Epilogue and brief peak into #2

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Two years later
When Uriel had told her he would love to show her his home, she could never in a million light have pictured the  city that covered the large expanse of the land below them as the hovered high up in the sky just below the cloud.  From here she could see the green vegetation that covered the high rises of the mountains and valleys to the west, the open fields to the east, the fountain and water bodies, with islands that seems as though they were nothing but dots  that made up the southern plains, tall building rose to hundreds of feet from the ground in a style that denoted modern earthly origin yet totally idiosyncratic in their design.
As the winged their way down, she could make out angels in hundreds flying above and about, small children running and playing in the streets, while large humans rode the backs of equally large stallions. It held a primitive sense from the setups below her but she could tell this people had surpassed humans in both technology and knowledge, and maybe at some point had been the inspiration for a number of earth’s ground breaking discoveries.
The most outstanding feeling was the Mysterious feeling of peace about the place. She couldn’t place her hand on what exactly the scene of peace was coming from.
She could see why the archangel didn’t visit earth much. This place was so peaceful, she never wanted to leave.
“You feel it don’t you?” Uriel asked, as the spotted an angel in the distance.
“Yeah, but I can’t put my hands on it.”
“So now you understand why it is called the solitude of grace?” Uriel asked.
“Not really.” she said matter-of-factly and he graced her with one of those smiles that got her mind in the gutter.
“The solitude is unique just like the other dozens in this realm. It is not polluted with the negative energy that surrounds the earth realm, here in this solitude your mind let go of uneasiness, worry and you have time to appreciate what you really have and be thankful for the grace to be among the living.” Uriel said as he gestured for her to land.
She spoke in his mind just as a red winged angel a little taller than Uriel, heavily built came to stand in front of Uriel, and bowed.
“Sire, you have returned.”
Sire. She said looking at Uriel. “Eagle wasn’t kidding when he said you were like royalty here.” She said in a tone of astonishment into his mind.
The corners of Uriel’s mouth arched up. “No, I am just like anyone other one around here, while I maintain the peace and offer my protection to the natives and citizen of this solitude, along with the great men and women. “Hann here is a servant of the people as well as I.” He said into her mind as he made the introductions.
It had taken two whole years of returning order to the world. Two years of hunting the empurias that had thought to revolt with majority of the angels out of commission to rule and keep them in line. With the order of the wardens at its lowest point, trying to rebuild its ranks and getting integrated into the defense structure of each countries government, still regaining its autonomy as a sovereignty body and out of the direct rule of the angels, which was made possible with the help and authority of one angel, with wings of purest white edged with sunset red, who was the light and consuming fury of God.

The end.

Coming soon
Book two of celestial storm
Tinted storm; the forces of darkness is upon earth. The evolution of the angels is here.
A brief peak.
It had been two years since the battle of fury, two years since the world had learned about the existence of the celestials and their creation; the empurias who walked and ruled the world.
Things are beginning to return together with the peace most of the angels try to maintain but a new darkness is coming, along with an evolution that demands blood and war.
Out of their hands the angels pray for a savior and one is given to them. The consuming fire and fury of God, Uriel.

The fountain provided a good view of Greel city, and tonight it was a sight to behold, for the angel who had ruled and watched over the territory for centuries, ever since he had been rescued from the nightmare which he’d lived and still haunted him to this day. The once dying city, home to but mortals and immortals alike had survived the battle of fury, which had seen the archangel Uriel taking down the mad dominions, rulers of the supernatural world of angels and their creations; the empuria, once human now fueled with the essence of an angel. The remnant of that battle still stood prominent in a number of cities, marked out with the damage buildings, still mourning cities, empuria’s rampaging with angels unable to keep an eye on them and the wardens, the supernatural hunters, still recovering their numbers and place in the supernatural hierarchy.
The angels who ruled the territories now bowed to the appointed senior angel, who were tasked with overseeing the angel and empurias, making sure dispute among the ruling angels didn’t escalate into full blown wars between territories. The world had seen a lot of bloodshed and was still recovering from the nightmare, that and the realization that angels existed and were not all what they were imagined to be.
It had been two years of trying to put the world together, two years of mitigating the fall out of the humans knowing about what existed in the shadows, two years of finding a normal ground for all to stand on and co-existed, and that now included the Valkyries, formal humans who had the dominant gene of an old, forgotten race, who until the battle of fury didn’t exist.
