10. chicken fights and sirius' seventeenth

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( chapter ten. )

November 1-3, 1976- Age sixteen

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November 1-3, 1976- Age sixteen

The next morning, Claudia woke up by the sun peeking through the Ravenclaw sixth-year boy's dormitory curtains and strong arms wrapped around her waist.

"Morning Buttercup," Henry's sleep-filled voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Morning Henry. What time is it?"

"It's half-past nine,"

"Good, we can still catch breakfast,"

"I'm starving,"

"Same, I want pancakes,"

"Me too. I think we'll get along just fine Buttercup,"

"I think so too blondie,"

"Blondie? Really!"

"Yup," She said popping the "p" and smiling at him.

"Bloody hell," He muttered.

"All of my friends have nicknames. Marls, Mar, Lils, Lil, Ali, Pete, Siri, Remmy, Rem, Reg, Reggie, and Reggie shark,"

"Reggie shark? That poor bloke,"

"He loves me I swear,"

"Oh, I'm sure. What do they call you?"

"Clauds, Claud and Dia,"

"I like Dia,"

"Only James calls me that. Well, he used to anyway,"

"Used to?"

"He hasn't talked to me properly for weeks and started calling me by my first name,"

"That's such an asshole thing to do. I might just have to get a frying pan with Lainey and Twinkle. Imagine that, two bloody house-elves and me running after him with a frying pan,". He said causing both of them to burst out laughing as they walked into the Great Hall.

"D-Do i-it, p-please," She laughed out, tears brimming her eyes. "I-It would be so funny,"

"Tempting. I do have several reasons to chase Potter around with a pan. So we'll see,"

"You know I chased Lily around with a pan one time in my manor,"

"You didn't!"

"I did, I swear! She through the flour in my face when we were making cookies so I grabbed the closest thing to me which was a pan and chased her around the halls with it,"

"Oh Merlin, should I be worried for my life when I'm around you?"

"Definitely, I'm insane," She grinned wickedly at him as they sat down at the Ravenclaw table. "Gryffindor is playing Ravenclaw in a match soon aren't they?"

𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 -𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now