Chapter 5

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Bonnie tapped her feet nervously on the floor, as she waited for the dominion of North and South America to make his appearance. The entire building was just like a modern day palace. She wouldn’t have been surprise to find out that Jopel had pulled the blue print of this structure out of the heavens, and decided to build it here in the city of Los Angelis.
Minutes turned into even longer minutes of waiting, she was beginning to think the angel had forgotten he had made an appointment with a ‘mere mortal’, or was just keeping her for some kind of effect. She crossed and uncrossed her legs as she stared at the large closed silver doors, willing it to open. The faster this meeting was over, the faster she could get the hell out of this place. It practically hummed with so much power.  This wasn’t surprising given that the complex was occupied by angels and empurias who didn’t need the second layer of skin to blend in with their environment, since being on their own turf.
She felt trapped. She didn’t belong here. She was a warden and she was surrendered by the creatures she usually hunted, yet here she sat several floors above what she felt uncomfortable with, given the number of floor below her that were occupied by potential trouble. She’d noticed the angels occupied majority of the upper floors and by the time she reached the top most floor all she could see were angels. The door opened and, Ah… the impeccable Jopel walked in, with his wings of gray feathers with tips of black, his entire domineer was that of a warrior.
The usual cuteness that came with an angelic face couldn’t be spotted on him as they had hardened with time to mirror the warrior within. She couldn’t help but admire the angel who placed the best-looking mortals to shame. His kind should be illegal to exist yet he did and, she knew that wasn’t something mothers felt comfortable about. At least mothers who knew of their existence; not just for the safety of their daughter’s hearts, but theirs as well. No one got into a bed with an angel and came out the same.
Her attention was stolen from the angel when the second figure walked in. her heart skipped, her Valkyrie flared. When their eyes met, her blue and his unworldly gray that seemed to stare right into her soul, with their beautiful depth and intensity, the world seemed to stop around them. If she had thought the dominion was hot, this guy was drop dead gorgeous and the fact that he carried himself in a fashion that spoke of power, authority and blood, called to her with a promise to give all that she desired, pleasure and roughness in equal measure.
Wings? Where were his wings? He wasn’t a man, that fact was obvious to her and he wasn’t an empuria as well, which left little to work with, nevertheless her bet was angel.
Who was he? She hadn’t seen anyone like him. He looked a celestial of a special kind; He was too breathtaking not to be one.
Compared to Jopel and his charms, he’s came in waves. She couldn’t resist the impulse; it was calling to her, in the sweetest of tones, and pledged all. Various thought went on in her mind, but the one that settled was danger, something about him wasn’t right. Not with what she knew about the angels, where the exuded power and at the same time comfort, his was a rushing weight of power and there was nothing comforting about him; not in the usual sense. Her Valkyrie quivered at the presence of this man.
There were a lot of powerful angels she had met over the years, due to her job but no one ever made her inner power retreat and excited at the same time. On one hand she felt being pulled in, on the other, it felt like a force was pushing her back.
If he didn’t have wings, that meant he might be a fallen; an arch demon. No, that didn’t feel right either, arch demons never smell so good and tempting if you paid the close attention and knew what you were looking for, and she was paying the stranger enough attention to pick up anything.
She took him in, his long hair, the hovered between moon light and gold, which he held in a ponytail, with a few strands hanging out, across his face. She fought the urge to stand up and go up to him, to pull them back into their position and have those lips claim hers just the way she wanted, her body tingled at the thought of having his mouth that beheld sensuality, on hers.
Something told her he wouldn’t appreciate the gesture. He looked like the kind of person who would attack whoever he felt threatened by, and asked questions later.
“Snap out of it Warden.” The stranger voice boomed with power, it felt like a strong powerful cold storm had washed over her, and she immediately recollected herself. She could swear she felt the weight of his words lingering in her soul.
What had just happened and what was she thinking? She could feel her nipples rubbing against the silk of her blouse, hard and needy with attention. Dear God, and the wetness between her folds. Was she turned on by his command?
Who was this guy? She managed to recollect herself enough to speak. “I hope you do not expect me to stand and bow.” She said in a tone that didn’t seem insulting, and only held the question.
Jopel laughed as he sauntered into the room, the stranger behind him. Then he said something she read a thousand meanings to. “I hope you are addressing me Warden. I was told you could be rough at the edges, and while I have spent the last couple of centuries with your kind and have learnt some level of tolerance for you humans, I can’t say the same for my friend, Uriel, here.”
