23. nightmares and old habits

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( chapter twenty- three. )

!!trigger warning!! underage drinking, alcoholism, nightmares, throwing up

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!!trigger warning!! underage drinking, alcoholism, nightmares, throwing up

This chapter will include many time skips because I don't love writing these types scenes, but they still need to be written and because I want to finish sixth year (I have so many ideas for the summer and the seventh year), so I'm writing most of these types of scenes in one chapter.

This isn't too graphic, I promise you that, but if you're still uncomfortable, that is understandable.  This is another reason this is all going in one chapter because people who don't like this sort of thing are welcome to skip and continue reading for the James Potter fluff we're all here for.

If you're one of those people who is uncomfortable reading, I'll briefly explain. In this chapter is dia being stubborn and drinking away her problems again. She's been getting nightmares and has a lot of trauma to deal with (because she almost died and all) but doesn't want to burden anyone with her problems, so she's keeping it to herself.

February 19, 1977 - Age sixteen

Mucibler and Avery cackled loudly above her as Claudia bled out on the corridor floor. She slowly felt the life being drained out of her, her life flashing before her eyes until she shot upright in her dorm room in a cold sweat. Again. She had started to get nightmares a couple of days after the incident. Claudia was constantly scared and slightly paranoid but tried not to let it show, and it's been going well, but she was fucking tired. Claudia wanted to cry and scream, make all the pain go away. But she couldn't bear burdening her friends with this sort of thing; it's over now, and she's alive. She should be fine. Right? But she's not, and nobody knew that. Claudia stood up from her bed and rummaged through her trunk, trying to find her desired item. It had been a while since she had had any. Claudia had been avoiding it because she was in a dark place the last time she had it, but now she fucking needed it. At least that's what she told herself.

Taking a swig from the bottle of fire whiskey, letting the burn in her throat distract her from her fearful thoughts and memories of that horrifying night. Claudia wishes she could stop or find an alternative, but this is the only thing that could make it all go away, even if it was for just a second. The relief she felt was worth it. Claudia kept drinking and drinking until the bottle was empty, and she was drunk off her ass. She stumbled back into her bed, numb and fell into a heavy sleep.


Claudia groaned as light flooded into her bed.

"Wake up bitch!" Marlene yelled, oblivious to her friend's hangover.

Claudia stood up, stumbling slightly before running into the bathroom and emptying the contents of her stomach in the toilet.

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