Chapter 1

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                                     CHAPTER ONE

Six bodies in two days weren’t the worst Bonnie had seen on the job, not ever since she had taken the oat of the order of the wardens, to protect the humans. More like clean up the mess made by chicken men with large egos and power, if you asked her.
She scanned the streets of St Jasper where her target was last seen from her Intel, the empuria; Once human who were now made near-immortals- with very few ways to be killed, for service to their angelic masters for a limited number of decades or centuries, and fed on life force of living things, not limited to humans.
This particular empuria was just a quarter into his service period and had not only gone against his agreement with his angelic master, but was also feeding on human live force to the point of their dead. That couldn’t be acceptable, not by his angelic master or the order as well.
The existence of angels and their creations- the empurias had to stay hidden, as it had been for thousands of years, ever since the ability to remain relative sane, and not corrupted by the forces of earth was discovered by the angels, by offering the gift of immortality and illusions of power to the humans. Alongside the other use of having super humans for sport, objects of their desires, armies, the list went on and on. The terms were always stated and were usually honored by the angels, as they were somehow able to get the best away from the deal of a period of time of servitude for the gift of immortality, power, and wealth they promised.
The dominions; powerful angels ruled the entire world from the shadows with low-ranking angels doing their will, and the empurias down that line of vassals.
This fact was known to less than one percent of the human population with the Order of the wardens containing the lot. Reasons why the angels ruled from the shadows when they could reveal themselves to the humans and be worshiped like gods, remained speculated upon. Some had said it was their way of life; the secrecy, others had proposed that they were scared knowledge of them would incur the wrath of heaven as it would alter the believes of the mortals in their various religion, of who the angels were, or what they were supposed to be. Bonnie didn’t believe in any of those philosophies.
If the wrath of heaven or even heaven itself was what they said it was, then the angels and their monsters would have been destroyed ages ago, as the history passed from one generation of the order to another showed some very repugnant crimes committed by some angels and empurias.
But heaven hadn’t, and their reigns had continued and so had the problems which came hand in hand with their ruler-ship, and their continual infection with madness, which came wrapped up in the answer to human’s greatest desire, Immortality. When people didn’t know what exactly they were getting into, in a close-off-too-sweet-not-to-agree deal, it usually resulted in this, the human trying to break the deal, which in the case of the shadow world resulted in being hunted, punish, and then let loose with no will in the deserter to ever attempt to run again.
Not that it was an option for most empurias, having with their angels proposing being bound for life in exchange of freedom and death in the most excruciating way possible, should they become too corrupted to be salvage. 
A once human, now fueled with the essence of an angel, with only decapitation, removing the vital organs; mostly the heart or brain, and also fire as the only means of death. There were also the limited customize weapons made by the angels, laced with their power but it was mostly given to their empuria soldiers.
Immortality was never truly possible, not for the humans it was promised to; even the angels who claimed to hold this gift were not completely immortals, if the history of bloody battles recorded by the order with angelic casualties were true. They always had a way of masking it from the humans, of course. 
This led her to believe that maybe there were other out there like herself. A Valkyrie thanks to her mother lineage, strength, super senses and healing, thanks to her father who had gotten into a one night stand with her mother, and she had gotten pregnant with her.
As if for a reminder, her Valkyrie stirred awake inside her making her spine arch, and for a moment she imagined what it would feel like giving into the feeling to set herself loose, but she reigned in her control.
“But I can help you find your target.” The voice in her mind said.
Her reply was a mental kick back. She wouldn’t use the power. She didn’t need it, she could do this as a human, she just needed to trust her years of intense military training in the Warden academy. Just then movement caught her peripheral vision before she could hear a sound or smell. It was like the Intel had said.
“He uses the alley on his way to the club.”
A normal empuria had a refreshing scent about them, which she had learnt was a little configuration thanks to their transformation from mortals to near-immortals by the angels, and her ability to pick up the scent was due to her father’s blood line, as the voice inside her mind had told her. It was a scent that made one feel safe and secure.