Being the archangel’s vice ruler on earth, watching over Greel city which was Uriel’s territory on earth, made him a key player in the struggle for normalcy and also high up the power ladder. The fountain, which was the angelic stronghold in Greel city had been voted by both the ruling angels of North and South America, to be the center of power in the region, naming Uriel their Senior angel, a play for power, of course, and with the archangel having returned to the solitude realm, the position and power fell on he and the other two judges in the city; Reuben, who was overseeing the construction of the destroyed infrastructures in Los Angelis and assisting the newly named ruling angel of Mount shell, the angelic strong hold in the city and Eagle, who focus on the day to day running of the fountain while he, Judea attended to Senior angel meetings and tasks.
“Are you done with your meeting with Zoael?” Eagle’s voice projected into his mind, just as the cool late evening breeze ruffled his hair, raising the soft silken strands off his shoulders. Zoael was now the highest ranked angel on earth and ruled as the senior angel of the entire Asian continent, with his lieutenant spread across the vast territories. 
“Yes.” Judea replied.
“I’m down town. Detective Howard called the fountain. I thought I would check it out.”
Judea’s heart dropped. Detective Howard was an Empuria, one of he’s and also one of the cities homicide detectives, until two years ago he helped cover up the supernatural related case and was now an informant handling cases that involved the supernaturals, as any of such cases were handled by the wardens bureau or the Fountain. For Howard to call the Fountain meant the was a supernatural murder, and more interesting was the fact that Eagle was getting him involved.
He could feel the air around him change, from one of peace and comfort to one of death and blood. Something was coming and this case was the beginning of that omen.
Judea arrived few minutes later at the crime scene, he landed a few feet away not to disturb the evidence which might have yet to be processed. He ignored the photos been taken by the humans on the other side of the yellow tape. No doubt he would be on the cities news and papers tomorrow. That wasn’t his problem. The body which laid underneath the white sheet in front of him was the problem.
He crouched down and noticed the circle it was laid in, and the faintest smell, the scent that plagued his nightmares, sulfur, faint yet potent. This body whoever it was had come from hell, and as much as he wanted to see who it was, he knew nothing good was going to come out of it.
“Lord Judea.” Detective Howard called as he strolled toward his master, Eagle at his side. Judea couldn’t help but noticed the contrast between the two men. While Eagle was lean built and a good over six feet, his servant, the detective was a heavy built man that barely made it pass 5.5, were Eagle was tan and unruly, Howart skin were as white and while coordinated.
“What do we have here Howard?” Judea asked, caution still warning him against looking beneath the sheath. It felt like some sort of Pandora box and he feared opening it would let all the monsters out. Which, he thought, was quiet stupid.
“A body.” Howard replied. “The body was discovered by that woman” Detective Howard added with a gesture of his head to a woman standing off the side with an angel, who Judea realize was Orael, the angel in charge of supernatural homicide.
“No. Howard turned to Eagle and the both exchanged a look that told Judea he wasn’t going to like the answer. “We believe it is an angel.”
Judea’s eyes widened, as he turned to the body, the were no wings laying about, but that didn’t mean it couldn’t be, it only meant that the wings could have been severed and that meant his fears were right.
Eagle crouched down and opened the body and Judea doubled back. No, this couldn’t be, it wasn’t possible, it couldn’t be. Staring into the night sky were eyes that belonged to an angel he once considered an friend, an angel he had commanded his celestial unit back in heaven with, but that wasn’t the reason he was dumb struck.
Poel had shared the same fate he had in hell. The torture, the smell of brunt flesh, the never ending screams. The had given up the ghost before Uriel had saved him, or so it had seem. However, Judea wasn’t so sure anymore. If Poel had truly died on that faithful evening, when Crucifix, one of the chief commanders of hell had taken out Poel’s heart, then he should have been nothing but bones after almost four centuries. Memories of Judea’s time in hell surged forward but he fought against the horror. Not here. He couldn’t show such weak emotions.
“How could you tell he is an angel?” Judea asked, even though the was no way he could mistake those eyes for anyone but his dead friend, whose arms he had been carried on after been injured on countless missions, whose side he had fought along with. He needed to regain his composure and that involved drawing the attention away from himself.
