Chapter 10

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Sensual, that was all she could think about as he strolled towards her, the rays from the evening sun seeming to meet his features at the right angle as if to drive home the point. Her heart began to drum in her ears and her palm felt damp with every step he took towards her.

Get a grip, Bonnie, your pathetic, you barely know the guy. Her scolding seemed to work and cleared her lust haze a little as he came to stand a few feet away from her.

“Good evening Archangel.” she said in form of greeting and was glad at this point that she could still make coherent words.

He gave her a smile and she was a goner. This time she didn’t scold herself. Hell, her restrain not to jump on him was what getting a price for.
“Please just call me Uriel.” He offered.
“How may I help you?” she asked, not knowing what else to say, she needed to keep them talking and her brain busy.
“I needed to talk to you and you didn’t leave me with much option at Jopel’s office.” He looked at his watch before their gazes met again. “Have you had dinner yet?”

“Yes.” Her eyes widened in realization of two things. One was that he had asked such a question and secondly was the fact that she had said the truth when she had meant to lie, just for effect.

She closed her eyes and exhaled. This was getting old. “Please stop with the truth thing.”

“I’m not doing anything to you, I promise.”


She believed him. If he was lying her Valkyrie powers would have detected it, so far she wasn’t getting the lying vibe from him. What did this mean; the fact that she was unable to lie to someone even when she wanted to, was one of the telltale sign of a Valkyrie’s bond with her mate. The fact that her Valkyrie flared inside her with just the thought made her believe herself even more. She wished she could mentally ask her Valkyrie but couldn’t, it spoke to her when it wanted to and right now it was quiet, observing the archangel in front of her.

“Please do not take over my body and do weird things with him.” she pleaded with the power inside her, she wasn’t sure that was possible but mating could be tricky when it came to her kind.

“I promise I wouldn’t ask you any questions until you give me permission to.” Uriel offered holding his arms up.

Crap, why would he say that? Did he know what she was? And why was he going to do that for her. When he could ask her anything and she would be spilling out her guts. Did he really care that much about her control, most of the angels she knew didn’t really care about what happened to the mortal lives, and for someone as powerful as himself… He was the first. Her heart warmed. Maybe archangels were different or maybe it was just him. Either way, she relaxed a bit.

“Do you mind coming inside.” Bonnie asked as she began making it up the steps that led into the building.

“Yes it will be my pleasure.” Uriel responded following her, she never gave a stranger, especially one as powerful as Uriel her back but she knew deep down he wouldn’t hurt her, even if he wanted to he wouldn’t sneak up on her, it just didn’t seem as his style, Jopel’s maybe but not the archangel. She saw something in him she didn’t see in the dominion, honor.
All through their ride toward her floor in the elevator she was aware of him, his scent, warm and comforting yet not taking from the power he carried inside, even without effort he felt so, very powerful. In that moment she made a mental note never to be on opposite side of this archangel.

“You have a nice home.” Uriel acclaimed as they walked in seconds later into her apartment and she could feel his eyes taking in the room. It wasn’t as remotely sophisticated as the homes of the angels in the city, but something about his praise told her he truly appreciated it, and that made her feel happy and proud.

“Thank you.” Bonnie answered with a smile as she gestured for him to take one of the comfy couches. “Do you drink?” Bonnie asked, she had worked once for an angel who didn’t take anything liquid, except water and tea.

“Yes I do.” Uriel replied, a smile in his voice.

Easy and comfortable to talk to, she mentally noted.

“So you watch Mount Shell from here . . .?” Bonnie saw his eyes widen and she thought for a moment he found the idea of that uncomfortable, but his next words confirmed that she was wrong; Mount Shell was not going to be taking her building because she had a good view of the tallest building in the city. “Sorry I asked. You’re not compelled to answer that?”

Bonnie handed him a glass, she was careful not to make their hands touch, and settled down on the other side of the couch. “Yes I admire the view of watching the angels take flight in the different colors of wings.” She froze. Too much information. Too much truth, but she had answered on her own; it was a deliberate action on her part. “So what did you want to talk to me about?” She figured work would do the trick, at least enough to occupy her thoughts and drive the dirty thoughts that she was having of all the things the archangel could do to her.

Obliged or not she would have to answer every question he asked if he was truly her mate. Maybe he didn’t know much about her kind like she thought, or maybe he knew nothing about her kind at all and was just being sensitive.

“First I want you to know you have nothing to fear from me.”

She raised an eye brow “Why do you think I am afraid of you?” Was she? He was an archangel; she had every reason to be afraid. He could make her vanish with just the flick of his finger, she thought or something else equally fear worthy. Why was she getting turned on by that? Was she that crazy? She knew she was far from normal but this. . .

“Well from your body language at Mount Shell, I could tell you were afraid.”

“Of Jopel, yes, but of you, not so much.”

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