Chapter 32

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“Am I dead?” Uriel asked.
“That is quite a tricky question. If you are, you will be made to join my squad of angels, as your soul is not corrupted, and battle the forces of darkness, not just limited to ferrying souls to the afterlife where the will await the father’s judgment, until your time to evolve comes, as you archangels never fully die. However, you’re not to join me.” the angel said with a smile, a thoughtful expression on his face. The council of Seraphims has petition me to give you to them.
Uriel couldn’t believe his ears. For the council of the most powerful archangels to petition an angel meant he was very important.
“You see, Life and dead are beyond their rules.” Ashroon said as if reading his mind.
“You are the angel in charge of the dead.” Uriel said.
“I’ll like it if you called me the angel of the afterlife. As my student Samauel and his minions have taken and corrupted that title.”
“Who is the other angel of life?”
Ashroon smiled and Uriel could see the glow of age, yet purity in his eyes. He was a holy angel, powerful yet loyal to the forces of heaven.
“I thought you were taught about me and my brother Methatron. The keeper of the oasis of life. Is that what he is called in your text, child of God’s fury . . . fascinating are you, archangel. Come, the council awaits you.
With that, he found himself inside a brightly lilted room, with six angels seating at a table adorned with heavenly decorations, and he immediately went to his knees, knowing who they were.
There had been only four seraphims during his time as a young boy growing up in the golden city, seated now among Michael; the mightiest and leader of the heavenly host, Gabriel; the comforter and writer of heavenly history, Raphael; the healer and Casstiel; the destiny weaver of all mortal creation were two others.
The highest of the highest ranked celestials after the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Michael sat at the head of the golden thrones, to his immediate right and left were Gabriel and his formal mentor Casstiel with one of his pet lions lying at his feet, the others he didn’t know, during his youth he was among the only archangel made, as their Unique nature didn’t allow for many to be made during a short period of time.
“Arise, fury of God.” Came Michael’s deep voice, which rumbled like thunder.
“I am not worthy, Michael.” Uriel responded.
“You have exceeded our expectations Uriel. You indeed are not less worthy than any of us.” Casstiel said, his voice laced with pride, letting Uriel know he wasn’t disappointed with him.
Rising he met the gazes of the archangels in the room. He could understand now the feeling Eagle had told him, that came with his presence. He might be older than some of them but that didn’t mean he could take them on. Power in the angelic world as with most didn’t come from age, rather came from service and closeness to the grace of the Father, both of which he and the angels on earth were far from, thus their inability to evolve for the thousands and centuries they had worked the earth.
“If I may speak freely?” Uriel said, looking straight at Michael. He might be a pup in the eyes of the archangel who had led one of the greatest battles against evil and won, but he was an archangel and would be an insult for him to act cowardly, not out of pride but out of nature.
“You can.” The archangel said.
“I don’t understand why I am here.”
“Yes, indeed, life has many mysteries, the afterlife more than so.” Michael said.
Uriel wasn’t still following.
“Just before your death.” Gabriel began in a voice that sounded nothing like the archangel he was, but then he was said to have been created with so much elegance, the likes of which had never been or would ever be graced to angel kin. “The father delivered me a message. Yes, it is true that you trespass against several rules when you descended to earth without a mission. Not only did you go without a mission, you placed yourself in harm’s way and the power you carry, however when you didn’t join the others and seek out Lucifer’s help we were . . .  surprise.”
Uriel didn’t know what to make of Gabriel’s admission. He just couldn’t place the council of Seraphim’s and surprised in one sentence.
“An archangel on earth without a mission is bond to find one in the end, for this is our nature Uriel.” Raphael stated. “You might be the only archangel to walk the earth now, but a few have gone before you in the end the all turned either to the kingdom of evil or for himself as we have seen from the other realms. We waited and watched you for any sign that you will fall.”
“For the record, I knew you wouldn’t.” Casstiel interjected and the others gave him a look that told them they didn’t approve.
