09. halloween

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( chapter nine. )

October 31, 1976 - Age sixteen

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October 31, 1976 - Age sixteen

It was Halloween night, the girls were just about to leave for the feast and to say the three girls were excited would be an understatement.  They hadn't told anyone what they were being, not even Lily when she asked what they were doing instead of the originally planned costume. So as the girls walked down the halls towards the Great Hall (Lily already ahead of them with James) they talked about their hair, makeup and accessories for that night because they were getting ready in the prefect's bathroom to ensure nobody saw their costumes.

"Are you lot ready for tonight?" Marlene asked as they sat down with the rest of their friends. 

"My hangover is going to be at an absolute extreme tomorrow morning,"

"Same here.  I for one am going to party all my damn problems away,"

"Here, here!"

"Thank you, Sirius,"

"No problem Mrs. Pron- I mean Clauds,"

"Remmy how's the chocolate pudding?" Claudia asked the Lycanthrope, dismissing the older Black brothers slip up

"Amazing! How have you not had some yet?"

"You're hogging it arsehole,"

"Oh, sorry," He smiled sheepishly at her as he moved it in between them. 

"Holy shit.  This is better than last year's pudding!" She said after she tried some. 

"I know,"

"Lemme try some of that," Sirius reached over with his spoon causing Remus to smack his hand away and glare at his boyfriend.  "Ow! Merlin Moons,"

"Don't touch the chocolate pudding," He growled, pointing his spoon accusingly towards him. 

"That was hot Remmy.  Possessiveness over chocolate.  Who would've thought it could be so hot?"

"It's literally Remus he makes anything look hot," Marlene pointed out. 

"I feel like we've all had a crush on Remus at some point in our lives.  Because I for one definitely have," Claudia said. 

"He was the only guy I ever liked before I realized I liked girls,"

"He's the guy I liked when I realized I liked guys,"

"We know Sirius, you guys are literally dating,"

"I don't think I've ever crushed on Moony but I definitely thought he was really attractive at a certain point,"

"Moony is attractive Prongs,"

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