Chapter 29

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Bonnie bent over, clinging to her chest as it threatened to burst out with so much pain and sorrow she’d ever felt. So much sadness. This wasn’t coming from her. Which meant only one thing. Only one person could get this out of her. Uriel. It was coming from him. She felt him every step of the way, felt him create the barrier, which felt like making up his mind to face the dominions alone. When he burned with so much power, it threatened to consume her through their shared link alone.
“What’s wrong warden?” Joseph asked coming to lay a comforting hand on her shoulder. The father had shown not only to be good with a bible but with a sword.
“It’s Uriel.”
“What about the archangel?” Anna asked.
“I think…” she swallowed. “I think he… I think he is going to give himself up to stop the dominions.”
“You can’t know that…”
“I do!” she screamed back at Eagle. The tears came then. “This. This are his emotions. We are linked. He’s alone, alone and scared!”

“That’s impossible. Right?” Eagle asked looking at their small group which had been task with cleaning up the streets and keeping the Empuria away from killing anyone.
“No one said anything.”
“Maybe we idolized Uriel just too much. He has made himself look like and we have now come to think of him like a machine. Instead of a normal living being. Yes he is an archangel, a scary ass archangel. The only one who walks among men. We see him as all powerful, because that is what he wants us to see. There is the other part of every living thing, no matter its power and that is the heart. The joy of being alive, feeling loved, loyalty and loneliness. Uriel can be all those things, but in the end he is just another living thing and feels. Fuck sake he feels, Eagle.”
The tears kept on flowing as Reuben spoke, just when she felt the ache couldn’t get any worse. It did. He has been alone all along.
He had told her how he came to be on earth. She could all at once imagine that young boy. Not the angel but the beautiful young boy obsessed with how the earth came to life. The fear of dying when everything around him was been washed away, forgotten. It was just too much for her to bear.
“I need to get to him.”
“You could get hurt…”
“Don’t you get it Eagle? He’s getting hurt to keep us safe. And I… I don’t think I can go on without him.” She knew the others wouldn’t understand, she didn’t, she only knew what she felt and needed to get to her mate.
“Go, we are behind you.” Joseph said.
Bonnie spreads out her wings and took to the sky. “Hold on my love, I am coming.”
Judea gave the barrier a bolt of his strongest lightning, but all it did was crack and heal almost immediately. The fucking archangel was going to get himself killed. Uriel had sealed himself with the bodies of his enemies, and four evils incarnate with himself. Why did he always think he had to do everything alone? That he had to fight all their battles. That he needed to save everyone, that only he was allowed to get hurt. He wasn’t the savior of the mortal and immortals, why couldn’t he see that?
Judea poured more of his lightning into the wall. This time it cracked some more, but just as he suspected, it immediately repaired itself. Nothing was going to get through the wall and he didn’t have enough essence to open a portal to the solitude realm.
He pumped his large fist into the wall just as Uriel got a zap by Suriel and flung from the air, hitting the ground with so much force he was sure would more than hurt, even for an angel, but the archangel just burst up from the large dent in the ground. Uriel just kept taking hit after hit and kept going back for more. He was making an effect but it wasn’t enough. Judea just kept hitting the wall as he roared in frustration his wings flaring out.
Ellie sobered. “I can’t stand this, Zoael, we need to help somehow . . . is there nothing  you can do.” Zoael and Judea tried breaking through, but the two weren’t strong enough.
Behind them the humans gasped in horror, as the angel they knew to be their protector, now and clearly the good guy, was been dealt deadly blows after another that shocked the earth.
Some got on their knees, hands held a prayerful stances. Some were just outright crying, they didn’t know him. Not until today, but were mourning what would be a great lost, if the angel who had locked himself in with the bad once wasn’t given any help.
Bonnie came to land a few feet from Judea. A few gasped. She ran towards the barrier and got repelled back. She took out her sword, stabbing and cutting but nothing happened, nothing seemed to work.
“Uriel!” she screamed, banging as hard as she could on the barrier which just rippled with every blow.
“Uriel!!!” She screamed assaulting the barrier again as she saw him launched himself at one of the Dominions in a clash of power.
“Valkyrie . . . you are Valkyrie and your powers are out.” Ellie said in observation and shock. “Are you the Valkyrie queen?”
“What difference does it make, I can’t get to him.”
“You can’t, even if you did you will not be able to be of much help. However there is something we can try.” Ellie informs her. “If you could summon your Valkyrian army.”
This got Bonnie attention. “What do you mean my army?”
Ellie cursed in Russia, “I’m guessing you weren’t told but you have the power to call on the Valkyrian army. Every generation has a group of people who carry the blood line of the Valkyries. Only the Valkyrie queen can call it to dominance if she unlocked her powers fully.”
“Yes, Yes I know about the curse and what to do to break it but I don’t know how?” Bonnie asked looking at Uriel taking another hit. Ellie gripped Bonnie’s head and turned her abruptly to face her.
“Your mate is in trouble and so is the world, the only way you can help him is for you to summon the Valkyrie army to your aid. They are not fighters, at least those that have been civilians up till this moment aren’t, but with your call, the will know every moves you do, at least before the affect wears off. You will have thousands of wings at your command. I don’t know how it is done or how to help but only you can summon the Valkyrie in us. Don’t fight the power, let it consume you and show you.”
Bonnie tried to turn her head again towards Uriel’s direction but Ellie held firm unto her. “You have to focus Bonnie or we are all doomed.”
Bonnie tried focusing, she really did but failed. Her Valkyrie was restless. She wanted so bad to break the barrier that kept them away from Uriel. Her mate, her heart.
Judea placed a hand on her shoulder. Bonnie, you can do this, this is our only hope. I could call an army from the solitude but this barrier is only going to break under the influence of something, or someone more powerful. Uriel believed your father might have been an angel of the deity race, or at least an archangel more powerful than himself, and with your Valkyrian parentage and power it could be possible, do you understand.”
She just stared at Judea and for a moment she was able to block out every other sound, from the cries and gasp around them, from the oomph sounds, from the ripple of the barrier, to the scent in front of her yet out of her reach, everything, and just stared at Judea’s face.
A slow tingle emitted in her chest and flowed through every cell in her body, as her eyes took on a purple hue color. She fed all her desperation into it. All the pain she was feeling, that Uriel was feeling, she just fed it, all right into the growing hole in her chest. Then she exploded in a fit of scream. She couldn’t control it, couldn’t stop it, even when the sky crackled with lightning.
Even when the force of that power flung Judea several fetes away, it still kept coming. Zoael held his ears as so did majority of the people. When she was done she looked at Ellie and noticed she was shaking slightly, when she turned to find a few others in the crowd she knew she had done it, she had broken the seal that kept their powers hidden for centuries on end.
Ellie through her head back, arching her spine as wings unfolded from her back, grey wings with white venations. The other were in the same stage as she was, wings of black, brown and grey with different venations. Two males made up the half dozen Valkyrie In the crowd, their wings slightly larger than the females, almost the size of their queen with what looked like claw adorning the edges of each joint that made it possible to fold their wings.
When she looked up, she could make out what she thought were large birds in the distance but a closer look and she could make out their forms, they weren’t birds, they were people, her own army. She could hear them in the back of her mind, a steady hum just below the surface. The all said the same thing in one, yet different voices.
“We are coming. We are coming, our queen.”

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