Chapter 27

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About a dozen bodies littered the front of the building, majority of them were on the small field in front of the two story building, their blood coating the surrounding green grass, giving them a daunting scene. The three SUV’s reeked with bullets. Cops sealed off the area preventing the humans, who stood on the other end taking pictures, video and pointing.
Their attention turned towards her with her hard landing. Her wings to be exact. The cops turned on her just as the flash light began going off from the gathering crowd.
She ignored them and rather focused on the bodies, when she noticed them coming towards her, she turned to tell them to do their job, and keep the humans out of the scene when she noticed it. Some of them, she realized with a rush of adrenaline were Empurias, young empurias in relative terms. They all charged at her.
Her Valkyrie flared to life. This was the second time empurias were charging at her in one morning. It didn’t like that. She didn’t have time for this. She let her fury burn. Her eyes took on a bright blue.
“I’m on my way.” She heard Uriel’s voice in her head just as she gave two successive blows to the last Empurias head, sending him into unconsciousness. Taking out her blade, she immediately took off the head of the empuria from its body, in a confirmation that he wouldn’t be causing any more trouble. All the while, the flash light went on, but now it was just a hand full of people, those that had remained and had not run when the empurias had begun fighting dirty or when she had gotten dirtier taking off their heads.
She ran inside tugging in her wings at the half destroyed front door.
Uriel followed Bonnie scent. The Empurias and wardens, no matter how skilled they were, they were no match for him, however, from the way the moved, and attacked, he knew Jopel had not come up with his sick plan overnight. Uriel saw the world descending into chaos, could feel it from every corner of the realm, it wasn’t just happening in the city but worldwide, no doubt making sure any angel who would come to his aid was preoccupied.
As he landed, he connected with Reuben and the others, the might have still been in Greel city but he could still reach them and convey his message to them, even if they couldn’t reply, their powers not being able to breach the long distance. “Jopel has begun his attack.”
“We’ve seen the news.” Judea has mobilized the troop to protect the city and is leading another squad to Los Angelis. Jopel seems to be drawing out the supernatural to light, and I think the humans can see the angels now as well.” Reuben spoke back, which meant he was close, or already in the city. A quick inquiry of their location and he was told all three of his judges were almost in the city.
“I suspected as much.” Uriel said, tugging in his wings and angelic armor to conserve his energy for when it was really needed.
“We saw Bonnie… on the news…I thought the Valkyrie’s were extinct and couldn’t retract their wings too.”
She has Valkyrie blood running through her vain, but I suspect she has an angelic father or at least a blood line of a celestial.” Uriel knew his explanation was concise, and not quite what he thought, not fully. The ability to retract wings was limited to the archangels, and the angelic race of the deities. So, either her father, or his blood line were of the first race of angels, who were all rumor to be no more, or she was a daughter, spawn of a powerful nephilium, with an archangel for a father, or her father was indeed the archangel. How any of that was possible, he had no idea. So far he was the only archangel exiled from the heaven who wasn’t a fallen, and he had not sired any children over the course of his long life.
Who then? That was a question he would be having some other time. Right now the world needed him to be the archangel, and put an end to the madness, which this time came in the form of five power hungry dominions.
“Be careful. You might encounter resistance preventing you from entering the city. I need to be somewhere else right now. Bonnie needs me.”
“That isn’t going to be a problem, rest assured sire.” Reuben said.
Bonnie had just explained how she’d taken down a half a dozen empurias, as her injuries were closing up in front of the confused wardens, when Uriel walked in. Gone was the armor he had been wearing when she had left. He was back to just the jean and shirt. Even without the armor, wings, and sword, he still looked lethal.
“Archangel.” Bonnie said, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of him. She turned to her friends to introduce them, and hopefully, get a control of her desire to go into his arms. Her mouth quacked up when she saw that the women were all in different stages of appraising the man in front of them. Even her very married, pregnant friend was drooling.
“Everyone, this is Uriel. He is with me.” She added for good measure, coming between Uriel and her friends.
“Is he one of Jopel’s.” Mirabel asked.
“Where are his wings?” Minx asked.
“He is an archangel.” Bonnie said, and watched her sister’s in arm eyes go wide. “He is able to retract his wings.”
“He is the one who will stop the dominions.” Cheryl asked eyeing Uriel weary, something Bonnie herself would have done if she hadn’t felt and seen glimpses of his own power.
“With the grace of the father I will.” Uriel said.
