Chapter 3

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Bonnie opened the SUV’s boot and stepped aside for the empurias in front of her to get their package. Two men in suits stepped forward and took their lord’s package from the boot. A third walked behind them, a man she knew by name and reputation, but was not expecting to see.

“Morgan.” she said in form of greeting to the oldest empuria she’d ever known, and one of Jopel’s top generals, as he sauntered towards her, looking like a mountain lion marching on its prey, only he looked sexy while doing it, that is if your sexy had a lethal ring to it.

Morgan was Jopel’s vice ruler.  Jopel, who ruled the continent of north and South America, with his strong hold at Mount Shell, from where he ruled and administered over the other angels, who ruled the various countries, states and cities under him.

“Why are you here, I thought the empuria belongs to Giel. Why would the cities highest ranking empuria mingle with such petty things?” He flashed her a wicked, sensual smile, revealing a set of perfectly shaped white teeth, with a dent in both cheeks.

God, he was hot, she thought and hoped he couldn’t sense her surge of approval for his masculinity-, sensual, dangerous and daring all mixed in one. The transformation from human to empuria transformed the human looks to angelic proportions.

Morgan was a living testament to that, with his flawless bronze skin, passionate looking hazel eyes that could fool one into thinking he had your best interest at heart, up to the point you were nothing more than what he wanted you to be, and at his mercy. She couldn’t hook up with him or a supernatural for that matter. She had to be careful. One mistake and she could change the world as it was known, although how, she had no idea. Her mother had said she could start the end of the world and she took what her mother said at face value.

She would end her own life before she started the apocalypse; it was her burden to bear, one she was proud to carry.

“Your mother was a drama queen.” The Valkyrie in her said, and she could swear she could feel it roll its eyes at her thoughts.

“I just came to give you a heads up warden, you will be called to Mount Shell tomorrow His face faulted for a moment.

Her heart jumped. “Why?” she asked surprise the dominion himself needed a wardens help. She’d heard of Jopel’s methods for controlling his empurias; he was one to handle a breach of contract himself, or give that task to one of his many minions- angels and empurias, like the one that stared at her with a predatorial glint in those eyes.

“You will know when you arrive tomorrow,” Was all the answer Morgan provided.

“And what if I decline whatever job this is about. He can pick someone else, another warden perhaps.” A warden could refuse a hunt under certain conditions and she wasn’t feeling up to the task.

Morgan gave a sinful smile. “No one rejects the dominion, Warden.”

“He will have to go through the normal process for hiring a warden then.” Bonnie replied, hoping she would be able to talk her friend who was the head of the cities chapter of the order and the world.

“You will be called soon to be informed or whatever nerd communication you mortals use.”

He was once a mortal even though it was a long time ago; he didn’t get to address humans like the angels did.
“Let me out and I’ll take his head off for addressing you as some flea.” Her Valkyrie roared.

“You call us nerd when we fix your problems and the celestial boys.”

“One day Ms. Lionheart you will pay for that sharp mouth of yours. You might be powerful than most empurias but believe me; you are no match for the other half of us.”

“That guy would disagree.” She gestured with her head to the car where the captured empuria had been moved to. One of the empuria’s who had moved her captive came to stand next to Morgan.

“We are ready to move sir.” The male voice said.

Morgan turned to him and nodded, as he walked away he turned his attention to Bonnie. “I will be expecting you in my home soon.” With that he left.

Was he bluffing? Morgan wasn’t one to bluff. The empuria was old. So old she sometimes wandered if she could take him on in her full power; Valkyrie and all. His eyes held so much brutality, given and taken in equal measure, which was been modified time and time again, Reshaping him into something else with every passing age.
He held the mark of one who fed on human live force but seem to still remain on the side of sanity. Or he could be feeding whole and had a way of dispensation of the bodies. A thought of him standing over a pit of bodies smiling wickedly, as he dumped yet another body made goose bumps rise on her arms.

