Chapter 21

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She tilted her head to look at the movement behind him that caught her eyes. His wings, it uncurled like a flower. She stood captivated as his wings continued to spread behind him; slowly and with elegance.
Her eyes seem to widen with every inch of his uncurling wings. Her breathing seemed to be momentarily suspended. So large, and so breathtakingly beautiful, she studied the patterns with great care as much as she could with the synthetic lighting from the light bulbs. He seemed to have sense her desire and interest in his wings, as he opened them out wide with an angle which allowed for the scrutiny of his wings.
She observed the pure white feathers which seemed to be arranged in an intricate pattern, especially where the met the sunset red edges, with no space to tell if it was one roll of wings or a separate entity, but the design that took the icing was the red streak cascading down both wings from the arch to the mid-section of both pair. Her memory went to the angel in the book she had read in the library at warden academy. He was the angel who had fought alongside the wardens centuries past. He was, and is still a good guy.
She had seen some angels with eccentrically beautiful wings but this was . . . one of a kind for her. Her hand itched to trace the pattern of the red streak feathers, it was until she heard his breathing change did she realize she was brushing the arch-outer layer of his wings, which was made of soft, yet large feathers. His eyes seemed to be hooded as if he was in some kind of trance.
He was enjoying her touch and she realized the wings were sensitive no doubt, because it was an extension of their bodies. She managed to pull her hands away, this was supposed to be intimate, and this was not the place.
“I haven’t actually done this for a long time.” Uriel confessed, and she could hear the tension in his voice. Nervous, He was nervous, because he didn’t want to hurt her. That fact seemed to catalogue itself in her heart. This beautiful creature who threatened to crumble buildings in his rage, was nervous because of her safety. For some reason she felt unworthy of him.
However, she found her boldness and strength in that moment. She took both of his hands. She relished the feeling and weight of them, stepping in between them and placing it around her waist. A warm sensation seemed to travel from his body into hers as his arms encompassed her with a grace only he possessed. She stopped herself before a whimper could escape her lips.
Did he know what he was doing to her? It felt as if he knew what he was doing. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pushing her body against his firm physique. She relished in the feeling the contact provided.
His breathing became sharp.
A smile cross her lips at his response, happy that this attraction wasn’t just a one way street. She rested her head on his chest, which was just how far she could go- even at 6 feet, thanks to his height.
“Hold on.” He whispered. Seconds later, they were airborne, and she had not been prepared for the force of the air that wiped across her face, as he took a skyward dive, her stomach dip with the upward momentum, she couldn’t help the shriek of ecstasy that escaped her lips. She buried her face deeper in his chest, inhaling the scent of him and it was doing something to her insides, his scent was coffee and vanilla blended with orange blossom and jasmine. Where that clarity had come from she couldn’t tell, but it did justice. Her mouth watered, she wanted a taste, a taste of him.
At this rate, she wouldn’t be surprised if she actually jumped him in the air, her Valkyrie seemed to relish in the idea, and clawed to the surface, pleading for complete freedom. To fly high above the sky lines, and dance the dance, only beings with wings could, it wanted to do all that with him, and more.
She felt him adjust a little and just when she thought she was weighing on him, she was corrected at the stiffness poking into her belly, and this time couldn’t hold back the smile.
Uriel was all shades of pink. He knew what attraction between two people was. He might have excluded himself from all such attachment for a long time; he had found himself being infatuated with a few, but never was he ever this out of control. What was this female doing to him?
She was physically attractive with an oval face, bright smoky gray eyes hooded by long lashes, and her body. . . He wielded his thought to stop, raining down the control he had practiced and perfected for centuries. His hands closed around her in fear he might actually drop her. Finally with much effort he shifted his thought from the warden and how she smelled; of the lily that lined the court yard behind his home in the solitude, with and added freshness.
Shifting from thoughts of the woman in his arms, to more pressing matters, about Jopel and his betrayal. Jopel was the first angel Uriel had gotten to meet in the solitude, and they had become friends afterwards.
He didn’t know how long it was, but at some point he heard the warden say something. “You are not alone. I will be with you when the time comes…”
“Bonnie, I…” he began, but was cut short with her next words.
“I want to show you something.” He felt her fall quiet, and then took a deep breath.
Whatever it was, he could tell she was nervous about sharing it. He was about to open his mouth, to tell her it wasn’t important for her to do anything she didn’t want to do, when she finally spoke up again. A renewed determination in her eyes, as she lifted her head from his chest.
“How far do we need to be apart for your veil to hold?”
“I can hold for almost a mile in all directions, but I am not sure I would be able to hold it for too long, however several feet apart, I can manage it all night.”
She hesitates again and he was getting worried. When she unwrapped her hand from his neck, he truly panicked. What are you doing?” he queried, unease in his voice.
”I want to show you something,” She repeated, almost in a whisper. “Something I haven’t shown anyone before. A part of me that have been a secret for the past twenty six years of my life. Not even my best friend knows about it. Do you trust me, Uriel?”
Bonnie had been staring up at Uriel, his face glowing under the moonlight, however, what caught her attention was those ethereal green eyes, they were now glowing as if giving out its own light, and she couldn’t help but feel his energy suddenly change.
Did he trust her? They had known each other for a couple of days and that wasn’t even a tear drop in the pool of time, but he knew deep down she was trustworthy, with a strong loyal heart.
“Yes I trust you.” He finally replied.
“Then let me go.”

Celestial storm #1 Archangel Storm [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now