“He has that angelic charm about him, and . . .” Eagle said using one right gloved hand to roll the body into his side and Judea followed his train. Unlike the torso of the angel, the back was a mess, with torture marks ranging from the familiar wipe marks, claw marks, Judea, for a moment he could almost hear the screams of the angel as their capturer banded their bodies and broke their spirits, what took the icing were the angels wings which had been chopped off from the protruding muscle from which the grew out, the muscle also showed signs of being torn and Judea could fell bile coming up his throat. He was going to be sick.
Rage, the likes he had never felt threated to take over but he kept his rational mind on. He needed information to find out who and why this was happening.
Underneath the body was more of the black ink substance he had noticed when he had first seen the body. Something felt familiar about it, although he couldn’t really place where or when he had come across it. He needed to see the entire drawing. “Howard assist Eagle move the body. I need to see what he his lying on.”
“But, sire the scene isn’t fully processed.”
“Move it.”
Judea spreads out his wings which he had been holding tight to his back to make sure he didn’t disturb the scene until it was processed. Funny when he was doing exactly that now, but he needed to see the drawing. Memory of the drawing dances across his back of his memory. Judea flailed his wings giving himself a slight elevation, in order to have a full view of the drawing on the ground.
He was right. He had indeed seen the drawing before, from his time in hell. It was the sigil of Crucifix the demon in charge of Lucifer’s eastern dungeon were he tortured those who trespassed into hell and an broke them, body and spirit. He was also a general of the dark prince, ruling the first realm of hell. The symbol of three triangles rising from the south, east and west to meet in an oval shaped goat head with two horns. Crucifix had ambushed his unit of angels after they had carried out a raid in the underworld and were about to leave. Heavens had not sent anyone to rescue them, given his mission had not been sanction by his superior but it was a mission he saw to be necessary. The moment he had been captured by the demon, he knew his destiny had been left to the hands of fate.
Judea stilled his thought from going any deeper, into the darkest times of his life. This could be Crucifix doing or not, someone could have been messing around with him, but then again it was Poel’s body, and no one got into the eastern dungeons without Crucifix knowing. The evidence and significance of the body, all pointed to one person’s doing, it all pointed to the demon, Crucifix.
Judea stared at the lifeless body of his friend. The angel with wings of grey and purple that was almost indigo. The angel that had cried out to heaven to help, to rescue them from the whip that grazed their flesh, the fangs and claws that tore at their flesh and organs but the never sent anyone. That had been almost four centuries ago. Judea didn’t want to think of his friend, being alive for so long in the claws of the demon, it was just too much to think of that. Still, he needed to know for sure, needed to determine how long and excruciating the culprit behind this would have to suffer.
“Ghost.” Judea called, noticing the empuria who blended with the night, not speaking only observing and taking note of all that was happening. He was of Oriel’s, whose daughter the empuria was also courting.
“Yes, lord Judea.” The empuria called, from the comfort of the shadows.
“I want you to get a team out in every inch of the city.” Judea commanded, suspecting the culprit could still be in the four walls of the city, watching. Without doubt Judea knew if that were the case Ghost would be the best at finding out who it was.
The empuria bowed and was gone.
“Amber.” Judea called on the female Empuria who worked under the fountain’s forensic team. No doubt Howard had called her when he had noticed the case wasn’t mundane.
“Yes, Lord Judea.” She answered, adjusting her glasses, not that she needed it. Empurism healed every minor and even some sever illnesses, at 70, looking not a day above 30, she was the last of Judea’s creation.
“I need you to personally handle the autopsy on the body. I want everything checked and rechecked, have Fruiel and Howard with you, make sure every detail is included, nothing, I repeat, nothing, should be overlooked.” Judea said. Fruiel, an angel, who was Amber’s tutor, although was putting in a transfer from the fountain to his lover’s angel court and would leave once he felt she was ready to head the department, and Howard, with both of them, she would be able to tell what was important to take note.
“Yes, Lord Judea.” The title sounded a little bit strange when she said it, and Judea suspected it must have been the time difference between her making and the older Empurias, whose era of origin the title had been well favored.
Judea turned just in time to meet Eagle observing stare. He no doubt knew something was up, Eagle might fall into the group of Uriel’s Judges that preferred the brawn’s work but he was equally gifted in sniffing out things.
“What?” Judea asked.
Eagle didn’t speak, he gestured his head to a more private location, and the two men made to the more secluded spot.
“What is going on Judea?” Eagle asked, in his naïve ottoman tongue, his accent flawless even with centuries of blending into other societies, never returning home since his transformation from human to empuria.
