05. quidditch tryouts

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( chapter five. )

trigger warning!! usage of homophobic language, degrading, sexism, blood

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trigger warning!! usage of homophobic language, degrading, sexism, blood.

September 27, 1976 - Age sixteen

Claudia and Marlene walked through the grounds of Hogwarts towards the quidditch pitch, their loud laughs and happy aura spread throughout all of Hogwarts.  They two simply didn't give a fuck, they were who they wanted to be all the time because all they needed was each other and some others.  They were the unstoppable duo, the life of the party, the golden girls of Gryffindor, and not to mention they were hot as fuck.  Everyone knew it, with Marlene's bad bitch energy, Claudia's I don't give a fuck about your opinion attitude and not to mention both of their natural abilities to make people stutter and extremely flustered with a simple wink, it only made sense that both guys and girls were drawn to them as if they were Veela's.  This is why many heads turned to them as they walked down towards the pitch brooms in hand, clad with spandex shorts, their quidditch jerseys and their hair in high ponytails.  Some girls glared at them in envy, and most boys' eyes trailed after them as they walked down the pitch. 

Lots of phrases like "Looking good ladies!" and wolf whistles were heard and they almost always got a response like "I know, you didn't need to tell me that but thank you!" or "I like girls asshat, back off!"

They walked onto the pitch to see a couple of Gryffindors in the stands and some waiting around the captain for tryouts to begin.

"Oi! James Potter!"

"Yes, Marlene Mckinnon?"

"Do you need any help setting up? We're early,"

"Uh, no I don't think so.  I already have the quaffle, bludgers and snitch so there isn't really anything else needed,"


"Why aren't you two in your quidditch robes? We're starting soon," James asked gesturing to the girl's attire. 

"Don't act like you aren't enjoying the view of Claudia in spandex shorts James," Marlene said suggestively. 

"Yes well I'm not the only one who's enjoying the view," He gestured to some of the boys who were trying out and the ones in the stands that were staring at her. 

"Whatever,  Clauds come one we need to put on our quidditch robes,"

"Why can't I stay in this?" She asked from the spot on the grass she was currently laying on. 

"Because you're distracting James with your shorts," Marlene said a little too loudly.  Causing said boy's head to snap towards them and Claudia to smirk. 

"Oh really?" She raised an eyebrow at a sputtering James. 

"I- You- She- whediebnfiejfnceodjwdjwdw,"

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