Chapter 6

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Uriel had used the time he spent with the warden at Mount Shell to study her, as much as he could without asking any questions. She appeared to be a mystery he couldn’t seem to figure out and more was the fact that she believed he was doing something to her, something that apparently was making her speak the truth. The intriguing human who wasn’t quite a human. She had a cool charisma about her and he suspected could be quit feisty but not rash. Taking in every information with well controlled surprise. He didn’t need anyone to tell him she was good at her job.
A number of things in this world couldn’t be explained, not even by one of his age, wisdom or understanding. The Valkyrie was one of them and the Viking understanding of the winged warriors were not wholly accurate, why the thought of the warden made him think about the lost race was something he didn’t understand and not one he was completely comfortable with.
His actions in the period he spent on earth with a female of the lost race was one he considered exciting, interesting and yet one of his less proud moments. For a moment he had been able to experience what the humans had, and what most immortals craved, to be in love.
He drew in a breath as he landed on the field that over looked the structure in the middle of the compound, retracting his wings as he took in the structure before him, a place he called home in the earth realm, in the heart of Greel city, which was looking well reconditioned from the last time he saw it almost a century ago. Over the ages, it had undergone some level of renovations but somehow held few whispers of the era before.
Taking the first step, he felt the ground opening at his sides, more like parting. Chains launched for at him with great speed, at least for humans and some immortals, but not for him. He allowed it bind him, solely out of curiosity, it would take more than being wrapped in chains to take him down. The red glow of the inscribed symbols told him it was heavily warded.
His observation and curiosity of the heavily warded chains was stolen by the arrows seeming to come at him, out of nowhere, but from everywhere. He snapped his fingers and the dissipated into thin air, grabbing the chains he tugged, whoever had created this chains, had super-naturals in mind and he realized that when it began tightening around him at his every tug. It would have worked on an empuria, even hold an angel, but not him. He was a different kind of power altogether, but he was Impressed all the same. He whispered a couple of words and tugged, this time the chains snapped like a twig.
“I told you the chains were not going to be able to hold, Reuben,” came Eagle’s voice. At almost four and a half centuries old, one would think that the Empuria would have lost the awe in his voice but somehow the ottoman prince still had a way of making fun of most things, that didn’t take away from the fact that he was as lethal and powerful as any other member of Uriel’s ruling Judges; eight powerful beings who led the citizens of the solitude of grace and their home on earth. Eagle was also one of the five empurias he’d made over the course of four thousand years.
Eagle was making his way toward him, alongside the oldest of his Empuria, one of the few first made still alive. Rueben was an Israeli Uriel had found after a raid by the ancient kingdom of Babylon. His two sons murdered in the attack, his wives taken by the Babylonian warriors and later killed before he could help with his newly found abilities.
Among the five made by Uriel, he’d been the one who’d turned to the dark side, Uriel had taken his time to teach and nurture the light he saw inside the broken man, even now he wasn’t still the same but at least he had control over his darkness with the core principles he had set for himself, which prevented him from going to the darkness and insanity, which usually consumed those half his age.
Unlike the dominions, he allowed his creations to retain their freewill, and in return the allowed him to teach them to control their urges. None was bound to him by contract but a few including Reuben, Eagle and Reverend Father Joseph continue to remain loyal and close to him, like family. Like Reuben, they all had their past, but one promise to stand and protect the interest of the one the serve and in return kept them from going dark with the promise of ending their life, should that be the case.
“I wasn’t expecting to find you gentlemen here.” Uriel said when they gave him a slight bow of their head.
“And you wouldn’t have found anyone a couple of days ago when you decided to pay earth a visit.”
“How did you know I was coming?”
“Hann.” Eagle responded.
Of course, Uriel should have known the head of his judges wouldn’t let him off without having someone look after him. It was ironic when Uriel thought about it. He was an archangel of immense power, no one, not even he could phantom, yet still he had people he didn’t just consider, but knew he was more powerful than, looking after him. He allowed them the courtesy; it was only natural to look after those you cared about, and there was no doubt where their loyalty laid.
”What do you think?” Reuben asked gesturing to their surroundings.
“It is as exquisite as ever, Reuben.” Uriel said to the man who had built and rebuilt the structure time and time again. Building some of the homes, walls and cities of the ancient Jerusalem, and a number of empire palaces of the ages, making him paramount at the trade, it was in his blood to create, however more than was his skill with the two small deadly blades he usually use for battle.