Judea responded in the same tongue, one of the many gift of the angels, the ability to understand and speak whatever language their companion spoke “I recognize the symbol Eagle, it’s a symbol of Crucifix, a demon in hell that held me captive, it was his dungeon Uriel rescued me from.” That much every member of Uriel’s Judges knew. The only people who he had shared what happened with, were Uriel and Dayhark, the demi-god, who was also a member of Uriel’s Judge.
I would ask why a demon would have done this, I mean the mostly stick to corrupting souls and occasionally striking favors, however I don’t think any of that applies to this demon.”
“On that, I fear you are correct, Crucifix is not an ordinary demon, and he has legions of other demons and corrupted souls to do his bidding. This was a message.”
“A message you say?”
“Who is the message for then?”
“I don’t know for sure, or if it was even sent from Crucifix.”
“But you have a guess to run with?” Eagle asked.
The corners of Judea’s mouth quaked up. Amongst all of Uriel empuras, he and Eagle had spent the longest time together, and over their long lives have created a bond that stood the test of time, over drinks and hugs shared in times of peace, loyalty and brotherhood in intervals of war. “If I’m right, then this was Crucifix doing and the message is for me, given that the angel in question was a member of my platoon and was held captive with me.”
Eagle’s eyes narrowed, and for a brief moment Judea could register an emotion he rarely got from his companion, fear. He could relate. Crucifix, and what he stood for, signaled pure evil, the kinds that made angels recoil. He could attest to the demons brutality and ruthlessness. “Are you sure?”
“Like I said, I’m not sure.”
“But the sigil belongs to him?”
Eagle sighed. This is unlike anything we have ever handled, rival angels, mad empuria blinded by the illusions of grandeur, those we can handle but this . . . I don’t know.
“It might not be him.”
“That is what I’m worried about, Judea, we don’t know, but if it is this Crucifix fellow, then he is up to something, if it isn’t his doing, something tells me that is equally bad.”
Judea agreed.
“But what I don’t get is how he had survived so long. I don’t know this Crucifix fellow but Uriel told me you were alone when he found you.”
“I also thought Poel was dead centuries ago. I, too, do not understand.”
“So many uncertainties. I think we should . . .”
“No.” Judea replied bluntly.
“You don’t even know what I was going to say.”
“Yes I do. You were going to demand we tell Uriel and the others.”
“Sure, you didn’t read me mind?” Eagle asked.
“No, just your face. we don’t know what we are dealing with, it could be Crucifix or it could be something else, we are not sure, but whatever it is I will handle it. Uriel doesn’t need to be involved.
“You know he would be here in a heartbeat.”
“Yeah I do, and for that he has my deepest respect, but the last time he was here he nearly died and the last time I saw him, that glow in his eyes, he was happy, so happy and I don’t want to take that away from him. I can handle my problems, I can handle this city.”
“We.” Eagle corrected, “I and Reuben are with you. You are not alone, Crucifix, or whatever bastard committed this sick ploy, we will find them, and Justice will be served. No one messes with the FOUNTAIN and goes scot-free.”
Judea smiled. He couldn’t help it. Eagle’s enthusiasm always came unexpectedly and was always infectious. Eagle was right, he wasn’t the same angel he was centuries ago. He was a more vicious, ruthless warrior, the right hand to an archangel, amongst many other things.
He wasn’t alone. He had friends that would die for him, if need be. Whoever was behind this heinous act, that thought he would mess with his head and the house will come crumbling down, had another thing coming. He would show them that he wasn’t just Judea the nameless warrior angle of the lower heaven but was Judea, the judge of the only archangel to walk the world, with the backing of thousands behind him.
He would wait for the report to come in, and then he would plan from there. No one would destabilize him, lives, he knew were counting on him.
Dawn snapped her wings short, brazing herself before another trial. Her tank top had been glued to her body and her pants were beginning to feel uncomfortable. One more time, she told herself, she could do this.
She heard the wind change, as the air crackled with power the signs that the most powerful being in the solitude had arrived, she turned to find Uriel, the archangel who ruled the vast territory of solitude grace, who, alongside his mate, her queen had saved her a year ago.
Dawn couldn’t help the energy boast that came with his presence, it was one that pushed her to be her best, that told her failure wasn’t an option. She had a desire to impress, to do better, to prove herself. Why, she couldn’t tell. Siren, the only female in Uriel’s council of Judges had told her it had been the same feeling she had when she joined the solitude, she had even told her one day she could be a Judge herself. That gave her a mission, a target, it spoke to her in a way nothing else did, she wasn’t worthless like the beasts that had kept her for their pleasure had made her feel.
