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( chapter twenty-four. )

!!trigger warning!! nightmares, mentions of torture, drunk state, vomiting, alcoholism

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!!trigger warning!! nightmares, mentions of torture, drunk state, vomiting, alcoholism

March 3, 1977 - Age sixteen

Well, let's start by saying that habits are tough to break. Claudia Charleston figured that one out months ago. So she didn't even bother to try and break her drinking habit. She honestly felt better when she was either drunk or in James' presence, but James wasn't always around; firewhiskey was, so therefore, Claudia went for the one that would always be there when she needed it.

Another day another night spent drunk, with a half-empty bottle of firewhiskey in her hand. But today, Claudia's intoxicated mind decided to take things out of the safety of the kitchens. She mindlessly strolled... well, more like stumbled through the corridors, only Merlin knows how a prefect or professor didn't catch her. She slurred idiotic sentences to the paintings that gave her concerned looks.

"My dear, are you alright?" One of the paintings asked.  

"I'm fine, girl," Claudia slurred, dragging out the 'l.' She held onto the wall for support but ended up falling into a broom closet, making a large amount of noise, grabbing someone's attention.

Severus Snape heard a crash and groan from down the hall and was fully prepared to ignore it but stopped in his tracks when he heard an all too familiar giggle. Rolling his eyes, he walked over to the source of the noise, his robes swivelling behind him as he went.

When he arrived, he saw none other than Claudia Charleston clinging to a mop like a koala.

"You're quite the handsome broom, aren't you?" Claudia giggled, twirling one of the mop strands around her finger.

"Claudia," He called out hesitantly.

She gasped before yelling, "Sevvy!"

"Shh! It's almost past curfew. What in Salazar's name are you doing in a broom closet?!" He asked, pulling her up from the floor.

"Snogging the very handsome broom,"

"Are you drunk?"

"No," She slurred.

"Claudia, walk in a straight line," He instructed, letting go of her, and she immediately stumbled back into the wall. "Someone, please kill me," He muttered.

"Pew pew pew pew," Claudia giggled, firing her finger guns at him.

"Come on, we're going back to your common room," He said, grabbing her by the shoulders, steadying her so she could walk properly.

"Okay, do you think there will be a lion in there?"

"Why because you're a Gryffindor?"

"No, just asking,"

𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 -𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now