01. the first day of sixth year

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( chapter one. )

September 1, 1976 - Age sixteen

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September 1, 1976 - Age sixteen

The Charlestons walked into Kings Cross Station preparing to send their sixteen-year-old daughter off to her sixth year at Hogwarts. Once they got onto the platform five minutes until eleven they said their goodbyes.

"Bye Claud. Work hard, focus on school and quidditch of course- I still can't believe Minnie didn't make her captain- and please, please save your old man from going insane by staying away from boys, except for Regulus, he's always been my favourite." Matthius begged his not-so-little girl.

"Oh, Matt hush will you, we do miss Regulus though, I hope he's alright he hasn't been replying to your letters. But anyways, Claudia dear, work hard on school, be a good prefect please and maybe be a little more open to James' offers to Hogsmeade," Seraphina has been trying to get her daughter to see reason with James since the first year. She knows that they would be perfect together if she just gave him a chance.

"Mom! I told you, he's starting to grow up and I actually don't hate him as a person, just some of the things he does just don't sit right with me. But I will try my best in school, prefect duties and quidditch of course. I also tell Regulus you guys miss him and invite him over for Christmas break even though he knows he's always welcome. But, I have to go, or else I'll miss the train. I love you both and I'll see you at Christmas." She hurried away from her parents and onto the train in search of her friends Lily, Marlene and Alice.

The truth was she did a lot of thinking over the summer and came to the conclusion that she thought he was tolerable, he had been maturing as a person and did more subtle flirting. But what she didn't realize or at least did not want to believe was that she had started to fancy him just a little bit. But who could blame her denial? He was James bloody Potter for crying out loud, she could never fancy him, right?

So, as she walked down the train's corridors, trunk in tow she managed to find her friends in the same compartment they've been using for the past six years. Lily reading a book, Marlene flipping through a magazine and Alice staring out the window.

"Hey girls," she said putting her trunk in the overhead compartment.

"Claud you're finally here we have so much to talk about, Lily won't gossip about anything, boys especially and Alice is too loyal to Frankie boy," Marlene said, dragging her in the empty seat beside her while Lily simply rolled her eyes and Alice blushed at the mention of Frank.

"Hi Claudia," Lily said without looking up from her book.

"Hi Lil, hi Ali," Alice simply waved at her and went back to whatever it was she was doing.

"Okay so Mar, fill me in on what happened over the summer," she said turning to face her gossip buddy.

"Well, Daniel Thomas and Marissa Brown broke up- no shock there -Amos Diggory and our very own Lily Margaret Evans are dating- WAIT, WHAT -I'll get to it Claudia hold on, Vanessa Peverell is head girl this year- oh you've got to be shitting me, how did that bitch get it? -I couldn't tell you. Oh, you'll love this, Sirius Black has given up his playboys ways and apparently fancies someone- ten galleons it's Remus -I hope it is, I don't even know if he swings that way but they would be perfect together- I know right! -. Anyways, Chad Chang and Lyra Song broke up- NO WAY I THOUGHT THEY WOULD GET MARRED- I know I thought so too. Clarissa Jennings is Pregnant and it's Robert Woods- eh they're getting married anyways - yeah my older brother got an invite, and Sirius Black ran away from home and is now living with the Potter's."

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