Even after going through so much she knew and constantly told herself she could do better, even though the night mares still hunted her dreams and plagued her by day in the form of intimate touch, sometimes, the slightest physical thought was able to set off her alarm bells, it was getting better though, talking and being the presences of her saviors always helped. She just needed time, and although she missed her friends back on earth, especially Mirabel, she knew needed the solitude to heal and that was most important right then.
She closed her eyes and wildered herself to focus. A Valkyrie’s wings were not as adapted and sophisticated as those of the angels; it was more like an extending weapon from their bodies, with the tough claw-like protrusions from the arcs of each wing, but also modified for flight. That translated to more training, less speed, maneuverability and acrobatics in the air.
Uriel, and Bonnie, the Valkyrie queen had personally taken up her flight training, well she learnt weapons training from Hannah, a unique nephilium, first with functional angelic wings and her friend.
She had been thought how to glide through the air, carried in the arms of her queen mostly, or the archangel, as that were the only two people she didn’t fear she would fall into an episode with. Somewhere in her brain, them, and a hand full of women could be trusted not to hurt her.
She was now learning take offs, from where she would progress to graceful landing. She angled her body and wings slightly downward from the vertical position Bonnie had told her to maintain. The arcs on her wings just felt like the strongest and easiest point to use. She could feel her shoulder blades protesting the assault, but she pushed through, she did it. The claps and cheers, told her she wasn’t just imagining being air-borne . . . Crap, she was going downwards. She tried maintaining her position but that just took away her landing balance, she could already imagine the pain that would mark her land, a sprint ankle, bruises that would heal fast but hurt the same, however the pain never came as she was brought to a gentle landing by a power she couldn’t mistake for anyone except Uriel.
“Are you hurt?” Bonnie asked, coming to her side.
“Could have been worse.” She said, extending her gratitude to Uriel.
“You did it Dawn, Just a little more, and then combining all of it and you should have a handle on things.” Bonnie said. Dawn could have sworn Bonnie’s eyes glowed with appreciation. She was indeed please with her.
Looking above her queen’s wings of indigo blue, to the angel who had given her a gentle landing, for approval. Uriel stared straight at her, face and eyes devoid of emotions, sometimes she thought he only showed his true feeling to Bonnie alone, but there were times he was completely open. Today, however, wasn’t one of those days.
“You did well Dawn.” Uriel said.
“Thank you, Sir.” She replied. She just couldn’t bring herself to calling the archangel Lord, like the others did in the solitude.
“We have to go somewhere.” Bonnie told her just as a unit of angels winged their way towards them.
“Is there a problem?”
“Nothing you need to concern yourself with. I will have someone take you home.” Bonnie replied, no readable expression to read. She was becoming harder to read with every passing day, and Dawn suspected her lover was rubbing off on her.
“I’ll be fine.” Dawn replied. I can handle myself.
Bonnie smiled. “Sweetheart, your wings are drooling which means you could need help getting back home.” Bonnie gave her an-am-i-wrong-look.
Dawn couldn’t hold her tough girl act any longer, not against the woman whose arms she had cried and found comfort in. who was the big sister she never had, and the mother she had lost.
“Okay, fine.” She said.
Bonnie smiled and rustled her hair. A moment later, Dawn’s best friend arrived and her instructors took to the sky in a perfect symphony.
“How long do you intent to stare?” Hannah asked, breaking into her daydream, a wonder, if she could ever have what the two of them did. She turned to find the beautiful nephilium staring back at her, a smile on her flawless golden skin.
“Don’t play coy, Dawn. Truth to be told, I feel kind of Jealous towards Bonnie, she took my man.” 
Dawn scuffed in surprise and shock, for one she wasn’t expecting the girl, who looked to be in her mid-teen, although she was old enough to be her grandmother, to be saying something like that. Secondly the girl was too sweet and innocent to be involved with someone as powerful and as lethal as Uriel, even she had her doubt about Bonnie.
“You’re giving me that look again.” Hannah said, flexing her wings, the testament to just how unique a nephilim she was.
“What Look?”
“That look you have when you think I have said something inappropriate.”
“And how who you know what I am thinking?”
“I just do. Must be the upside of having an angel for a father, and a powerful nephilim for a mother.”
