28. double date

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( chapter twenty-eight. )

!!warning!! cough cough ifykyk

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!!warning!! cough cough ifykyk

March 12, 1977 - Age sixteen

In Claudia's opinion, there had not been enough Hogsmeade trips this year. She figured it was due to the rising number of attacks, and the staff was doing their best to keep the students inside the safety of Hogwarts. But today, they finally had their first Hogsmeade trip since October. Claudia and Vanessa both held sly smirks on their faces as they ate their breakfast at the Gryffindor table; Regulus and James (who were sitting as far away from each other as possible) watched them with skeptical gazes (they seem to have forgotten the promise they made to both of them before the quidditch game).

"So Dia, what are our plans for today?" James asked hesitantly.

Claudia snickered quietly, "Don't you remember?"

"Remember what?"

"You promised you'd try and get along with Regulus, so we scheduled a double date for the next Hogsmeade trip-"

"Which happens to be today," Vanessa grinned at the horror-filled looks on both boy's faces.

"Dia, please don't make me," James whispered.

"But you promised," She pouted mockingly.

"That was before- you know-"

"You guys kissed?!" She said a little too loudly.

"Quiet down, will you?!" He hissed.

"Come on, we're leaving," She said, grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers, nodding to Vanessa, who followed suit.

"This is mean," James whined.

"I want you two to get along! Is that such a crime, James?"

"No," He mumbled.

"You two will be fine," She assured as they walked into a carriage. "We agreed to let you two ride in different carriages,"

"Thank Merlin," He sighed. "So that means we're alone?"

"Yes, James," She sighed. "We're alone,"

"Brilliant," He grinned before hauling Claudia onto his lap. "Have I ever told you how hot you look in these trousers?" James asked, referring to Claudia's blue skinny jeans.


"Well, you look super hot in those trousers,"

"I just got my mom to send them in from this muggle store. This is the first time I'm wearing them,"

"That makes more sense," He hummed, hooking his fingers through the belt loops and pulling her closer. "These are very helpful," He mumbled absentmindedly.

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