Chapter 24

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Uriel dropped her lightly on the bed. The sensation of the cold sheet on her bare skin, a confirmation that this was really happening. She was taking one of the most powerful creature in the world to her bed. Her eyes locked with those of her archangel. His gaze was pure lust and masculine, so intense that it made her wander for a fleeting second if she had made a mistake, if she could really handle him, all of him. What would become of her after he was done?
“You are indeed beautiful, Bonnie.” He said, adding to the list of other compliment she had received during their make out session. His lips curved slightly as he gripped her ankles and parted her legs.
Her stomach tightened with anticipation, her breathing hot and rugged. He pulled her up to meet his thrust as he buried himself deep inside her with one powerful stroke.
Her back arched in response as she tried to assimilate the impact of his entry into her body, the extreme fullness, the stretched ecstasy. When she could finally draw breath, she found him in the same position, as if he too, was fighting for control.
She gasps as he plunged in after slowly pulling out. There were no words, only movement. The slick motion of body against body, the thrust and parry of male and female, the lush, erotic explosion into ecstasy. She could feel her Valkyrie raging to the surface. She let it burst free, and suddenly she was the one on top, riding herself to oblivion.
The last thing she remembers was the tingling sensation below her shoulder and her wings bursting out, and thinking that maybe she had underestimated the force of their combine hunger.
Bonnie woke up to the realization that she was laying on her side half on top of Uriel and on something warm, soft and Silky. Spreading her finger to identify what it was, she found herself petting. “Oh” she jerked upright, horrified. A heavy male arm pushed her back down.
“Hmm . . . Uriel, your wings” she whispered, stroking her hands down the splendor of the other one which was partially covering them both.
“There are strong” was the lazy masculine reply. She was about to turn and look at him when she saw the condition of her body. “Oh”. She had heard of this. This must be the famous divinium ash which was said to be produced by angels in ecstasy. Mirroring the colors of their wings. A shed of their power, a kind of drug that left their lovers wanting more.
Flicking out her tongue, she took a careful taste from her fingers. A shudder vibrated through her body, her toes curled and she almost purred.
“Wow, orgasm on a stick” she said, and was about to turn and look at her lover when she saw the state of her body. She was glistering from head to toe. It was as if he’d not just exploded inside her but all over her. Realization of this fact made her smile, even as she felt her body warm and tingling, as if the ash was slipping into her every pour. He had lost control.
He caressed a large hand over her hip, along the dip of her waist, over her breast.
She licked some more of the shimmering goodness off another finger. It made her body all warm and tingly¬- as if she wasn’t already burning up from the inside out. She needed him again. She needed more.
He squeezed the arm he had around her mid-section.
She smiled. “You lost control didn’t you?”
“What if I did,” he teased lazily.
Twisting in his arms, she wiggled up to look into his face. At the same time her hair fell on top of his chest and he wiggled his finger around them. Perfect. So perfect.
He lifted his head and kissed her. He was inside her before she knew it, their coupling fast, furious and utterly blissful.
Could she ever get use to this?
To him?

Celestial storm #1 Archangel Storm [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now