Chapter 25

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Bonnie opened one lazy eye. The early morning sun was streaming into the room. She turned in Uriel’s arms careful not to wake him when she noticed he was fast asleep. Sometime last night his wings had retracted. Had it been their third or fourth session of love making? That, she couldn’t remember. A smile crept over her face, with a lightness she had never felt before; not since her mother had disappeared.
Last night had been nothing short of amazing. She’d lost count too many times the rode each other to oblivion. She watched him under the morning light, his beautiful face looking so perfect and peaceful as his chest raised and fell in a humanly rhythm. She wanted so badly to lay her head on his sculptured chest and listen to that heartbeat all day long, reminiscing on the night before. He looked not more than a day over twenty eight. The urge to release her wings and keep him wrapped up here in her home for the rest of her life was almost overwhelming.
She felt different. The protectiveness that came with Valkyrie bonding with their mate for the first time was something fierce. She felt a part of him in her. His power, mind and soul.
She couldn’t explain it, couldn’t wrap her head around the fact, not fully. But she could feel the strength, his strength flowing through every cell in her body. It could as well be the connection they now shared. She would feel whatever he felt, physically and emotionally and right now all she felt was complete and utter contentment.
She looked at her nudity and smiled. She could still see traces of the divinium ash, now patches of her body. The temptation of tasting the substance again more than cross her mind. But she knew if she did, she’d jump on him again and even though she had a feeling he wouldn’t protest, and welcome it with a smile, no matter how appealing that sounded she knew there was work to do.
Her heart squeezed at the thought of what they were going to be facing today. The battle they were going to be facing. She checked her bed side post and it was a few minute past six in the morning.
She swung her legs, welcoming the dull ache between her thighs. Even with her Valkyrie she felt soar. He was really a hand full, and had done his number on her. She made it toward her bath room but turned to admire the male lying contently on her bed. He could as well been a sleeping statue, made by the finest sculptures. Finally tearing her eyes from him, she made her way into the bathroom and closed the door.
Was it always going to be like this with him? She went under the hot bath, holding her breath as she worked to claim her nerves.
The earth quake that shocked her building stole her moment of peace, that wasn’t a normal earthquake. No it was one that held unmistakable power, and it wasn’t Uriel. Crap…, the dominions were one step ahead.
Jopel and the other dominions took one look at the seal and knew it was broken. Only one person on earth could have been able to break through the seal without any fall out. Uriel.
They immediately went in to check on their prisoner, but he was still there. It didn’t make sense.
What is going on? Theliel asked. “Do you really think it was Uriel and not someone or something else?”
Jopel understood the angel’s meaning. The might have been powerful, rulers of the world but they knew they were not the only ones on top of the food chain. Powers lurked in the shadows, some of which were angelic hosts as old as time itself.
“Theliel has a point. He would have turned this place upside down in his fury.” Aquiel said.
“You all sometimes just over estimate what this Uriel is capable of.” Baradiel said. He was the youngest of the group, who during the course of his long life hadn’t gotten to see just what Uriel was capable of.
Jopel knew without a doubt that there was no over estimation of what Uriel could and couldn’t do, that was just how the archangels were made, but Theliel had a point. The Uriel he remembered would have turned Mount Shell over in his rage and quest for punishment, or at least freed the angel in captivity.
“I’m not sure who is behind this, but someone is unto us.” Jopel said, a frown creasing his eye brow.
“What do we do now?” Suriel asked.
Jopel turned to Suriel. “We have no option, but to start the fusion immediately with no delay.”
“And what about me, my own divinium vessels have not been prepared yet.” Baradiel inquired.
“Another observation, what makes you think we will not be attacked here while the infusion is been carried out?” Suriel asked.
“Because we will cause so large a chaos no one would even think of attacking us.” Jopel replied.
“What do you have in mind Jopel?” Theliel asked.
“It is time we deployed the foot soldiers.”
“They Empurias and wardens you mean?”
“Yes Suriel, but not only them, we will also deploy the so called world powers to take out the warden’s bases.” Jopel said.
“Lives will be lost, hundreds maybe thousands. And the Empurias, they will go out of hand.”
“A small price to pay, Suriel. This way we remove the humans from the equation. Even though we created the organization to keep us in the shadows, and a handle on the Empurias, the have proven to be a pain. However, once this is done, we will not need the warden anymore to keep the Empurias who disobey in line.”
“We should also terminate those that are not taken out by the attacks. Tie up loose ends.” Theliel offered.
“Nice thinking.” Baradiel said.
Everything would go as planned, Jopel thought to himself. Whoever was after them couldn’t stop what was coming.
“We can’t wait to draw the essence out of him.” Jopel said looking through the glass wall at Zoael. We will just have to drain everything out of him this time.

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