04. movie night

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( chapter four. )

September 4, 1976 - Age sixteen

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September 4, 1976 - Age sixteen

The next morning Claudia woke up to a pounding headache and a dry throat. The sun was peaking through the windows so Claudia knew she must've slept in pretty late. She groaned and sat up, attracting the attention of two of her best friends.

"Good morning sunshine," Lily smiled and threw her a vial full of clear liquid, which she immediately opened and chugged down waiting for the effect to kick in.

"Thank you, Lily," she breathed out a sigh of relief. "That felt like the worst hangover of my life, but last night's party was totally worth it, I'm so happy Remus and Sirius confessed their feelings like if I forgot I probably would've started crying," she sighed out in relief.

"Yeah it was pretty fun, I just hope Amos gets over himself soon, I was just playing the game," Lily frowned and looked at her feet.

"Hey, if he doesn't realize that there's nothing there then it's his own problem Lily, and if he had stayed rather than sucking out, he would have seen that Remus and Sirius are most likely going to be a thing and are very much gay, so there really isn't anything to worry about," Marlene justified.

"I agree with Marlene, if he says anything bad about you or to you, just say the word and I'll cut off his dick,"

"I don't think that will be necessary but I'll let you know," Lily chuckled.

"Alright, alright. It's just a suggestion," Claudia raised her arms in defence.

"You know what?! You girls are right! We are just going to go to breakfast, and if he tries to speak to me about it and talk it through, all is good but I will not be apologizing for giving a lap dance to a gay guy,"

"That's my girl!" Claudia said as she high-fived the red head. "I just have to shower really quick and then we can go,"


"Goodmorning everyone!" Claudia sang as she and her friends sat next to the Marauders plus Alice and Frank.

"Lower your voice," Sirius grumbled with a very prominent hangover.

"Here you go, hangover potions made by yours truly," Lily said as she fished for a few vials in her bag.

"Oh bless you, Evans!" James said before he chugged it down.

"Lily do you have two more of those?" Claudia asked as Lily nodded her head and handed her two more vials. "Thanks, I'll be back," and with that Claudia walked over to the Slytherin tables.

"Reg, Evan, have you guys still got your hangovers?" she whispered to them.

"Yeah," Regulus muttered from where his head was in his arms on the table.

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