Uriel, that was an angelic name; she hadn’t heard it before, or had she? Her mind tried to place the name but came back blank. Whatever he was, he was considered a friend to the mighty dominion. Jopel’s words about hoping she wasn’t addressing him meant he was strong, strong enough to be admitted by an angel of Jopel status as a friend. In other words, he was saying if she messed up and the stranger decided to put her in her place, he wouldn’t intervene, whether he wouldn’t because he couldn’t wasn’t something she wanted to find out.
“He is a Celestial.” Jopel’s voice bleached into her thoughts. “He has been in a city of his own creation.”
Of course, she was in the room with the freaking dominion, which meant mind reading. Alongside an angel without wings, not a fallen or that fact would have been stated; besides the two didn’t see on a day to day basses, she could tell. Had she died and gone to hell?
“No you are pretty much alive.” Jopel said and she turned in time to see him take a slip of the red rich liquid from a glass shaped in a fancy cup; the kind kings drank from in hand.
“I will appreciate it if you don’t read my mind.” Bonnie said this time the modesty in her tone was gone.
“Listen, mortal, I might have some level of tolerance for your kind; I employ you not to taste the limit to that tolerance.”
Her throat felt dry. Her Valkyrie quivered. She stood no chance against a dominion, even if she did, she wasn’t stupid to think the other man, who was staring so intensely at her will just let her have her way.
“No I don’t intent to do that. I am here on official matters as a warden. I only want to keep things professional.” She said and caught Uriel from the corner of her eye, the sides of his lips curved upward. It wasn’t a smile of enjoyment; no, it was a smile of pride and surprise. She gave him a the-is-plenty-where-that-came-from look. “So what do you need from me?”
Jopel spoke. “Fair enough, but before we start, something needs to be established, whatever is spoken here is not to be spoken of to anyone else. Is that understood warden?” he was all business now.
Why, she wanted asking but refrained herself from doing so. She figured it meant certain dead for her and whoever she told, maybe their entire family as well, just to make an impression that no one messed with Mount Shell. They could make it look like a car crash or whatever was able to be explained by the naïve mortals he controlled like puppets but will get the message loud and clear to the supernatural community. “I understand” was her only reply.
“Excellent, tell us about your abilities. He said taking a fork with what looked like a stake at its end”. A feast had magically appeared once they had settled into their seat and she couldn’t tell if it was Jopel’s doing or the strange celestial; Uriel.
“It is pretty much basic warden sense, I am able to tell an Empuria; young or old, from a human and if they have crossed over to the darkness.” She replied leveling out the part that she could scent an angel and could tell if a human was lying to her and hamper an angel ability to tell if she was lying, somehow she didn’t think they would appreciate that set of skills. ‘Compartmentalization of the truth’.
“Is that all?” Uriel asked, speaking for the first time since he’d snapped her out of her haze.
“No.” She heard herself say, when she clearly wanted to say yes. Shit. What had just happen? Had he force the truth out of her that was supposed to be impossible, thanks to her other half which wasn’t Valkyrie?
“Care to explain that answer, warden.” Jopel asked.
She forces a smiled hoping to cover her initial panicked reaction. I don’t feel comfortable sharing that. She could hold her own against the dominion, but not against this Uriel guy. What was that saying? “It is not relevant to the Job” she quickly added.
“I thought I was clear on the mind games.” she said to Uriel.
“What . . . I didn’t do anything Miss Lionheart.” He said sounding a little surprise and defensive.
She believed him, and more than that she wanted him to call out her name again, in a more intimate tone, and not use her surname. Jesus, what was wrong with her?
Thinking fast on how to get out of this mess quick, she finally came up with an idea. “I am sorry but I will prefer if my dominion did the asking of the questions.”
Her words had the effect she hoped, she would do anything to keep her secrets even if it means stroking some angel’s ego that was already larger than Texas, and shun the other.
“I understand.”  Came Uriel’s response.
Did he really understand? She doubted that, and hoped he didn’t take her words personal. For all she knew he might just have been curious to know more about her.
“So there are no limitations to your sensing ability of an Empuria and the ability to tell those that have gone to the dark side.”
They were all on the dark side and didn’t see it. “Yes, what’s the job, if I may ask?
Jopel feature’s seen to darken a split second, before he regained himself. She wouldn’t have noticed if she wasn’t monitoring him so close.
“We have a unique problem and will need your set of skills to hunt it down.”
“You do not wish for me to deliver him to you?”
“No, you just find him, we will handle it from there. The look he gave Uriel told her the statement meant Uriel was going to be doing the heavy lifting and he looked unaffected by that.
Why did that fact send chills down her spine? This wasn’t a normal hunt. No. If an Empuria had gone to the darkness the wardens were to go after him or her. For her to be partially involved in this one and the rest to be handled by an angel, clearly as powerful as Uriel, meant it was indeed a big one. Which mean this wasn’t a normal Empuria.
