Chapter 28

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Uriel and Judea both held their angelic weapons. Uriel’s was a sword with a large blade burning with blue flames while Judea’s was a two in one sword covered with black flames, an echo of his past and just how much hell had changed him after his torture in the underworld, after his mission had failed, and his Unit which he led, had been ambushed.
“Should we keep count?” Judea asked, voice laced with mischief. The battle raged around them, Judea’s powerful squad of angels on one side and the dominion’s angels on the other. It wasn’t going to be easy getting to Mount Shell, hundreds of Empurias surrounded the building, no doubt armed with customize gun fortified with angelic smite, divinium energy able to hurt an empuria and angels, if the donor of the smith was an angel higher in rank then the attacking angel.
Just a distant away, angels swam the air space of Mount Shell watching the battle raging in front of them, waiting to take down anyone who would breach their first line of defense.
“You know that never ends well Judea.” Uriel said taking down two angels with a swipe of his large blade.
The Angel offered him a smiled. “You don’t want the Calvary here, so the best we can do is motivate ourselves in the only way possible.”
They were outnumbered, and although he could call on a hundred loyal fighters to come to his aid, he didn’t want this to be an all-out war. Humans and earth would not only be the casualty but the people he had saved over the course of his long life.
He was an archangel and his first duty was to protect as many as he could.
Calling on his powers, he immediately erected a barrier between the battle that was about to rage, and the humans on the other side alone with his angels who were about to annihilate their enemies, they had fought with Vigor but he knew they wouldn’t be able to take on the second wave of attack. He was going to release his powers and he needed to make sure his people and the innocent were not in the line of fire when that happened.
“Nice.” Judea said looking to seeing the erected wall. He knew Uriel was about to release a large amount of power, and didn’t want anyone caught in the violence and current of his power.
“You know I could open the portal for you to leave.” Uriel said to his companion.
“My place has always been by your side, Uriel. You command, I follow. I will never leave you, consuming fire of the Lord”.
On hearing the meaning of his name he immediately felt a surge of energy flowing through him, closing his eyes he let the flame inside of him grow, burning off every negative emotion until all that was left was pure fury. “When I release my power, find Ellie. I’ll get her across the wall.” Uriel said, every word punctuated with his newly found strength and Judea couldn’t help but shift a little.
Uriel gave a roar, which caused the ground to quake, buildings and even the shield rippled with power, the air became heavy, bending to the power of the archangel. Uriel plunges in the air with lightning speed. The angel hovering above did the same with swords of red flame. With a drastic reduction in number, Judea flew as hard as he could towards Mount Shell for his own mission, away from the bomb about to go off.
Uriel allowed his power to bust free. Judea had reminded him who he was. He was no ordinary celestial. He was named and made in the fury of God. He was God’s anger personified; he was rage in its purest form. He gave into the power, letting it carry him, not caring who came at him, he just kept slashing and cutting every one that stood in his path, at everything that moved, that breathe. Slowly their courage and zeal turned into nothing but surprise and fear but still he went on. He had warned them, given them time to take a stand. They had sighted with the dominion, with the illusion of power they could have, now it was time to bear the punishment, his punishment.
Jopel opened his eyes, sensing Uriel’s power. It felt so strong and potent. It called to him. So beautiful he thought with a smile. He craved such power, such strength. With such power he could shape the world any how he saw fitting, no one would be able to stop him, not heaven nor hell.
He could feel his newly gotten power running through his veins, for a moment it felt like the power would burst out of him but he had it all under control. Just a few more hours and his divinium holding capacity will increase enough to hold it permanently.
He turned to find the other dominions apart from Baradiel in his same state, hair and eyes simmering with pure power, wings almost incorporeal with all that power.
Uriel would never be able to stop them like these, the now ran on the same level of power as the angels made during the era of deities, Jopel thought. They might not have been created for thousands of years but yet they could identify themselves now with the first of God’s creation. Even before the world was made. At their current level they were convinced the could defeat Uriel.
The seal broke just as he turned to find Baradiel unconscious, Zoael’s divinium still flowing into him.
Jopel didn’t care what happened to the dominion, not anymore. With the power he willed, he knew he wouldn’t be needing the help of any of his companions. Besides, Baradiel was always getting on his nerves.
“Any minute now, Uriel will burst through those doors.” Suriel said.
“Are you still scared of the flea?” Theliel asked.
“No, but what about Baradiel?” Suriel asked.
“We do not need him.” Jopel answered, just as the entire front of the building was blown away, to reveal a pissed off archangel covered with blood, doing nothing to damped the glow of his armor. He had been cut several times during his battle outside, but knew he needed to preserve his smiths for when it was really needed as it took up more energy than just healing himself.
The dominions called their swords of different sizes and shapes from the void, which was now emanating a much brighter yet red flame with now edges of blue.
“Do you feel it Uriel, do you feel your doom, My power? Kneel before me!”
“It is your doom I scent, and the madness that has consumed you.” Uriel said, his voice booming with glorious power.  A phenomenon that startled the four angels, a little.
“So much power, you could be a god, Uriel, not just some fairy godfather that tries to fix everything broken in this world. The father has abandoned them just as he abandoned us his children. You could rule not just your little city in the solitude realm, but…”
“You have broken the first primary commandment of angelic law. Do not desire what is of the father which is not given. Now I will carry out heaven’s punishment on the three of you.” Uriel said, and charged at them with lightning speed.
The four dominions stepped out of the way, out of his line of attack and the confines of the small space.
“Judea!” Uriel called.
The angel who’d been blurred by Uriel ran toward Zoael, taking the tubes that were connected to his body out at the same time Uriel slashed at the other dominion’s throat, and what had been taken from the angel, Zoael, returned to him.
“Get him to safety.” Uriel commanded, as he turned to launch outward.
“Uriel!”  Zoael called, just as he was about to take flight. “They are not the same. Their aura, I’m afraid, has surpassed that of a normal dominion, maybe even yours. They believe themselves to be deities.”
“No one is above the fury of the most high, and it is his anger that burns in me.”
“Zoael is right; you will need help defeating them.” Zoael was the only one who could stand a chance against the dominion right now with and he wasn’t in good shape to do that. He was now awake, but still he looked pale and weak as Judea supported him to stand upright.”
“There is no time for this. Take him to his consort and you can return with an army of yours if you can.” Uriel said before flying out to face the mad dominions. Uriel hoped Judea didn’t read deep into his words. He’d used can because he wouldn’t be able to pass the barrier once he was over to the other side and no angel would be able to break through until he, the caster was killed.
Zoael had been right about the dominions powers. He had seen their swords and knew they were clearly different, almost at archangelic powers now. For the first time he wander what would happen.
For the first time being an Archangel felt like a burden, but a welcomed one, not just because he was created for the purpose of maintaining law and order in the angelic world but also because he got to fight for his family and what he believed in. However, for once he wanted to be anything but a celestial. He wanted to be human, and it was all because of one person. His warden, Bonnie Lionheart.

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