17. first prank of the new year

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( chapter seventeen. )

January 5, 1977 - Age sixteen

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January 5, 1977 - Age sixteen

The Charleston children walked through Platform 9 and 3/4 to head back for their second term at Hogwarts.  Matthius and Seraphina had been called into work, so they could not bring their kids to the station.  But said their goodbyes that morning. 

"How does it feel?"

"What do you mean, Clauds?"

"Walking without the Black heir title on your back,"

"I feel light, happier, overall better, to be honest,"

"Well, I'm glad.  Though the Slytherins don't seem too happy with you or me for that matter," She said, taking notice of the multiple glares the Purebloods were throwing their way. 

"Well, they can go suck-"

"Regulus Arcturus Black!" A voice filled with pure rage snarled from behind them. 

"Walburga, Orion," Regulus turned around to face them, his tone of voice sounding bored. 

"How dare you! You left the Noble and Most Ancient House Of Black.  For what? A filthy mudblood and a blood traitor who has done nothing but corrupt your beliefs since you met her!" Walburga yelled in rage, drawing attention to the four and a crowd to start forming around them.  

"Don't you dare-"

"You mean I showed him the better way of living? That I taught him not to be a prejudiced asshole like you and the rest of you Pureblood supremacist freaks are?"

"You dare speak to me, you foolish girl? After what you have done, you're lucky you aren't dead yet!"

"And Regulus is lucky he isn't dead, right? I mean, you've almost killed both of your sons now, haven't you? It's quite remarkable how they are both living after what you two did to them,"

"Do not speak of what you don't know,"

"But I do, in fact, know.  I have spoken to three members of the Black family, and well, they've all had very similar experiences with your fucked up family,"

"Have you?"

"As a matter of fact, I have.  Sirius and Regulus Black as well as Andromeda Tonks,"

"They are no longer members of the Black family, and they were out of their minds when they left,"

"I can't say I disagree.  I feel like my brain would be pretty fucked up after enduring as much torture as those three have," Causing several gasps to be heard around them and the older Black couple glare at her.  "It's truly a wonder how they are some of the happiest people I have ever met considering their life stories,"

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