15. proper new years kisses

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( chapter fifteen. )

December 31, 1976 - January 1, 1977 - Age sixteen

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December 31, 1976 - January 1, 1977 - Age sixteen

She ran out as fast as she could, hot tears running down her cheeks as she sped over to her childhood treehouse her dad made for her when she was six. She climbed up the ladder and sat on the edge, shivering from the cold snowfall, not that she cared. She was too busy focusing on the fact of how horrible a friend she is. Claudia sat there, letting her thoughts consume her, her sobs becoming increasingly louder with each thought.

"DIA! DIA, WHERE ARE YOU?! DIA, COME ON, PLEASE!" She heard the desperate voice of James yell. Claudia couldn't bring herself to answer him.  James listened for her voice but instead heard her heavy sobs and noticed her legs dangling off what looked to be a treehouse. He quickly climbed up the ladder to find her shivering, sobbing body. "Dia, let me explain, please,"

"N-No, I-I'm a-a h-horrible p-person, j-just g-go a-away, p-please,"

"You know I can't do that. Not now anyway," He said, taking off his suit jacket and draping it over her shoulders.  "And you're not a horrible person. You're the greatest person I have ever met in my entire life,"

"Nah, Mia's your mum,"

"You're better than her,"

"Now you're just telling lies. Nobody's better than Mia,"

"Okay fine, second-best person,"

"Much better,"

"You drive me mad. You know that, right?"

"No, not really,"

"You really don't know what you did to me Christmas day in your room, or when you beat the shit out of Mclaggen, or that day in the prefect's bathroom or on bloody Halloween. Merlin's beard, you looked so fucking hot,"

"Marlene said you'd think that,"

"She was very right,"

"Why are you even here? I ruined your relationship, James,"

"Dia, I'm going to ask you something, and I want you to answer honestly. Can you do that for me?" He asked completely ignoring her last question. 


"Do you love me? Are you in love with me?"

"Yes," She answered with no hesitation.

"Say it,"

"James Fleamont Potter, I am so bloody in love with you, it hurts," She turned towards him finally meet his eyes.

"Claudia Seraphina Potter- Charleston -Potter, I always have been, and I always will be unconditionally in love with you. There's nobody else for me, Dia, and I've known it since that day I caught you at Platform 9 3/4," He moved closer to her, intertwining her fingers with his.

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