“May I ask what made you leave the city Sire, Hann wasn’t sure?” Reuben asked.
“And here I thought you were here to welcome me after almost a century.” Uriel answered, smiling as they made their way into the large open space which was the living room. Everything glistered, communicating great glory and riches, he wouldn’t be surprise if the man had made everything in gold.
“No, that was in the 17th century sire.” Reuben replied when Uriel voiced his thoughts to him, it had been almost a century since they had communicated this way but yet felt as if they did it every day since his making. There ease at which they both communicated spoke of just how close their bond was, and how much it had grown after the three centuries passed. He could communicate with the other of his empurias and members of his judges but with Reuben it was different, more like they were constantly in each other’s mind.
Uriel had to give it to the man, he could give the angelic architect a run for their money, even Jopel had once tried to recruit him into his employ with the promise of giving him whatever he wished for, the Empuria had declined, not just because the angel couldn’t give him what he so desired; his family, but also because of the voluntary oath of allegiance he had taken to Uriel for as long as they were friends. 
Reuben couldn’t be forced to any ones employ, not just because he was under Uriel’s protection; that was a given for most of the angels to their Empurias, but also the fact that he had learnt from an archangel.
The building held a touch of comfort and home, but was more elegant with every object placed in the most suitable spot.
Uriel could see pictures and paintings of himself and the other members of the council of Judges hanged at different point of the living space, some of which he had indulge in other’s he had no idea he was been captured in. Only one angel could breathe perfection on a painting and that was the tinted angel, Judea.
“Yes” came Reuben response in his mind. “It gets better. Look up Reuben said. When Uriel did, he could not help the gasp of surprise at the painting that stared back at him from the high ceiling above. The match of colors and form of the drawings were breath taking even for an angel. He snapped his wings out and downward, giving him an upward push to float in mid-air, where he studied the painting, just like most it was a painting of him, his white wings kissed with sunset red with a downward streak of red, spread wide out.
The picture depicted him giving a war cry, a charge to attack at an unpainted foe. To his right was Reuben dressed in armor, as was Hann to his left, his face contoured in fury. Then just right below were the other members of the judge council.
“Judea’s art never fail to impress.” Uriel said coming back to land next to his companions.
“Yeah, he is the best at what he does. The humans even the angels are in awe of his works. He is opening a gallery in the city by the ending of the year. In hopes of raising money for they under privileged humans and Empurias alike.”
Angels were known in the supernatural world for their wealth which was not usually announced, part of the hopes to keep their existence hidden.
“What of the good father and the other two?” Uriel asked as they led him from the hall way into an inner circular living area.
“Joseph is on missionary to Asia, Nehemiah and Sarah are both living the good life in Vegas, last I heard they owned one of the biggest casino in town.”
Uriel wasn’t really concerned about the other two empurias he had created, nevertheless he didn’t stop keeping an eye out for what they were doing, even if he didn’t agree with how the spent the rest of their immortal lives. “Typical of them” Uriel said. He didn’t regret making any of his empurias, but those two had a way of getting on his nerves and doing the opposite of what he had taught them prior to their making, but the never broke the commandments he had set for them.
With Nehemiah at 627 and Sarah a century younger, Uriel had thought they should know better.
“We all need a distraction once in a while sire,” was Eagles response.
Uriel decided to let the topic go, they had their choice, and that was that, he only hoped he never heard bad reports about them, or worse, that they had been killed.
“I will love to see what you have done with my room.” Uriel said to Reuben who gave him a wait-till-you-see-it stare and lead him up the stairs adorned with gold railings.
“In total there are two dozen bedrooms, just in case the whole ban decides to pay earth a visit, before the other living quarters are completed.” Reuben announced in that cherry voice Uriel knew meant he was enjoying himself. Uriel couldn’t remember when he and his eight had been in one realm all at once, yes, they were certain times in history when they had all been together, but for a long time it had been Judea, Eagle and Reuben in the earth realm, Hann, Siren, Baylor, Kafzarack, and Dehark in the solitude realm, all doing their Jobs.
Of course, no one was more thoughtful like his first creation; his friend who had made his first thousand years of exile worth bearing, before Hann and the others had come along.
“We are here.” Reuben said, opening the double doors which led into what Uriel suspected to be the biggest bedroom in the building. The biggest and nicest.

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