03. claudia and regulus' past

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( chapter three. )

September 3, 1976 - Age sixteen

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September 3, 1976 - Age sixteen

After a long week of school, the night of the party finally came, and to say the sixth-year girl's dormitories were a mess would be an understatement. Clothes were flying everywhere, people were fighting for their turn in the bathroom and the girls were running around like headless chickens trying to finish getting ready.

"Where the bloody hell is my bra?" Marlene yelled from inside the bathroom.

"It's on your bed Mar!" Claudia yelled back.

"Thank you," she sighed and kissed her cheek before walking into the bathroom again.

"I'm ready so I'll start cleaning up our mess," Lily said while she started to pick up random items of clothing.

"I'll help you I'm done as well," Alice bent down to help.

"I have nothing to wear!" Claudia groaned and flopped on her bed dramatically.

"Claudia, you have more clothes than all three of us combined, how do you have nothing to wear?" Lily asked and rolled her eyes at her dramatic best friend.

"I think she just wants to look good for a certain James Potter tonight," Marlene smirked at Claudia's scowling but still very prominently blushing face.

"Ha. Ha. Marlene very funny," she deadpanned.

"Whatever, I'll just be the best person ever and pick your outfit,"

"Wait I want to help!" Lily yelled.

"Me too!" Alice added.

And with that, the three girls started to put together several different pieces of clothing in hopes of finding their curly-haired best friend the perfect outfit for that night's party.

"Hello, ladies, Claud you're looking great in only your robe, silk too, very hot," Regulus smirked at her as he casually sauntered into the room. The three goals mumbled "hellos" still trying to put together an outfit and Claudia just gave him a bored look.

"How did you even get up here?" Claudia asked as Regulus sat down next to her on her bed.

"Well you gave me the password and I got a first-year girl to stand on the stairs so I could walk up without it turning into a slide," he shrugged his shoulder and lay down.

"Oh okay, you look nice, that's rare,"

"Oh thank you, I really appreciate the compliment. And I look nice all the time, thank you very much," he defended his words dripping with sarcasm.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night,"

"What are they doing?" he questioned her while looking at the three very stressed and concentrated girls.

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