Those who went dark, feeding on souls indiscriminately from the humans, in lust and gluttony had the stench of death and decay about them. No one knew about her abilities, or what she was. Even she didn’t really know. She couldn’t trust anyone about it. Besides, it wasn’t as if she was lying about it, it was just what she liked to call compartmentalization of the truth about herself, and it was for the benefits of all parties concerned.
People feared what they didn’t understand, and in her case, not just humans, hell, those where the least of her problems. The angels and empurias were the main problem. Not wanting to find out what they did to thinks they didn’t understand, she was careful using her powers. It had been that way for the past twenty six years of her life and it would remain that way if she had anything to say about it.
Apparently her target had a thing for prostitutes, and had drained the life force of his previous victims, who were no doubt lured with the charms and promise the empuria in question had laid out for them. She was certain the power that came with that much life must be enough to make him feel invincible and give him the impression that he could get away with anything.
Well he was wrong.
And that meant getting sloppy, which for her was a good thing. She had studied at the academy that the more whole life force an empuria consumed the stronger, ferocious and hungry they became. Life force from humans; mostly but not limited to blood, were like hard drugs for empurias. The more they ate, they more they wanted more, and the more difficult it became for them to be stop, and the more they fed the more they went over to the dark side, and their insanity grew.
They became savage beast, at some point the arrived at a stage known to the warden as bendon, translated as total madness, in the local tongue of the first wardens, were recovery of sanity was impossible, and any manner of evil was possible at this point.
In the two thousand years of the order of the wardens existence, that had only happened once and in the text, it was told that the wardens fought alongside a unique angel with wings of purest white, kissed by the edge with sunset red with a mirage of blood running down his wings in a cascade of feather, to stop not one empuria, but a nest of them. Quite poetic when she thought about it. It was told the angel disappeared with no trace when it was done.
Bonnie cleared her thoughts, she needed to be focused. Later, when she was in the confines of her home she would wonder about the past, of the mysterious angel with poetic wings. Right now, she needed to work. Taking out the gun from her left holster, she scanned the area before taking out an illusion device, which would obstruct whatever supernatural events went on for a good distance, in this case, the entire alley, and any one inside its radius wouldn’t see what was really going on.
She wandered what the humans saw? As long as they had no knowledge of what lurked in the dark, they wouldn’t see anything out of the ordinary which their feeble minds couldn’t explain. Hooking the device to the wall surface, she immediately activated it, sensing that her target was near.
She quickly went to work, jumping down, she maneuvered her body to ease the landing in front of her target. She didn’t want to engage her powers, as anyone could be in the shadows, watching, and she wasn’t sure the illusion would cover that as well. No reason for questions meant a peaceful life.
“Warden!” the empuria in front of her growled.
Not the type to chit chat she prepared herself to attack.
“What are you?” The empuria asked, no doubt catching up to the fact that although she looked human, she wasn’t one. Not fully.
“I sense immense power.” The empuria said, his pupils dilating with the lust for the power she carried within, as his elongated tongue licked across his fangs. She considered just letting him feed from her, as she had leant her live force was toxic to the lot, at least the part that wasn’t human.
Once, she had made the mistake of underestimating a weak looking empuria, it had gotten its fangs into her exposed wrist and fed before she could get herself free. She had felt it, the pulling of the mortal part of her soul and the sensation that began to spread through her body, then pain.
In an instant her Valkyrie had lashed out in a frenzy, and the creature had burned in agony, from the inside out, clawing at her chest as the hidden poison worked its way from her insides. She had learned on that day that her Valkyrie didn’t like being food.
She decide against it, not only because she needed to work her muscles a little but because of how she had felt afterward, as if part of her was gone, living behind a black hole that had taken a couple of days for her to regain her full self.