“I think you are keeping some parts out of the story”
“We are telling you enough,” was Jopel’s response.
“I need more to do my job.” She pressed, ignoring the sign of annoyance that was unmistakable on Jopel’s face now.
“No you don’t. You just need to track him and…”
“You guys will do the rest. But why me?” she knew there were other unique wardens out there with special abilities, although her abilities was a signature, imprinted on her alone.
“Miss Lionheart.” Jopel said dropping his cutleries. “Believe me that piece of information is enough. No harm will come to you after this is over.”
Bonnie got the message loud and clear. Too much information and she was going to become a liability, a lose end that would be tied by her body been dumped in the Pacific Ocean when this was done.
Son of a bitch she thought, actually hoping he was reading her mind, right then to pick that up. It was one thing to think and another to say it out aloud. She might be restless but she was not stupid. Uriel continued eating. He seemed unaffected even while Jopel had tensed up. Power, Confidence. He actually believed there was nothing to worry about when a creature that was almost godly, on the continent quivered in fear, not actual quiver but relative in angelic terms, enough to be taken into consideration.
“I am guessing that I can’t decline politely?” Bonnie asked.
“The fact that you’re thinking of declining a dominion’s offer is impolite.” Jopel replied.
“She deserves to make her choice; you wouldn’t take her free will away.” Uriel said. Few word, yet powerful. Bonnie picked up on the fact that he used the word wouldn’t, instead of a more conventional word like shouldn’t. Would he stand up to Jopel if he tried forcing her. Strange, this angel was indeed strange, and the fact that he was standing up to Jopel for her made her feel feminine; she had never had anyone stand up to someone so powerful before on her behalf. She almost regretted telling him not to speak directly to her, ‘Almost’.
Something in her wanted testing that theory, but another part of her knew better than to test the angels. In the end, they looked out for themselves. She had seen that fact, first hand a couple of years ago when two rival angels had put aside their difference to save the life of one of their fellow angel who was in danger, that could be said for some humans, but still it was a risk too big to take. “Fine, but I work alone.”
“Why?” Uriel asked.
“Because I believe I can handle an Empuria no matter how strong there are.” Damn it, Truth, too much truth. “I told you to stop with the mind game.” she growled at Uriel, venom in her voice.
“I told you I am not doing anything to you. I do not take pleasure in playing with human lives or minds. Why do you believe I am doing something to you, Warden?”
“Because I’m talking too much, giving too much information that I shouldn’t.” Shit. She was in trouble with this one. She needed to keep her distance from him, even if working alone wasn’t enough, the fact that somehow he was making her spill her guts out like this was enough to scare her shitless at the thought of them working together.
“This should be interesting” Jopel said observingly, fascination in his voice. Had his friend developed the power to extract information without any effort from the mortals? Was it only limited to the mortals?
Whatever it was, he hoped everything went on as planned.
“What are you.’ Bonnie asked.
“I am an archangel of God, the light and consuming fire of the Lord, Uriel.”
Bonnie could have sworn her eyes must have taken the shape of sauces right then.
She had been taught of the ranks and eras of angel kin by an angelic scholar back at warden academy before the syllables had been taken off the curriculum a couple of years ago. The creations of angels were divided into four so far, called era’s; the era of deities, era of the ancients, era of the old, era of the halo, and was rumored a new era would soon come to existence and would signal the end of the world.
The heaven was divided into three realms. God’s throne existed in the highest heaven or golden sphere alongside a couple of dozen archangels, divided into three ranks; A handful of seraphim the warrior archangels, the Cherubim the protectors of heaven and God’s throne, and then the rulers of the angelic ministrations the thrones, and the minor archangels yet to receive a rank, these heaven was known to constantly pulse with the presence of the power beings it held, most of the archangels, at certain point, and religion were even worshiped as god’s. Angels like Jopel were the angels from the middle heaven, alongside the powers who made up the generals of the archangels and the virtues; angels with the special ability to weave up illusions. Then there was also the lower heaven occupied by the messenger or dream workers who influenced premonitions, the stronghold who were the lieutenants to the archangels and presidents of the lower heaven and the heavenly gates, then the warriors, who made up the foot soldiers of the archangels.
An archangel on earth, she had many questions. Where had he come from and why was he here? Most of all, why was this happening to her, was it his power making her to spill the beans or was it the other thing she so feared was the reason. Which, with his revelation of who he was, made the idea seem even scarier. An archangel as her mate, her half? No, it was impossible. Mother Nature wouldn’t hook her up with someone so powerful his kind where considered as god’s, she couldn’t think that he was her best option for a mate. Not this sexy as sin archangel. It just couldn’t be the archangel Uriel.

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