02. the dreaded conversation

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( chapter two. )

September 1, 1976 - Age sixteen

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September 1, 1976 - Age sixteen

That night at dinner Claudia sat with Regulus and Evan at the Slytherin table. Had she been avoiding the dreaded conversation between her friends and the marauders about what's happening between her and James? Absolutely. But in her defence, she didn't exactly have an answer for them because even she was confused, so she is avoiding it until the very last minute. She was extremely thankful that Regulus had decided not to bring it up and instead kept their regular conversation with Evan adding in a sarcastic comment every once and a while.

After the feast, she departed from the two Slytherin fifth years and raced to the Gryffindor tower. Being a prefect meant she already knew the password, so she didn't waste any time before jumping on her bed face first. After a while she got up to write a letter to her parents and Euphemia, then she finally went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. She took her time in the bathroom, for a while she just sort of just stood in the shower, soaking in the hot water and allowing her muscles to stretch from the long train ride. By the time she had exited the bathroom, Marlene, Lily, and Alice were back, changed into their pyjamas and sitting on their respective beds with impatient looks on their faces.

"Oh bloody Merlin, she's alive, I thought you were drowning yourself in there," Marlene groaned.

"I was tempted to do just that Mar, I'm not kidding," she said sitting down on Alice's bed where she cuddled the girl and Alice started to braid her hair.

"So, Claudia," Lily smirked as she groaned.

"No! Please I don't want to talk about it, I'd rather just forget it ever happened," she pleaded and put on her best puppy dog eyes.

"No, I don't think we will, plus James looked far too giddy to just forget about it," Marlene smirked at her, but it soon turned into a genuine smile. Marlene was really happy for her friend, she knew that James would treat her like the Queen she is, and she wanted nothing less for her best friend. James was perfect for her.

"Why can't we talk about Lily and Amos, why me and James! They're an actual couple," she huffed and pointed at the smirking red-head.

"That's because I already talked about it, there really isn't anything to it, we snogged, then went back to his compartment with his friends and talked, that's about it," she shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh, but is he as good of a snog as the rumours say?" the curly-haired girl asked.

"Good Merlin, yes! He was amazing,"

"I could tell, I'm lucky James and I didn't walk in on you two shagging," She grimaced at the thought.

"Back onto the subject of Claudia and James, do you fancy him? Why were you in the Marauder's compartment? How did you guys end up cuddling and holding hands?" Marlene asked very quickly.

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