Mount Shell was not a place for her. She had not been to the lavish work-building complex which was Mount Shell. The thought of being in a building where some of the most powerful creatures on the continent conducted day to day activities, yet no human except the wardens knew about, was just too much. The thought of being in a dominion’s home was unsettling to say the least, not only did Mount Shell serve as a large office of tons of floors, it also had dozens of exotic living areas.

One wrong move and he could reap her apart piece by painful piece, while he made her smile all through the agonizing process.

Being a creature of so much power made her wander what exactly he would need from her, the thought danced across her mind as she drove through the almost empty street of St. joseph into avenue road, up town to the lofty apartment she leaved in. it was located up a great hill which provided for a great view of city and Mount Shell, she had bought the entire building last year as a birthday present for herself.

Being a warden might come with great dangers to the warden in question, probably making their families targets of vengeful empurias, but it also came with a great pay check and without a family, Bonnie operated just fine. If they wanted her blood, they would just have to come after her, and good luck to them.

She ached, at least the human part of her did. She was ready to get into a hot bath, have dinner and turn in for the night, at least what was left of it. That was how her life was somewhat summed up. Work, return home bath, eat, sleep and continue the following Day. No boyfriend, no lover, just work. But she was thinking of fixing that.
Her best friend, Cheryl Rock, a warden like her, though a couple of years older had gotten married and was now expecting a baby two years of marriage to yet another warden, who worked in the academy, training young wardens who would one day take their place. If her friend could keep her marriage as the head of the order, and was comfortable enough to birth a child with a ton load of work, what was keeping her?

Cheryl was human and she wasn’t, carrying inside her something believed to be able to start the end of the world. It was also imperative that she found the right man, she wasn’t sure how Mother Nature chooses mates for her kind but she needed to make sure there was no fault on her part. Good or not, a human lover was out of the equation for her, as a Valkyrie, it would have been an option to consider, as the queen, with her extra level of power, thanks to the man who had contributed his gene in her making, it just wasn’t possible.
Then again Mother Nature had a twisted way of working.
Stepping into her apartment, she lets out a sigh of relief at the scent of security, warmth, home. It wrapped around her like a welcomed second skin.

She had left two human lovers with a dislocated bone in the moment of passion and she knew taking a human lover would mean a level of caution she didn’t possess. That had frustrated her, had been a part of the reason she had decided to remain celibate for as long as she could remember.

Empurias were out of the question and so that left her with demons, those who walked among human wearing human skin, Angels maybe, one who was caring, gentle and good.

She settled into one of her couch next to the floor to ceiling window, after a long bath, looking out at Mount Shell, which was easy to spot, being the brightest and the tallest building in the city. Her phone rang and she picked it up from where she had left it, on the side glass table beside the comfy couch she occupied, to see Cheryl Rock’s number lit the screen. She smiled; she could never be too tired to speak to her best friend, who, sometimes she felt sharing things with could be therapeutic.

“Madam Director.” Bonnie said with a tease, as she knew how her friend felt about being formal. She got the reaction she was hoping for.

Cheryl sighed. “So you really want to get beaten up, don’t you?”

Bonnie chuckles, she knew it was impossible in a hand to hand combat for her best friend and boss to take her down but no one became director of the order of the wardens, worldwide, at barely thirty, especially not a woman, without being extremely good and resourceful, with her wits about her. No one knew her secret, not even the friend she usually confided in.

“What’s up Cheryl?”

“I’m not telling you anything until you promise to stop with the title, Bon, everyone acts so fucking formal around me and I am starting to miss  the old days.”

“I thought Mr. Rock warned you with the swearing.”

“And I was doing a good job of it until I called you.”

Bonnie could hear the emotions in her friend’s voice and was about to ask what was wrong when she remembered her friend was very pregnant, and that meant haywire hormones all over the place. Bonnie couldn’t help the laughter that rang out of her. Her friend was about to bring a baby into this world in as few months’ time. Before her pregnancy, Cheryl was the Warden with the highest hunt, mostly because Bonnie had taken to hiding her true nature, besides; she was on the list right after the director, Mirabel and Jackstone.

