26. realization

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( chapter twenty-six. )

!!trigger warning!! blood, mentions of injury 

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!!trigger warning!! blood, mentions of injury 

March 6, 1977 - Age sixteen

Claudia was currently on her way down to potions which she was now late for.  She wanted to get a workout in this morning but took longer to shower than she realized, and by the time she was out, breakfast was over, and classes were about to start, so she ran from her dorm all the way down to the dungeons.  She practically threw the door open, panting and giving a sheepish smile to Professor Slughorn, who gave her a scolding look.  

"Miss Charleston," Slughorn sighed.  

"Professor! Lovely morning isn't it?"

"Indeed! Well, for you anyway.  You see, Miss Charleston, you happen to have tumbled in at a wonderful time! I was just looking for a volunteer to go first for today's assignment!" He said, making several students giggle.  

"And what would that be?"

"Smell this potion and tell us what you smell,"

"Do I get a detention?"

"If you do this, you will not serve any punishment for your tardiness,"

"Well, you've convinced me, sir," She smirked and walked towards the bubbling cauldron.  Claudia tried to look at it, to see what potion he was getting her to smell, but he quickly dismissed her and told her just to smell it.  "Will it kill me, sir?"

"Of course not! Goodness me, you're quite the character a lot like your mother!"

"Thank you...?"

"It's a compliment, my dear,"

"Right... uhm, I'm just gonna, yeah," She said, pointing to the cauldron.  When she leaned over, letting its steam hit her senses, she immediately realized what was going on.  "Oh, bloody hell,"

"Is there a problem?"

"Not at the moment.  But there is a very good chance that someone's ego is about to be incredibly inflated; more than it already is,"

"Tell us, Clauds!" Marlene yelled from the back of the class, making the brunette roll her eyes and the rest of the class cheer.  

"Oh, good lord.  Alright! I smell... rain, the quidditch pitch, some very gross cologne, butterbeer and... gingerbread cookies,"

"I wonder who it could be?" Sirius said, practically lying on top of James, who was smiling like an absolute idiot.  

"Mr. Black, why don't you come up next!"

"Yeah, Sirius come on up," Claudia challenged. 

"It's like none of you know what I'm going to smell," He scoffed, strolling up the aisle until he was right in front of where Claudia previously stood.  "It smells like Remus Lupin with a hint of the Potter house,"

𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 -𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now