the why James is in love with Claudia list, she's a bloody brilliant witch,"

"Oh shut up," She said blushing.

"I'm going to get dressed. Wait for me?"

"Yeah just hurry up, Marlene's starving,"

"OH MY GOD WAIT!" Claudia yelled remembering something.


"MARLENE GRACE MCKINNON! What's going on with you and Dorcas? I can't believe I forgot about Dorlene!"

"Oh, uh we're taking things slow. I mean we're going on a date next Hogsmeade weekend, and also I love Dorlene,"

"You have to let us get you ready!" Alice said excitedly.

"Fine, just make me look good,"

"We don't really need to do much, you're hot enough as it is,"

"I know right," She flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"What's happening?" Lily said walking out of the bathroom in her robes.

"Well Lily dearest, Marlene has a date to Hogsmeade with Dorcas Meadows,"

"No way!"

"Well after that snog at the party I 'd want a date with Marlene too,"

"It took a lot in me to stay and not just leave and snog her somewhere else. I'm glad I stayed though, I got to witness a bunch of stuff, except Claudia, didn't snog James,"

"You know what Mckinnon-"

"What Charleston?"

"Let's just go to breakfast," She sighed in defeat already knowing she had nothing to defend herself with.

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