11. drunk slip ups

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( chapter eleven. )

trigger warning!! underage drinking, slight alcoholism, negative personal thinking

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trigger warning!! underage drinking, slight alcoholism, negative personal thinking

November 15, 1976 - Age sixteen

It was now mid-November and the day of the Ravenclaw versus Gryffindor quidditch match. Claudia and Marlene woke up with big grins are their faces, they were very excited for today's game because they hadn't played a match since their win against Hufflepuff in early October. The three girls- Lily was in the library and would be joining them before the game -sat in their dorm getting ready. Alice -who was dressed in a Gryffindor quidditch hoodie with 'Charleston' and the number 'ten' printed on the back- was braiding Claudia's hair and putting face paint on her own face to show her support for the girls. The two were dressed in their quidditch team jumpers and leggings, as their quidditch robes, guards and brooms were in the changing room.

"Ravenclaw doesn't stand a chance," Claudia grinned from the place on her bed.

"You better catch the bloody snitch Clauds. Push their seeker off their broom if you have to,"

"Marlene! Your girlfriend is literally the Ravenclaw seeker,"

"It's quidditch!" She defended.

"Oh trust me I know,"

"Hey girls," Lily said walking in, hands full of books.

"Hey, Lil,"

"You ready for the game?" She asked putting the books away.

"Yup, don't forget Marlene's quidditch hoodie, you always wear it,"

"Oh right, uhm I don't think I'm going to wear it today," She said quietly avoiding all of their stares.

"Let me guess, you're wearing James' quidditch sweater," Marlene said glaring at her.

"Yes, I am,"

This caused Claudia's eyebrows to furrow, there was no way Lily could wear his hoodie since she had stolen it from him in September and was currently stowed away in her trunk.

"Of course you are,"

"I'm going to go get it from him. I'll be back," She said before exiting the room again. As soon as she was out the door, Claudia burst into a fit of laughter, knowing she wouldn't get the hoodie from him.

"Why are laughing Clauds?" Alice asked.

"Because his quidditch hoodie's in my trunk. But Lily doesn't need to know that," She smirked at them.



"As you should, keep it,"

"He couldn't find it," Lily said as she walked in a frown on her face as the other girls immediately shut up.

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