06. the plan

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( chapter six. )

October 17, 1976 - Age sixteen

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October 17, 1976 - Age sixteen

The rest of September flew by into October without a hitch, constant quidditch games and practices, homework, more sleepovers in the girl's dorms, the girls plus Regulus and Evan getting a lot closer to the marauders. Claudia and James especially have gotten a lot closer since that incident in the changing room. They constantly study together, play quidditch, go on walks, and James even convinced her to play a couple of pranks on Snape (Minnie wasn't impressed). Today though, Claudia was in no mood to get up and go to classes. Her period decided to pop up for a very painful visit last night and Claudia could not move without wanting to scream. Her emotions were all over the place, she felt like screaming, crying and throwing something across the room all at once, she had a pounding headache, stomach and back cramps and a massive craving for chocolate which she just so happened to run out of a couple of days prior. To top it all of she got no sleep last night because she couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep in.

"Clauds wake up! You're a prefect, you have responsibilities, kids who look up to you as a role model and we have classes today, so you can't just skip-"

"Lily shut the fuck up before I take away house points. Just tell Minnie what's going on she'll cover for me," she grumbled from under the covers

"Okay, we're going to breakfast. Do you want us to bring you anything?" Alice asked softly.

"Chocolate and lots of it please,"

"Of course the bitch wants chocolate," Marlene muttered.

"Let me have my fucking cravings Mar,"

"Sorry, sorry, we'll see you later,"


"Hey bitches," Marlene said as she sat down at the Gryffindor table.

"Where's Dia?"

"Yes, James my morning is going really well thanks" She rolled her eyes and looped down in her normal seat. "And Claudia is in our dorm room she's not... feeling her best."

"What's wrong with her?"

"Is it that time?" Regulus asked grimacing.

"Yes, she's in a very bitchy mood," Lily grumbled.

"Well you can't blame her she's in a lot of pain Lily, and you telling her what to do isn't going to help her, it's just going to make her more upset," Alice said.

"What are you guys talking about?" James asked.

"It's her time of the month James,"

"WHAT! I didn't know that she was a-"

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