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Young Uriel was barely keeping it together as the world around him crumbled, to be precise, flooded. How an impeccably pleasant day had turned out this way for him was something he couldn’t comprehend, but, more was the fact that the father had decided to erase all of his creation, which he so loved. However that wasn’t his immediate dilemma, staying alive was.
He wished he were older, maybe then he would be able to create a portal to another realm or at least he would be able to retract his wings which were becoming too heavy for his young body to support. He was terrified and alone. With everyone around him being angels with centuries and thousands on their ages, he was truly forlorn and being the only archangel, meant he was set aside from the rest of the stranded older angels.
“Heavens are not going to answer your prayers, child.” An angel with wings of dull yellow, who had been perched on the mountain top like himself, said at the sight of Uriel on his knees, eyes closed even as he began shaking from the cold, or was it the cold clutches of dread.
Angels were not supposed to be distressed by the weather, but then again Uriel was so young he couldn’t even call himself an angel, being nothing but a young pup. With the metal plates adorning the chest of his unhelpful companion, Uriel could tell he was a power, one of the three ranks of angel’s from the middle heavens.
Uriel didn’t answer but continued praying. That was all he could do, the other alternative wasn’t for him. Castiel, his teacher would be highly disappointed with him, if he joined the kingdom of hell. Uriel would rather die than go over to the darkness.
“So he plans to wipe out his own children because we decided to play with his precious weak humans, who enjoy the vices we provide!” The angel lamented yet again, this time with a trace of fury in his voice. Uriel heard him whisper something.
A moment later a portal opens and the angel is sucked in. He must have accepted the devils bargain then, Uriel thought. The leader of the fallen angels was listening and waiting for any of his exiled brethren who would curse God.
Now he was truly alone, in complete silence, at least the anger belligerent company was a welcome distraction from the silence, broken only by the sound of the violent surge of the flood, accompanied with occasional thunder and flashes of lightning. Slowly, the water continued to rise and his situation was not getting any better, nevertheless, he wouldn’t stop praying. Not even when he felt the wave streaming across his already cold wings and legs or when the waves threatened to take him under. He didn’t stop praying and hoping that heaven would answer him.
The tears broke from the wells in his eyes when he began struggling to stay afloat. His wings were drenched, and he could barely hold them firm against his back as he was taught.
Was this going to be the end of his life?
All because he had wanted seeing and exploring the beautiful world of mankind, where the creatures made in the image of God existed. In that moment he wandered what Castiel would be doing. If he could see him drowning and couldn’t help.
He wondered what he would have done, if the situation were different and he did make it back to heaven. Castiel would have undoubtedly scolded him, as would any concern teacher, but he would have later listened and explain to his young mind the mystery behind everything he had seen, as the both sat at the mountain edge in the golden city, staring at the wide open void above were hundreds of angels flew.
He missed his home, his friends, his teacher and his pride of pet lions. Gradually the waves eroded all hope from him as it got ever stronger and the waters ever higher. Just when he thought it was finish, a hand closed around him like a warmth blanket and pulled his half-conscious body away from the water, and from the claws of demise.

Celestial storm #1 Archangel Storm [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now