“We get your believe in your ward but we are running out of time.” Michael said, “Do not interrupt again brother.”
Casstiel just gave Uriel a look that told him there was nothing Michael could do about it.
“You were able to maintain the path of light, your prayer in times of trials, faith in time of hopelessness, believes when everything spoke to what you were taught, hymns that bring the father to tears, humility when you held the power to bend the will of man to your will, as most have done, in most of the mortal realms, were enough to overlook all your transgressions. Even the father has taken interest in you, Uriel.”
“Me?” Uriel asked
“Yes. You, Uriel. The father gave humans freewill to choose their path in their lifetime, but even those choice are options given by the dominions of nature, we celestials we make our own choices, we have the absolute free will that is why the punishment we get for falling is also absolute. The exile of the angels from heaven is not a final sentence but a test, just as purgatory is to the humans who were unable to prove the father’s love on themselves during their mortal life. Exile is a second chance before the final Judgment. Sadly it is against the rule to inform the exiled of this sentence.” Michael said.
“You have been given the chance to make your choice once again. To remain here in heaven, train and lead your own battalion of angels, or return to the world of men.  A new era of angels are to be made and you can be one of the few to bring up the new celestial as we feel you have so much to share with their young minds, to stop them from going astray as thousands of their brethren have done, or you could return to earth.” Raphael said.
This was too much. Uriel was overwhelmed with gratitude and love, divine, pure love. “Something he couldn’t explain and even if he could most wouldn’t understand. He was always a celestial intrigued with life and to watch that in its purest of forms grow, teaching creatures that would one day fly across the vast expanse of the golden city was just too much.
He burned bright with a fierce loyalty he never knew existed within him, up until that moment. Earth, however needed him more than heaven did; if he remained here in heaven what would happen to his friends and family on earth. He needed to go back, needed to see this through with Jopel, needed to keep guiding as many soul to the light as he could and in turn keep learning about the light that had once called him across the galaxy, across the void, and the was also Bonnie.
His heart sang at the thought of her. Confusion clouded his good mood, for it was heavenly law not to crave the desires of the flesh, yet even he had fallen for that sin, although he wouldn’t change anything even if he was given a second chance. So he had to ask.
“The warden . . .?”
“Once you are exiled, your essence will need a soul, it will all be cleared when the time comes, Uriel, for now all you need to know is that you have done nothing wrong by joining with the nephilum.”
One of the new Seraphim cleared his throat just as Uriel was still absorbing the news that he had not actually sinned against heaven and the fact that Bonnie was also a nephilium. “Have you reached your decision, Uriel?”
Uriel gave him a weak smile and a firm nod. “Yes.” Then turned to Michael. “Send me to earth.”
The reaction in the room were mixed, from surprise to shock to indifferent, but only one expression mattered to him and that was Casstiel, and when he looked at his formal master and teacher all he sure was pride and understanding which seemed to mirror those of the older archangels.
“You will be facing a life without knowing what outcome awaits you. Without the memory or hope you feel now, every memory will be taken of this moment.” One of the archangels whose eyes seemed to be constantly glowing said. He had heard of the archangel who was blessed with the gift of foresight. His name was Remael of the old era.
“You will settle being a minor archangel, when you could move up the ranks here in heaven?” asked another whose voice boomed with the same thunder as Michael’s.
“Yes. I am the fury of God and I do not need to be anything more than that.”
“The building seemed to glow in acknowledgment and he could tell that that wasn’t supposed to happen with the look of surprise on the council faces.
Michael smiled. “You make eternity worthwhile.” he said. Return fury of God and continue your mission. This darkness will pass, though more are to come, heaven is with you.
“I have prepared a little gift for you, Uriel.” Castiel said just as Ashroon appeared beside Uriel.
“I will be watching you child of heaven.” Ashroon said, and with that he was propelled back into his body. The first thing that came to mind was the sobering and the smell of battle just before the gift his Guide and friend had talked about. Power.

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