Cheryl had been a student of the then director she served under, for seven years; little did she know the old man was preparing her to take his place. She had train harder than anyone else did and worked twice as hard, it had only gotten worst when she had taken over the director seat, however the academia, Rock had somehow made it work; revealed to the world that Cheryl indeed had a soft spot like all human did and now their baby was going to solidify that.

“How’s our baby doing?” Bonnie finally asked.

“He is cursing you for his mama.”

“I’m sorry, promise I’ll only call his mama that title in public.”

Cheryl seems to relax on the other side and Bonnie was just realizing just how serious she had been about the ‘director’ thing.

“So what’s up?” Bonnie inquired, they didn’t usually need something to talk about when the picked up the phone to call, but today, it was late, that meant something was up.

“The balance of your hunt has been paid, Giel was very generous. He is very grateful for you being able to turn him in alive.”

“Well that was no problem.” Bonnie replied, waiting for her friend to drop the bomb shell. She usually did that; start with the good news before laying the bad on you.

“There is something else though. Jopel’s office called. Apparently, your skills have reached the dominion’s ears and he wants you at the stronghold, tomorrow, by 8 am.”

“What?” So Morgan had not been messing with her? Shit! Doesn’t he have capable empuria’s to do his bidding?”

“Well I enquired; apparently dominions don’t like explaining themselves. You could just seat these one out if you want.”

Bonnie chuckled. “He’s a dominion, Cheryl, not our regular angels.” She replied now sharing Morgan’s sentiment about the dominions, and them having everything they wanted.
“I’m serious Bonnie, I could just tell them you are not feeling well, or that your last hunt took a lot from you. Whatever, or better still, I can just tell them to find someone else for the job.”
“They can tell if you’re lying.” Bonnie reminded her friend of one of the many abilities of the angels. “And they will not be happy.” More like furious. “I can’t put you in danger just because I want to prove a point to the big bad Jopel.”

“You make me sound pathetic.”

“Don’t take it the wrong way Cher; we would be a force to reckon with if a battle with the angels should occur between the humans and the angels. What I am trying to say is that we the warden are bad asses, but in the end the winner will be the immortals.”
“But still I don’t like it when the boss us around.” Cheryl asserted.

“Well I don’t either, but that is part of the job. Besides, they founded the wardens in the first place and if someone as capable as me declines, another poor warden would have to take the job.” Bonnie reasoned.

“So you will go then?” Cheryl asked.

“Yeah,” Bonnie replied, in a weary tone.

“But I will make life a little bit difficult for him. Just a little”

“Bonnie. . . ” Cheryl called, in a tone that was demanding to know what she was planning.

“What?” Bonnie asked openly. “You said you didn’t like the man.”

“Yeah but…”

“Don’t worry I don’t plan on getting myself killed.”

“That wouldn’t be easy even for a dominion.” The voice of her Valkyrie said in comfort, but all she got from it was the confirmation that she could be killed if she messed up.

“Do you think his call has to do with the energy surge couple of days ago, do you remember?”

Yeah, Bonnie did. She’d been at warden HQ when the alarm signaling a great power had entered their world had blazed to life, in all her times as a warden the alarm had never gone off, until that day. . .  “Maybe, I’ll give you the full gist when I get back”

“You will have to come meet me at home. I placed Warden Han in charge, and finally took that maternal leave you, my husband and Ms. Wraith ordered.”

“You don’t have to be smug. You know you needed it. I’m just looking out for you and so is your husband and the rest of the order. We don’t want anything to happen to the most precious thing in our lives.”

“You get me all whippy talking like that Bon.” Cheryl said emotion in her voice.

Bonnie understood her friend’s reaction.

“I wouldn’t want to keep you up . . . you have a big day tomorrow.” Cheryl said signaling the end of their conversation.

“Yeah, you too Cher. Have a good night sleep.” Bonnie replied.

“You too Bon,” However Bonnie wasn’t sure that would be possible. She couldn’t stop worrying or stopping the sensation intensifying in her gut that whatever the dominion was going to ask of her would forever change her life. For better or worse.

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