The empuria launched at her with the inhuman speed they were known for. Bounding out of the way just in time to avoid two rapid blows, crouching on the ground before leaping for him  and securing two punches of her own.
With the force behind her punches, his face should have been a mess, if he were human; talking smashed in jaw; even on a normal empuria some level of damage would have been done. She needed to remind herself that she wasn’t dealing with a human or a normal empuria, she was dealing with a fucking rogue, and that was also the reason he was spitting blood and chuckling.
Apparently the morphology of an empuria changed with age to birth strength of their anatomy and physiology.
“Not bad for a warden. I’ll so enjoy sucking every bit of you.” He sneered.
Not happening pal, she thought, blocking a knee punch with both palm, which propelled her backward. Before landing two successive blows to the left, then the right side of his ribs.
His fist connected with her jaw moments later, which got a growl out of her. She hadn’t seen that one coming. The pain fueled her rage. Warden’s had weapons for this kind of jobs. Because who were they kidding; their human skills were not good enough to take down empurias, especially those of certain ages, although she carried a few, it was just for show, she loved her fist and no one said anything about not using fist to get the job done.
Bonnie and the empuria continued to trade punches and kicking at inhuman speed for a while.
“Enough games.” her inner power called out in a bust of rage. “I’ll lean you more power, finish this it is getting boring.” with that, Bonnie deep powers flow through her vein, sizzling in its surged towards her fist. She couldn’t stop it, not that she wanted to, she too was now growing bored.
Knock him out.
He is wanted more alive than dead, apparently the empuria was the first of Giel; his angelic master, and the angel wanted him back, alive.
Indulging him their fight a little longer, she found an opening and reminded herself she was going to knock him out with a blow to the head, just enough time for her to get the lash issued by the warden council on his neck which will constrain him to submission, long until he was off her hands and someone else’s problem.
Even as she provided the blow, she hoped she didn’t take off his head as well. There were no labels to how much power was needed for a Valkyrie to take out an empuria bloated with the power fueled by human essence. Her prayer seemed to be answered as he crumbled to the ground, without, of course losing his head. She took the leash and began the process of packaging him up in the duffle bag she came along with. He didn’t need to breathe, not for her drive to the pick up zone.
Empurias could survive without air, not completely, but more than they did when there were humans.
She had just hauled him on her shoulder after retrieving the illusion device, when she froze, picking up a feeling in the atmosphere and a scent, powerful and potent. A scent she couldn’t place, but deep down she knew it was definitely not human. It was too strong even for an empuria or even an angel.
What could it be then?
“Who is it?” She called out adjusting her eyes to see what it was. Nothing. Nothing she could see, but that didn’t mean something wasn’t there. The scent was also gone, without a trace. Impossible. It wasn’t the wind, she could tell. It was too strong, and would have dispersed in the air before it got to her, unless whoever it belonged to was close enough. Even with inhuman speed, if she was being watched they would have been a trail and no masking would cover it up so well.
For the first time in a long time she felt something she didn’t feel, Fear.
Who or what the hell could do this to her? No human, empuria, warden or assassin had that power, not on this level. That left out the angels and demons, she had met almost all the hierarchy on earth; minor angelic host, the senior angels and nothing, not even the road side demons; the regular demons who deceive humans into contracts for their soul- as there were called, did scare her. Not like this, that goose bumps rose on her flesh and the hairs at the back of her neck stood on end.
Not wanting to wait and find out she immediately adjusted the weight of the empuria and quickly made her way towards her warden issued SUV.
She wanted to spread her wings and take flight but her mother’s voice came resonating at the back of her mind.
Don’t let them see it; you are one of a kind my daughter. Her mother had said. She stilled for a second getting herself back together. Whatever it was seemed to have gone away and even though it was able to mask it scents so well, and could probably be lurking in the dark, standing right in front of her face.
It didn’t seem to want to attack. Hell it must have seen her skills and knew she could do serious damage if she wanted to.
That would keep him or her or it at bay.

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