Dawn smiled. The girl was just too sweet, and  a little bit too proud, she would too if she had the most powerful being in the entire world to be her god father. She only hope she never went through anything that would snuff out the light from her joyful soul.
“We need to get to the city. Kafzarack will be coming to the city today.” Dawn said and lost her eye contact, as Dawn noticed her cheek turn pink at the mention of the judge that oversaw the rainforest regions of the solitude.
Why did a sweet soul have it bad for the dangerous ones? Dawn had been around all of Uriel’s Judges in the solitude, from Hann and Baylor the enforcers, to Siren, the peace keeper and maker, Dayhark, the trouble maker and Kafzarack. No one made the hairs on her entire body stand on end like Kafzarack did, yet sweet Hannah pined for him, and the worst part was she seemed not to know about her own feelings for him.
“Am I spotting a second head?”
“What, no.” Dawn replied taken aback.
“Good because you are giving me another funny look.”
Quite perceptive. “You are just too cute, that all.” Dawn said, and the both began making their way toward the settlements.
“You don’t get to call me cute.” Hannah protested. “I’m eight-four.”
In a body and mind of a sixteen year old.
“I’m not a child.” Hannah said.
“You keep saying that, but . . .”
“In your world, a girl that looks like me is considered a child right?”
“Well, pretty much.”
“Same is the case for most nephilium of old times, my mom once told me her mother who was also a nephilium was not allowed to be courted by my grandfather until she was 200 years of age.” Hannah said, and wave to two nephilium walking the lower path that lead out of the city.
“But, let me guess, it isn’t that way anymore?” Dawn asked.
“You can say that. Well my mom was courted by my father when she was barely 150, some mothers give their nephilum children to partner they know they trust to take good care of their daughters, the moment the enter womanhood and consent to the relationship.” 
“That’s sounds rather primitive, I mean, the girls could get exploited by this angels, they could be preying on them because of their age. We have such depraved men on earth.” Dawn said leaning to the echoes of horrors she had got to experience from the hands depraved angels and their minions, the Empurias.
“Well you have a point, but the angel, nephiliums or even in some cases Empurias required to go into a blood vow with the girl in question, to show just how much the care for her, that blood vow blinds them in a way no one fully understand, it keeps the angels faithful, the union happy. It creeps those who have ulterior motives from attempting the ritual.”
“Have you been approached before?” Dawn asked, a girl as beautiful as she was both inside and outside, must have caught some angel’s eyes by now, and the fact that she had wings felt like an added bonus.”
“That’s silly.” Hannah replied, sounding naughty.
“What, I thought you were not shy about such thinks?” Dawn asked, as the made it pass the canopy covers, and could now see the outskirt of the elegant city, the capital of solitude of grace.
“Who would want a girl like me? the will have to be able to stand up to my family, if the make it pass my Dad, the will have Kafzarack to content with, I’m not sure I am worth that much trouble, besides the are more beautiful nephilium out . . .”
“I will have to cut you short there” Dawn began, making Hannah face her. She wasn’t going to let her say such things about herself in front of her. “You are beautiful, Hannah.” She took hold of her head and raised it to meet her gaze when she looked away. “You, Hannah are too pretty for just some regular angel, ranks be damned, you deserve someone who is ready to fight for you, even if it means risking Kafzarack biting their head off, because you, Hannah are the most precious gem in the world, and the is someone out there who would fight for you, you just wait, and just be yourself, okay?”
Hannah gave a weak smile. “Okay.” The made it to the outskirts and waved at the three nephilums who stood guard over the road that led in and out of the city, while angels flew above and Kafzarack minions roamed the other weaker, hidden paths.
“So, where do we go from here?” Dawn asked, as the side stepped a boroa; large looking creature that were rode by the larger nephilums whose weight the horses couldn’t hold.
“I thought you needed to rest?”
“Our walk helped.”
“Hmm, well there is the cinema, angelic flight contest, the library, the pool, or, we could go help my mom out at the store, or just go sight-seeing.”
Dawn wanted to see the contest, maybe she could learn a few things to try out when she was all better, but it was a Friday and that meant the play was going to be parked and she didn’t feel very kin on that. “Sight-seeing it seems.”
“let’s get home first.”
“Why?” Dawn asked.
“You are not in any shape to fly, so . . .”
“The horses?”
Hannah smiled and tugged on her arms, “Who is reading minds now?”

Celestial storm #1 Archangel Storm [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now