“What can we do to help?” Mirabel asked.
Uriel was tempted to just telling the wardens to stay out of his way, but this wasn’t just his fight. This was a fight to save humanity, and humanity needed to play their own part in their salvation. Besides, he knew from the few times he had worked with them over the thousand years, that the order of the warden were as brave as they were stubborn. And if these women were anything like Bonnie, they wouldn’t listen to him, archangel or not.
“I noticed the empurias have gone on a spree, you will have to clean the streets and help the civilians, a squad of my men are on their way, they will help you, and I will handle the Dominions.”
“I am coming with you.” Bonnie said, ignoring the looks that her friends sent her way.
“No Bonnie, you will join the cleanup with the other wardens and get your friend to safety.”
“I am coming with you.” Bonnie asserted, this time more firmly. She wasn’t going to let him go into the lion’s den alone. Her friends took the cue and all made excuses to leave a confrontation that was none of their business.
“I will be fine. All the dominions will do will be physical.” He said, walking up to her and cupping her cheek in his hands. She closed her eyes to the warms of his arm, which seemed to travel through her body, in a passionate caress. “I will heal, but if anything should happen to you…” She opened her eyes and meets his stare. “From that, I will not recover.”
“You know they are no longer regular dominions, Uriel. Will you really be okay?” she asked.
Was he going to be? He had gone up against evil, but she was right this was different. Dominions were among a rank of very powerful angels on the middle heaven, and his enemies were as old, some older than he was. He was just hoping that his fury would be enough. For archangels; whether it was a minor archangel like himself, a seraphim, cherubim, or throne, they were still heaven’s most lethal weapons ever made. He just had to pray for the best.
“I wouldn’t let Jopel and the others enslave the people of earth Bonnie.”
She wanted to point out he hadn’t answered her question, but saw the shadow that crossed his eyes and the emotions he was giving off. She just smiled, touching his lips with her fingers, remembering the night they had shared. “Please come back to me, Uriel. I have just found you…”
“I will try to stay alive now that I have a reason to.”
Uriel had been right. The Empurias had been rampaging; by the time they had gotten Cheryl, who had argued that she could still fight and her husband to a safe house. The wardens regrouped, restocked and went to war.
As the tore through the chaos, which had over thrown the city defenses, Bonnie couldn’t help but noticed how easy it was, taking out their enemies. It wasn’t just because they were been backed by Reuben army of empurias or Judea angelic battalion. Their enemies, she realized were not what she’d expected.
Yes, they were Empurias, but too young to stand a good chance, even though most had already been bloated with the power of feeding rampantly from the humans. Some of them could barely hold their attack, which meant they had reserved the best, in this case, the older empurias at Mount Shell.
Though being airborne could serve as a big deal of help for Uriel, and the battalion Judea had led to provide backup, they weren’t just battling against the Empurias but the angels, and with all the dominions in the city, they would be nothing short of a hundred pairs of wings in the sky.
She wanted to chase after him, to fight alongside him, but she knew she would only get in his way. She could tell, that was the way he felt through their bond he’d projected without knowing, when Minx had asked what they could do to help, he’d more or less wanted to tell them to stay out of the fight.
The second time had been when he’d told her he would try to survive. He was afraid. No. Uriel didn’t fear, he just had his doubts, with all the odd not being in his favor, she told herself.
A shadow flashed in front of her, just as the empurias charging in front of her cried out in agony, as they met the judgment of Eagle’s blade as he took off their arms clean. In all her life she’d never seen an empuria move so fast, and he wasn’t that old, she could tell.
“You are distracted, warden.” Eagle said, coming to stand in front of her.
“No I’m not.” Bonnie lied, expurgating an empuria who had charged for her, hoping to stop Eagle from prying further.
“We all are concerned about Uriel, you know that right?” Eagle asked.
“I don’t like the way he went alone.”
“Judea has gone after him.”
Was that supposed to make her feel better? “Judea is just an angel, without the numbers they dominions clearly have.”
“He was trained by an archangel. Believe me, he might be just a warrior angel but he is a power in his own right. He has stood up against far greater powers before.”
Was he serious? She knew the angel who ruled over Uriel’s earthly city was powerful, and was surprise to learn he was just a warrior angel when she had thought him to be at least a stronghold.
“Trust Uriel. He knows what he is doing.”
Bonnie nodded and offered a weak smile, although she could see the statement was more to reassure him then to assure her.

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