27. jealousy, jealousy

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( chapter twenty-seven. )

March 10, 1977 - Age sixteen

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March 10, 1977 - Age sixteen

Over the next couple of days, James was under strict order from Claudia to relax and not do anything that could possibly re-injure him.  James went along with it because he secretly loved being bossed around by her, and seeing the smile that graced her features every time he listened to her was completely worth it.   Claudia hadn't had a drink since that night and rarely even thought about having one (yes, there were a couple of times where she had thought about it). But overall, she had been doing a lot better; she felt better physically and mentally. Currently, she was helping to get ready for Remus' seventeenth birthday party that Sirius insisted on throwing (even though he didn't have one for himself). Remus gave in once. Sirius gave him puppy eyes and told him that there would be many bottles of firewhiskey to go around.

So Sirius was in charge of basically everything and everyone.  Marlene insisted that he was just a bossy prick because "he never gets to be in charge in the bedroom."  

"Prongs, why is the ice not cubed?!"

"That's how the house-elves gave it to me!"

"I specifically asked for cubed ice, not this!"

"It's ice, Sirius! Honestly, calm the fuck down!" Marlene yelled.  


"Silencio," James whispered, pointing his wand at Sirius, and the spell immediately silenced his words.  

"That's much better! God, I don't know how Remus does it,"

"Try living with him," James muttered.  

"Oh, he's a bloody nightmare to live with it," Regulus shivered.  

"So are you, Reg,"

"Well, you invited me into your home, so who's fault is that?"

"Mine, I suppose,"

"Well, we could always kick the two of them to the curb," James suggested looking at her.  

"I could be my parent's favourite again," She responded, sending a look at Regulus, who grinned. 

"Please, I'll always be their favourite,"

"I don't know why you are, though.  You're fucking annoying," Claudia huffed.  

"I'm amazing!"

"Your girlfriend's better,"

"I agree,"

"Uh, James, I think you might want to take that silencing charm off!" Alice said from the other side of the room.  

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